Fix the sword lunge cheat

  • If people like to move faster in the water than add something else like diving. But the sword lunge is ruining the quality of the game. Ship to ship combat is not what it should be if 3 out of 4 people are lunging at my sloop from thier gallion while I’m attacking. Lol funny and sad. But seriously what kind of fight is that? Board a ship and fight wit guns and swords or actually fight with your ship. If the ship comes close enough, bring em on. They are welcome to jump onto my ship. I’ll be waiting. That sounds like a battle.

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  • You can count me in for the side that doesn't want it altered. I like being able to move through the water quickly when I'm moving supplies from island to ship.

  • I personally like it. It seems to have been an unintended side effect, not really a cheat, that turned into a feature that almost everyone I have played with uses regularly. I dread thinking about having to slowly traverse from my ship to an island without it.

  • Not happening, the developers have already said its staying, even though it was originally unintended.

  • @muhuhaha23

    The sword lunge is not a glitch but an approved feature. The interaction with water was not designed, but during playtesting discovered and the team decided it was a good addition.

    No need to keep talking about it as if it is a bug or issue that they want to fix. Stop spreading misinformation, it isn't a glitch it is a Rare accepted and approved feature. Not everything in games are created on a drawing board, that isn't how programming works and is fairly common practice. Some of the most iconic features in games were made by accident.

    They are coming near enough to fight you... else they wouldn't be able to lunge at you. It isn't like the range is endless.

    Learn the ranges of the different aspects in the game, learn the mechanics and become a better pirate.

    This isn't feedback, it just is complaining about a game mechanic that you don't understand or underestimate when you position your ship in battle.

    Knowing the ins and outs of the game and their ability to use them is what distinguishes the sailors from the pirates and the pirate legends.

  • if they can add a new mechanics like a loose rope to swing, then yes i would be more comfortable if it were removed. until then, its here to stay.

    this is not to say that i disagree with the points you made nor does it mean that your points are not legit. in fact i completely agree, it seems like battles are determined by who can board the other ship first with this accidental feature.

    its just that people need compensation for its removal first and foremost. because it makes reaching islands and undersea looting easier with it.

  • instead of fixing it I swear they made it into a key movement in the game by intentionally not removing it

  • At this point I feel that the sword lunge and all its qualities are well established parts of the game. ship to ship combat is exactly what it should be...for sea of thieves. love it or hate it, its part of what makes this game so special.

  • @mysticdragon297 said in Fix the sword lunge cheat:

    this is not to say that i disagree with the points you made nor does it mean that your points are not legit. in fact i completely agree, it seems like battles are determined by who can board the other ship first with this accidental feature.

    The sword lunge is not responsible for this, as it can and is done without it - either by dropping off your ship and catching the ladder of the chasing ship, or shooting nearby using a cannon. Battles are determined by boarding because its nearly impossible to sink another ship that has a decent crew without it. In order to change that, they would need to change the bucket bailing rate or the water per hole rate.

  • When I first saw it, I had problems with the lunge, but now I honestly can't imagine the game without it.

    I would love to see a high dive maneuver where you hit the left trigger when jumping from a high spot into the water that gives you equal or more movement, but kills you if you hit ground.

  • @captain-arcanic I’ve always wanted to be able to execute a perfect swan dive from the cliffs, rather than just clumsily jump in. The sword lunge is fairly impressive, though.

  • Sir you are quite mistaken! There is no cheat involved. Obviously you read something of the technique’s history. Obviously you either did not read or chose to ignore it is a part of the game.

    That is the thing with gameplay in Sea of Thieves being so organic. Sometimes things just spring to life the devs did not even planned for. Just like Meg surfacing into the middle of skeleton fleet battles months back.

    These little things that have grown out of the game functioning on its own have become a natural part of what you find in our special little world. You want to be a pirate right? You have come to the sea like the rest of us. Be more pirate. Learn the art of the lunge. Don’t hate it, embrace it!

  • @x-crowheart-x said in Fix the sword lunge cheat:

    Just like Meg surfacing into the middle of skeleton fleet battles months back.

    Wait, so that was a bug?

  • @personalc0ffee said in Fix the sword lunge cheat:

    @x-crowheart-x said in Fix the sword lunge cheat:

    Just like Meg surfacing into the middle of skeleton fleet battles months back.

    Wait, so that was a bug?

    Nope a fortunate coincidence.

  • @muhuhaha23 First off this is a bug not a cheat. This bug has been known about since the begining and is caused do a flaw within the Game Engine itself and how it works with PhysX Engine addon.
    There have be long discussions about this and it's already been decided that this bug shall remain as a feature. Rare already said they will continue to monitor this bug but have declared it not to be gamebreaking or unbalanced so as for now the matter is considered closed untill further notice.

  • @genuine-heather said in Fix the sword lunge cheat:

    @captain-arcanic I’ve always wanted to be able to execute a perfect swan dive from the cliffs, rather than just clumsily jump in. The sword lunge is fairly impressive, though.

    I was on a cliff the other day and did the sword lunge. When I hit the water I was still moving fast. Not sure if I can repeat it, I think I just happened to be at the right spot at the right time to do it.

  • So......... we can suspend belief that you can fire yourself out of a cannon at another ship 4 boat lengths away, but sword surfing is right out........hmmmm.........interesting.

  • @elysianlegion89 said in Fix the sword lunge cheat:

    I like cutless surfing. Plus it takes a bit of skill to use it to board a ship. A little to close and you can't grab the ladder and a little to far and you won't make it to the ship.

    Ohh, I like that name. Might have to start calling it that myself :P Might change it to "Sword Surfing" for that alliteration though :)

  • This reminds me of "skiing" back with the original Tribes game back in the day. An unintended fluke of coding producing a result that helps the game in a big way. Taking it out would be silly.

  • It's a "happy accident" made by the devs and acknowledged by them as such and it's here to stay.
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