Unofficial Spinal Tap figurehead code giveaway!

  • @xcalypt0x to be honest my most favourite update is the current one! :D

    I really like the idea of changing your light considering how you died/got killed :D And the fact that being stuck by lightning 7 times within a minute trying to sail through a storm...well let's just say it was relatively easy for me to obtain the white light and currently no solo slooping through a storm for me :D :P

  • Definitely the Hungering Deep. I had been sailing solo a lot before then, and a friend of mine was doing the event and had an open spot on his galley. It was the first time I had been able to form an alliance before the alliance system. We had our galley and two sloops take the
    shanty across the sea. The meg went down despite boats that looked like swiss cheese afterwards. It was one of those adventures that really stuck me to this game.

  • The hungering deep. It changed the way crews interact with each other. Even without the formal alliance system, people still worked together and made some very memorable moments.

  • @xcalypt0x Would have to say it was cursed sails. That was the first update where my crew and I saw exactly what Rare is capable of for updates. Forsaken shores added to that.

  • Got to be the Skellie ships for me, I didn’t like personally them at first but they grew on me and by the time it got to the end I was addicted.

    I believe it was the first event where I actively went out to hunt the commendations, besides the dated ones anyway.

  • @xCALYPT0x I'd probably have to say Hungering Deep. So far nothing has been more intense than fighting against Meg at her best while on a sloop. It was a blast.

  • Skelly ships!! Because there a blast and their just cool as heck!

  • My favorite update would have to be: Forsaken Shores. I love the added world space, new areas, the volcanic challenges and Cargo Runs.

  • Favorite was Hungering Deep, loved having to carry a tune across the map, and coordinate it with another crew. Plus the Meg was an epic battle that first update!

  • My favorite update is "The Forbidden Caves" (work in progress).
    We definately need a 'raid' update where we need to clear a whole island with new enemies and find huge vaults of treasure.

  • @xcalypt0x The Forsaken Shores because it has the most lore and is depth. Mostly because the islands look good and put effort into it. Also it was one of the biggest (so far).

  • @xcalypt0x the alliance update brought me back. Having a reason to interact more with other players really improved the game for me

  • Though other major updates are way more important, I have to say I really liked Festival of the Damned. Very simple but effective concept.

  • I've like them all, but Cursed Sails was the most exciting, the trailer was awesome and I learned a lot about bailing... dancing... bailing... puking... bailing...

  • @xcalypt0x
    New area, higher rewards, more risk.... Forsaken shores is my vote!

  • Without a doubt, Forsaken shores for me.
    The world expanded by 20% giving us much more to do forever.
    Not just a time limited campaign we will likely never do again. (as much fun as they can be)

  • Mine is probably the update that included fuses on the gunpowder barrels. The sound of that fuse lighting has had and still has every pirate in the game tucking tail and running! I've jumped off cliffs made last second dodges behind rocks and prayed on long runs the sound would sizzle out.😂 I've watched my mates jump off a perfectly good ship as I teased them with it,😂and sunk galleons as a solo player dropping them from the crows nest. It has been the biggest game changer added to date IMHO.

  • @bern-dimaii ok

  • @xCALYPT0x
    The Hungering Deep expansion was da real MVP. The hype, the execution, and criticism came first and set a precedent for all future expansions. I still remember the multi-crew shanty at Merrick's camp after we killed the beast. Good times!

  • This is such a great question and I'm enjoying reading all of the different answers to it more than I will enjoy using that fantastic figurehead...
    And there's no possible way I can truly answer this question, but I shall try...

    Am I choosing an update in its entirety or just a specific part of an update?
    For a specific change - I'm torn between fuses on gunpowder kegs and rowboats.

    This question has really made me think back on each and every update, and how much I've loved and appreciated them all for what they delivered.
    Arrgh, I can't choose just one, lol!!

    I'll go with my first instinct (even though it may not truly be accurate, haha):

    Gunpowder Skeletons for the fuses on gunpowder kegs alone, never mind the pesky skeleton enemy type it added for us.

    (...but, really, Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores brought so much more fun and excitement for me as well... Hungering Deep also not far behind either of those)


  • Forsaken Shores!!! this new zone is amazing!!!

  • The fact that the devs have listened to the community. And are releasing content virtual bug free now!! Amen

  • Congratulations to @Jonny-T-1985 and @GTS-Gemini! You are our lucky winners :D I will PM you guys and send you the codes for the figure head :)

    Can we get an @Deckhands to lock this thread?

  • @xcalypt0x done me matey!

59 / 43