Consequences for player killing

  • @x5h3ar3rx The only personal attack was the fact I called someone bully boy which is sailor slang for friend, seeing as we are playing a game set in a time period that is about 15 to 17th century vessels.

    I didn't twist my words around or dropped nonsense. If you could not follow along, that is not my fault. I believe you and Reedski were the only two people in this thread that could not follow along with what I was saying nor could even attempt to try to understand it. Now, stop trying to inflame by posting almost 4 hours after the thread had reached it's climax and the conversation had stopped and bringing this back to life to cause problems.

  • @shinten-rai
    Please! 😂

    1. We are not playing a game.. we are on a forum thread! You also were calling people entitled, cry babies and toxic!
    2. Multiple times you quoted utter nonsense that was never even said!
    3. You have judged other people on how you think they play when you don't have a clue!
    4. I already told you I understand what you are saying fully, but I don't agree with you! Sorry 🙄
    5. I think you are tripping inside your head. "Quote taken from yourself to me in your first reply"

    Peace out! I hope I run into you on the seas! Arrrrrrrr! ☠

  • @shinten-rai The only way that I would support PVE servers is if they didn't get any credit towards being a pirate legend. Why should should PVE players who play without any risks deserve to be classed as legends - what have they done to deserve this honour. Solo PVE takes no skill and has no real risk.

  • @salvasian-au Well the AI threats are not enough of a risk? Those would not be taken out of a PvE server. You can also play a session of SoT and not see anyone for the whole session. So I mean, would that make the persons achievements not worth while simply because there was no ship hovering in the distance even on the adventure mode? I have played so many rounds of SoT and I barely see anyone else in the server(s) cause I normally get server merged about 2 or 3 times during my sessions. But then the people you do encounter only have a one track mind from the hive mentality of the community, and will just roll up and attack without trying to engage the other crew first.

    There is no OP item you can get from a PvE server. It is only cosmetics and gold. The fact people are so opposed to that is astonishing to me. Why chase away portions of the community simply because of that? It is rather silly but makes really depressing when you realize these people are serious over the fact that they feel that if you play on a PvE server, you can't get any type of reward. Over cosmetics.


  • @shinten-rai To be fair, there is risk for the attacker; their pride can be the cause of their own failure.
    If they pick the wrong sloop, and get whooped (it does happen), they look like hapless idiots.
    I realize that, particularly when picking on new players, the odds are heavily against the smaller ship if. It's being attacked by a larger, more experienced crew, but it's not always an instant loss.

  • I'd find it cool if there were wanted posters and a brief description of were you were last seen mabye a small bounty. I think that would be great

  • I would like this too. It makes sense that you could create a bounty.

    My suggestion: if a player is killed by another player (and only then), they can talk to a tavern lady and pay some gold, any amount they choose. In exchange, the tavern lady hangs a 'wanted' poster on the wall of her tavern, including the face of the wanted pirate and the username of the player. Other players could come across this poster and try to collect to bounty. The bounty would be the amount the player paid the tavern lady. The moment they kill the wanted person, the money is added to their account. It would make the game so much more interesting!

  • The Lopsidedness of this discussion is incredible.
    1 vote for the OP as opposed to the 11 votes the first reaction saying no gets.

    I could say it's a pirate game, it's an open world PvPvE game again like so many times before and so many people before me (and with this I technically have)

    But I see you complain about people killing you as soon as you get in range. I kinda get this a lot.
    While people see me as a PvP player on the forums (mostly because I defend the status quo) I'm really passive. There's one thing I won't ever let anyone do and that's sneak up on me.
    I don't really care that you fly an alliance flag, I don't care that your intentions are good. If you approach my ship and don't react to my calls for a diversion of your course and you don't even utter a single word you will get shot out of the water. It's nothing personal but it's just me and my crew defending our loot, our ship and our supplies.

    I've had many encounters where we sunk a ship and they complain about being friendly. If you're friendly don't stay silent for ages and don't sail directly into the broadside of a galleon.

    Your "Karma" system would do more harm then good. The game isn't an omnipotent system that knows everything people are thinking. It doesn't know that I shot first in self defense. So why would I deserve Kraken Megladon and Skeleton ship attacks for defending myself? The same goes for bounty systems, it's not in the game because it can and will be abused and it would break most of the game.

