How to find the megladon?

  • Does any one know how to find the megldon I’ve found it a few time randomly but it doesn’t attack and if I hit it even with a pistol it runs any suggestions

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  • @rsegamer13 They randomly spawn. So there’s no specific way to get them to come out per say.
    And they have different behaviours, some are agressive while others may be passive.

  • @rsegamer13
    Hello Mr Rsegamer13, there is no official way to summon a Megalodonodon , but i know that she likes Mongolian throatsinging a lot ( * Ow, Jezus , stop playing with people's feet , moron, it only worked twice , and they called it flukes ...dufus). Most Megalodonodons get angry when shot upon, but you also have to look to where you are sailing, Sir...To close to an Island or Fortress can make Meggi run .We found the Ancient Terror Meg , three times before we could kill it, two times it runned away from us because it was scared of our Greatlooking , manly Pirates ( * Duuuufuuuuus....It ran because it couldn't stand your awful accent anymore...manly Pirate character...Hah, don't make me laugh, you look like a wimp...Oh, just like in real life ...hhehehehe , moron)

  • The Hungering one and Crested Queen have no specific part of the map where they spawn more than another.

    Redmaw I find has a higher rate from Maruders Arch down to Ancient Spire and inside the Devils Roar.

    Ancient One I find has a higher rate between Lone Cove and Dagger Tooth Outpost and all the way south.

    This is from my experience with them and I have yet to hunt the ghost down at least once thus far having explored the entire map edge to edge and every nautical mile in between pretty much each and every day since the start of shrouded spoils this is including in and around fog at each point.

    Shrouded Ghost is just like the first two as there is no general location thus far due to the extreme low spawn rate set on it.

  • @rsegamer13 when you see the meg throw the anchor down and/or put the sails up so you can kill him...that's the best way
    I assume that you always came near an island or a rock, the meg leaves when this happens

  • You do not find the Megalodon, the Megalodon finds you...

  • @rsegamer13 Good suggestions from everyone! Your best chance is to be in open water. The megs will retreat once you get close to a land mass so I would stay clear of islands if you are on the hunt for a meg.

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