The Ongoing Adventures of the Booza Krooza - Friendly?

  • Oi stop drinking my grog and gather 'round for another tale about the Booza Krooza!

    The Adventure begins once again with Sock the bearded lady, Lootmasta the lootiest git, Yonder the battle thirsty, and Graven the keg popper. These four once again had set forth to drink, plunder, drink, and fight.... and more drinking.

    Half drunk it was Sock that spotted the ominous cloud with a hint of glee "Skull fort!" was yelled from the crows nest as the crew swayed onto the deck still woozy from copious amounts of rum and bananas.

    As they set forth sails aligned, vomit spewed into the sea to help them sober up. They saw something in the distance something that made Yonder's wide grin spread even further with almost manic glee. A Brig....prey. As they ventured closer the brig almost seemed to run away from them turning away from the fort. They decided to taunt the cowards. "Sure leave me like everyone else!" Yonder yelled into the trumpet

    The crew laughed pulling out theirs to join in standing beside cannons ready to play their 'instruments' of war. "But Daddy I can change!" Sock hollered, "Come back I just wanna give you my fat black cannon balls!" Graven crowed as he joined in. Lootmasta cackled as he manned his cannon bouncing a cannonball between his hands.

    As the ship went further they turned to deal with the pesky guardians of the island firing a few shots before they saw the ship turning towards the island. The four crew manned the cannons with glee opening fire as soon as was possible as a voice called. "Are you friendly?"

    The crew laughed as Graven called back "Noooooo!"

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  • @graven-schism why where you drunk mate you could not control the cannons

  • @closinghare208

    You've got to give ther other side a chance, right?

  • @sock6661 AYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @closinghare208
    Like what Sock said, need to give them gits a fighting chance.

  • @graven-schism OK I SAID AYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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