Get rid of the silly shark

  • Get rid of the big shark. Kinda childish. As a solo player there is very little chance of fighting it off and bailing water with a weeping tresure chest. Nothing more depressing than working hard for treasure only to have some lame looking bathtub toy shark destroy your boat in two bites. And it ruins the wonderful real life pirate experience of sailing out on the seas

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  • @jtlmft56 She can be damned annoying that's for sure! Though if you find she's sinking you I think you might be missing a few tactics.

    1. When she appears, don't engage, often she will just circle the boat and not attack, or just swim off of her own accord. Attacking her may scare her off, or it may just cause her to attack. I always just keep an eye out and watch to see if she turns in to bite!

    2. Head to the nearest island. When you get close to an island she will stop following you. Granted there's a chance she'll pop back up as soon as you leave the island, but I've often managed to shake her like this.

    3. If she does turn to attack, grab something! Anything, a cannon, the wheel, ladder, rope... The impact of her bite will be less likely to knock you from your ship, allowing you to repair/bail.

    Using these three tips together should allow you to survive her every time. I've certainly not been sunk by her since I started doing this.

  • No! Meg is my first mate's ex, she scoured the sea for him and takes vengeance on sailors to get his attention.
    He's an old man now, she loves him but it is a vicious triangle as you see he loves the kraken! But we are unsure of the kraken's feelings...we think it just hates us all.
    You see in the hungering deep she made her way through the shroud to him. My first mate BugleBlower69 (Luitenant Dahling).

  • @luciansanchez82 Fine work man, darn fine work.

  • @cougarhound69 Just trying to help a fellow scallywag!

  • @jtlmft56 said in Get rid of the silly shark:

    ... it ruins the wonderful real life pirate experience of sailing out on the seas...

    Real life? I get what your saying, but the skeletons, mermaids, ghost ships, magic cannons and kraken didn't already ruin it for you? LOL.

    I think they go pretty easy on us with the meg. I just wish they gave us treasure for killing it.

  • @jtlmft56 IT'S ME PET DON'T GET RID OF THE MEG AND IT'S ME GOD TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @captain-arcanic aye

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