Shrouded Ghost Megalodon is WAY too rare

  • Yes, it is supposed to be rare. Yes, I like rare things. But this is even more rare than the Box of Wondrous Secrets, and there are commendations locked behind it! Remember when people complained that the banana crate achievement/commendation was too hard? Well good luck completing the commendation for killing a bunch of Ghost Megalodons as a Pirate Legend when there have only been a small few spotted by the entire playerbase in 5 days!

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  • @personalc0ffee Agreed. Especially now that the doubloons can be earned whenever, I don't think the newer BRA commendations will or should reflect the need to immediately complete them like previous BRA commendations.

    I haven't found it either but I am not too worried. I am excited that there is something to look forward to finding with the commendations.

  • its only been like 5 days... why is everyone in such a rush to finish all the content so quickly. Just have fun with the game, it will show itself soon.

  • @personalc0ffee A bit of patience? Ok, consider this. Lets estimate that 2% of the playerbase would record finding something so rare. Thats a low number, considering the built in tools. With 2 posts of actually finding the beast, thats about 100 that were found in the past 4 days. If we say that, since its a new update, we had at LEAST 100,000 players play for an hour each day, then the average amount of hours it would take to find one is 4000 hours. And there is a commendation for killing one- and at tier 2, you have to kill 5. Next levels I am unsure of, but I am assuming it follows the other Pirate Legend Megalodon kill commendations which will require many, I could guess at least 50, for the tier 5 commendation. So please, tell me why I am not being patient for not wanting to wait 4000 hours multiple times to get the Ghost Meg to spawn.

  • @enticed-malice See my above reply. It is WAY too low of a spawn rate to even expect to see 1 in years of gameplay.

  • I suggest to sail often in the Devil's Roar.

  • @ionei-falcon See my reply above, it statistically will take you years of gameplay to find a single one.

  • if im not mistaken, doesnt that meg only show itself while in the fog?

  • @ant-heuser-kush What world do you live in that 4,000 hours for a commendation, and then many more sets of that for the pirate legend one, is reasonable?

  • This is the thing that tarnishes commendations - a sense of over-eagerness. Especially when there are actual rewards (cosmetics) tied to them.

    This game is PERFECT for having extraordinarily rare things to potentially discover/do/accomplish. And such things shouldn't be judged in a short course of time.

    Part of me wants to unlock all the things... especially the ship captain commendations (because I have turned SO MANY of those in prior to this, so I sort of want to mad rush and remove that offense, haha), but these commendations are so much better as just things that may, or may not, be accomplished over the life of your pirate's voyages.

    I think they should add some hidden commendations in, with hidden rewards that'll only appear once we accomplish them. Not a lot of these things... just some special stuff to add to this unique game world experience - and prevent that particular accomplishment and reward being seen as something that must be done, and done within a timely fashion.

    Best to relax... see what happens on the sea.

  • Haven't found it either, nor the Box of Wondrous Secrets. Ah well, all in good time...

  • @txcrnr my crew and I just played for 24 hrs , slept for 5 and have been playing now for 6 hrs .. we have run across two players with the title .. we have come across every meg accept the shrouded one .. have beat kraken a handful of times

  • @txcrnr and more them 50% of the player base doesn't use the forums, so you need to factor them in.
    Then you need to think about the 15% player base that don't even know what it is, or even bother attacking it.
    Then there's the people that DO use the forums, and did defeat it, but didn't bother posting.
    Rare watches the stats, and they will adjust if needed

  • @txcrnr

    The Shrouded Ghost is way too RARE?

  • @ant-heuser-kush You must be mistaken. I don't mean 4000 hours of on and off playing. I mean 4000 hours actually spent playing the game. Do you realize how much time that is? To find just one, the estimate there has you playing 4 hours a day for 3 years. And there is a commendation for finding multiple, possibly up to 50+.

  • @lawnpaul I searched all across the internet for clips and found 2. The numbers I am using are an estimate, yes, but do you realize how much I am lowballing playerbase to compensate? 100,000 players an hour a day is about 2,000 active players at any time- I am using a low estimate and I still come up at an insanely high number of hours to see just 1. Yet we have a commendation that requires multiple, possibly up to 50 or more.

  • @pdt-mindstream You really are missing the point. There is a Pirate Legend commendation for killing multiple, possibly up to 50 or more. Imagine a commendation for finding 50 Boxes of Wondrous Secrets, and then make those even rarer- see the issue, or do you still think that this is reasonable? :/

  • Considering how rare it is I did expect more from the encounter. The shrouded ghost isn’t any tougher than any of the other megalodons and the loot isn’t any better either.

  • Remember kids, 68% of statistics are made up and have no evidence to back them up....

  • I think its funny that people finish every possible thing that they can in the shortest amount of time then complain theres no content, this is boring, wheres the shark at because I have to have this done NOW! maybe if people just played the game like normal human beings instead of a tryhard it might be more fun. I have been playing since day one, almost daily and my levels are 40, 38, 33. I'm in no rush to to get everything done. I sail around and burn time. as for the ghost shark, it will get done when it gets done.

  • @death-pilot37 Did you even read the post? It likely wont ever get done for you at the current spawn rate. Please read the post and realize how absurdly rare this is- You can't just brush off the fact that the spawn rate is abysmally low and that you will likely never see one even if you played for years.

  • @txcrnr that's fine, makes it even more rewarding when you finally kill it.