    It sounds to me like you've got some things yet to learn. My advice is to group up for a change. Get together with some fresh strangers and start a galleon. Get a feel for this vessel and it's handling, try a brigantine see how it functions as well, you'll encounter some Solo sloopers who will kick you in the rear quarters while being 1v4. Solo play is an afterthought, the sloop wasn't even part of the game untill players told Rare that they wanted to play with 2 or even by themselves. It's not the way the game was meant to be played and I don't think any change would ever be made in that regard.
    I'm not saying you should stop solo slooping. I'm saying you should at least try to play the game with others and otherwise man up a bit and accept that you chose to be alone versus crews of 2/3/4

  • We already have consequences. For those who kill the consequence is living with guilt. For those who are dead the consequence is to discover that we have eternal life while we can leave the Ferry of the Damned.

  • @princes-lettuce So, say you are sitting at an island and a player is trying to sneak onto your ship! You kill him but now YOU have a bounty for protecting your ship! There would be far to many situations were this would trigger onto the defender and not the attacker.. I still think it is a fun idea though!

  • @x5h3ar3rx said in Consequences for player killing:

    @princes-lettuce So, say you are sitting at an island and a player is trying to sneak onto your ship! You kill him but now YOU have a bounty for protecting your ship! There would be far to many situations were this would trigger onto the defender and not the attacker.. I still think it is a fun idea though!

    good point. I guess it needs some fine tuning :)

  • @princes-lettuce There are many factors for sure.. but I really like the idea of a bounty system that's for sure!

  • you guys know that this game is a pirate game right?. do you guys think the pirates in the world would stop sinking ship because they ask them to stop? guys be real okey look at the name of the game Sea of THIEVES. not Sea of Friends or anything like that. if you see one just kill them befor they kill you? how hard can it be. this with pve servers and things are so bad just look at the games name and tell me if you find anything in the name that says Friendly or Alliance.... read some history about pirates and you will find what they did on the seas... sorry for my poor english just wanted to say what i think

  • @muddogg83 I need no reason to try to sink your ship. I just need to be in the mood to do so.

  • @shinten-rai No the AI is not a risk, players should learn very quickly how to dispatch all AI threats (on both land and sea). They are a great distraction and source of loot but they are not a threat.

    In relation to not encountering another player, sure that happens (sadly all too often, which is a reason I don't think Rare should be splitting the player base) but that does not mean that there isn't any risk, it just means that you have been lucky and the risks did not eventuate.

    I genuinely do not see why if there were PVE servers that players on those servers should get an credit towards being a pirate legend, what are they legendary at after all, hiding from threats and true competition? No issues if you want to grind to PL in a normal server and avoid PVP, hey I would say that makes you even more legendary as you accept all the risk without the benefit of loot from PVP. But to simply grind the game against AI, what is the challenge, you would be safe on islands (very rare that an AI ship will attack you if you are at an island) and basically safe on the seas; anyone could reach PL it would just be a matter of time.

    Maybe the title for reaching PL on a PVE server could be: "Not a Real Pirate Legend" or "Pretend Pirate Legend". I could support that!

  • @muddogg83 I agree to a point, not on the people need punishment! But I would actually love for RARE to make private servers for friends who like the PVE and other aspects of the game, other than the homicidal maniacs that just like to spawn camp you and laugh as you say "friendly" only to have them kill you over and over, ruining your fun for the session when you have NO LOOT and all you want to do is relax and enjoy the beauty that is this game! Yes, the game is "PVP" based but then why do they have "PVE" aspects? If it were simplely PVP then it would be ALL arena ALL the time! I do have to admit, I have met some COOL people while trying to enjoy the game, as it's called "Sea of Thieves" not "Sea of !#$holes!" ... Sure, Pirates steal! But they STEAL!! Not murder everything that strifes! It does get a bit tiring, yes... I am a PVE player, but when someone has LOOT!! The PVP in me comes out even more so when they're doing a fort and I get that itch! But if a player say "HI" to me the first thing I do is say "HI" back and converse! INTERACT!! Not just pull out my blunder and murder them over and over... THAT is not the game :( #JustTypin #StayAwesome

  • @Quartermasters necro

  • I would hate a karma system and it wouldn't make sense.

    Pvp should be encouraged, not punished.

  • @Musicmee Isn't reviving dead posts against the rules?

  • @travis354 what is it with people lately? This is like the 3rd day in a row I've seen a 2 year old thread revive.

  • @bronzeinquiztor said in Consequences for player killing:

    @travis354 what is it with people lately? This is like the 3rd day in a row I've seen a 2 year old thread revive.

    Its always people that have only been active for a few days on the forums.

  • the consequences of pirating someone is

    having less supply since you used them on a ship

    and you have a chance to take your loot back depending on where you sunk

  • As this thread was well over a year old and revived today, it will now be locked.

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