
  • So, I’ve noticed that ever since the first update, the devs have been pushing the community to befriend each other for certain things. To help make it easier I’ve been thinking about messaging between ships on a large scale. An idea for this would be, there would be a bird cage on the back of each ship and if your in an alliance or in a certain range of other ships, you can send messages via bird. This would make talking so much more convenient, especially when your playing with cross-platform players. I’ve thought this would be a good idea since the hungering deep and it has only become more relevant since then. If you decide to take this idea on, then I would love it. Thank you for what you’ve done so far.

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  • @killerbl0x

    Interesting idea, though I feel sure that others will direct us to the Trumpet that was introduced not that I have seen or tried it. The question is how you'd direct the bird to ship and would they need to be visible or not.... if they are visible I doubt we'd get message off before being attacked... 🤔

    The game does demand some co-op but I can't see that Rare have really thought about the nature of play and the types of player that the PvP draws in.

  • Would be usefull to send message via bird to the allied ship, so you can communicate at which point you are with your mission (in the occasion while you are doing coop Athenas for example)

    Also would be nice a message in the bottle thing, sometimes I leave treasure on the harbor as gift for the next player who will come, would be nice give them a message also, some mechanics like the Dark souls's soap stone

  • Cool as the idea is, I don't actually think I'd want it in game. I like that you need to communicate with other ships, and establish your goals, and then everyone has to stick to 'em. Makes it a bit more challenging, encourages teamwork, trust and creativity if things don't go as planned.

    Being able to instant message other players kinda seems too easy.

    I like the idea of being able to leave notes at outposts though, and I think i recall someone suggesting something like a bulletin board, where players could place posters, like an in game LFG/tavern tales sort of thing.

  • They could and should add carrier parrots to the game, and make them take about 30 seconds per square on the map inbetween being sent and delivered, so that sending a message across the map would take like 10 minutes, but a few blocks away takes a minute or 2.

    They probably are waiting for xbox chat support with mouse and keyboard if they have planned this addition.

    Would be nice for gameplay sake if they would add some sort of bonus or incentive or enough gameplay elements such as the parrot that people have many reasons to play in game chat rather than an xbox party or discord.

  • I know this may make the game too easy, but I have a frustrating example for you. I was in an alliance with another brig and during ANOTHER fight with the meg, they went down. When we looked on the map on the other side of the map, there they were. We were completely blocked off from them and can’t even say to meet anywhere because of the lack of communication. I like the idea of having it take 30 secs or so per square, but I would definitely like to have some form of communication.

  • Also the trumpet is meant for nearby ship communication, not for long range

  • @killerbl0x what about if there was some device/place/spell allows players to communicate with others...

    I'm thinking about something only on outposts, we could use to communicate with people on other outposts.

    ... Hum. People could communicate through that if in different outposts.
    But other players could just receive some sort of notification, but would need to go to an Outposts to see it or to reply.

    I'm being vague here, because I'm not thinking about anything specific. ehe

  • @nunoazuldimeter What would be even better though was if something like that was available from anywhere on the map.

  • @rk1-turbulence the reason why I don't say everywhere is because it could have abusive use.

  • Alliance messaging gets my vote.

  • @nunoazuldimeter I thought you were jokingly referring to the legend hideout when you said outpost-to-outpost communication. The ferry of the damned on the other hand is always available.

  • Typical request from a digital gamer, probably a millenial, who has no idea what life must be like in an analog world.

    Messaging between ships on a large scale, so twentieth century, simply ruining my immersion as I sail the SoT.
    Or call it magic, like the Reapers Mark that doesn't really function like radar, but does kinda.
    I know SoT is fantasy, not historical, but back in the age of sail you just kept an eye on the horizon and used signals to communicate.

  • If we send messages to other ships via carrier pigeon,would we call it tweeting?

  • @rk1-turbulence eish... Now I read my previous comment and it totally fits the hideout description... Lol.
    But I wasn't thinking about that at all.

    I was really thinking of something (some spell) we could have near OoS barracks and would send a signal to other ships. (Through some mystical device we would have in our cabins)

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