  • @txcrnr said in Shrouded Ghost Megalodon is WAY too rare:

    Yes, it is supposed to be rare. Yes, I like rare things. But this is even more rare than the Box of Wondrous Secrets, and there are commendations locked behind it! Remember when people complained that the banana crate achievement/commendation was too hard? Well good luck completing the commendation for killing a bunch of Ghost Megalodons as a Pirate Legend when there have only been a small few spotted by the entire playerbase in 5 days!

    I like that fact that there are commendations and titles that are long term and difficult to obtain. I am going to play the game the way I have been - making great experiences with other sailors and letting the world pull me in different directions to create a unique journey unlike anyone else's. I like that I might sail up to another person who has a unique title for one of these long term commendations. I might think "Wow, how did he get that title? He must have put in a lot of hours and sailed with a lot of people." My character may not ever kill 50 Shrouded Ghosts, but I'm okay with that. It adds an element of immersion to the game knowing that other players may have had a much different experience than I.

    I'm going to keep working towards my Athena's commendations, creating stories along the way, and if a Kraken or Meg pop up during my travels, then they will be sent to the watery depths. If I get these commendations, great. If not, oh well. It just wasn't a part of my pirate's story

  • @death-pilot37 But they shouldn't lock a commendation behind something that absurd, especially when they've already set a standard by lowering the requirement for the Banana Crate commendation... this is even HARDER than that and more luck based.

  • @jonaldinho And I guess collecting 1000 banana crates wasnt either. But Rare set a standard by saying that commendation was too hard, and shouldnt be going and making harder ones.

    Also I think you are misunderstanding. NOBODY will EVER get 50 Shrouded Ghost kills at this spawn rate. The game will have its servers shut down before that, it is just too absurdly rare to spawn it and would take tens of thousands of hours.

  • @txcrnr said in Shrouded Ghost Megalodon is WAY too rare:

    @jonaldinho And I guess collecting 1000 banana crates wasnt either. But Rare set a standard by saying that commendation was too hard, and shouldnt be going and making harder ones.

    Also I think you are misunderstanding. NOBODY will EVER get 50 Shrouded Ghost kills at this spawn rate. The game will have its servers shut down before that, it is just too absurdly rare to spawn it and would take tens of thousands of hours.

    But if even ONE person earns this commendation, then I don't see an issue with it. That would show that it is possible, but rare. You've sort of pulled those statistics out of your a**e anyway. Just because you've only seen a small few shared out on the web does not mean that is the only ones that have been spotted by the entire player base. I encountered the black meg last night, but I didn't go sharing pictures of it with the web. Not everyone sits at their computers posting everything they do in a video game to reddit and youtube.

  • @txcrnr Let me restate your position so that you feel like you have been heard. You feel the requirements for unlocking the commendation is much too difficult. You believe there has been a standard set by other commendations that should be followed with this one as well. You have done some guesswork about the number of hours it will take and the number you arrived at is much too high in your opinion. Did I miss anything?

    Now understand that people (as intelligent as you) can understand your position completely and still disagree with you based on their own set of values and experiences. So many people were screaming pirate legend was too hard when the game came out until people began achieving it. There were numerous posters claiming you could not have a life outside of the game (no job, no family, etc.) if you wanted to reach it. Then people began doing it and then going past it with A10 (and beyond). Also, I have already met one person who has done it (ghost megalodon) in the game and I have probably totaled 20 hours of play since this most recent update. I believe your estimates are not accurate by a mile. Even if they were spot on, so be it. I feel it is okay to have very difficult commendations.

  • @ghostpaw One of the reasons people have stopped complaining about PL is that they made it easier via extra loot and doubloons. Additionally, many people actually didn't complain, and they hadn't set a standard of these things being achievable. Also, you can grind to PL, but not for Ghost Megalodons. There are many issues unadressed here.

  • I don't think it shouldn't be rare, but as someone who likes to get things done, this is very annoying. I understand patience...I mean for 7 days I've searched without changing course. And regarding the box, unlike the Ghost, the box has a way higher monetary value and less of a struggle to aquire it's riches. This in turn makes the Ghost not worth the struggle, but we need it for the commendation. Thus at the very least we should have the likelyhood of finding it increased at least a little for the remainder of Shrouded Spoils and maybe a small bit that will last

  • My girlfriend and myself have both logged at least 30 hours in his update, given that we spend 2 hours patrolling back and forth through the fog still not one.........we just want to kill one so we can get all the event cosmetics. The extra ones for Athena doesn't bother me, I just want to kill one. Extremely rare hunt with commendation for event doubloons, is rough on casual players.

  • @txcrnr said in Shrouded Ghost Megalodon is WAY too rare:

    @death-pilot37 Did you even read the post? It likely wont ever get done for you at the current spawn rate. Please read the post and realize how absurdly rare this is- You can't just brush off the fact that the spawn rate is abysmally low and that you will likely never see one even if you played for years.

    Yea but.... thats based on a statistic YOU made up. You have zero clue how rare it is, you dont know how many people have killed it, and you dont know when the next person will. What you know is theres something you dont have yet and you want it.

  • Agree with this have sailed since drop and nothing. And if they do say where he might be going to be a ton of trolls lurking about.
    ![alt text](image url)

  • @zalavaaris What a naive thing to assume. I am just saying that by an estimate of statistics, this commendation for killing 50 or more is absurd and impossible, making it horrible for commendation hunters. I want them to either make it more common or adjust the commendation to be reasonable given the rarity of the Ghost Megalodon.

  • u coud say ....RARE know how to make things rare :thinking:

  • No matter what Rare does, there always will be crying, no matter what

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