Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?

  • Lately (last months) is being extremly common to sink a ship that has been visiting a lot of islands and get 0 tresaures from it.

    What's going on? Why is so common to visit islands without gathering anything? It is too common to just think "bad players".

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  • Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

    Some people just like sailing around and exploring islands, others gather treasure, players who do even more random stuff, and then there those that just go around sinking others. We don't know what motivates some players to do what they do. The beauty of the game is that it gives you the freedom to do what you want to do, after all!

    Personally, I'd straight-up ask these players what they're up to. As on these forums we're just going to speculate what could be the reason they don't have any treasure, when asking them directly would be a much faster way to finding an answer!

  • Bad players. With it's current design, this game relies heavily on new players, casual players, and children.

  • @kzoo-kid sagte in Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    Bad players. With it's current design, this game relies heavily on new players, casual players, and children.

    A casual, a kid or a new player isn't necessary a bad player!

  • I solo sloop 90% of the time, this makes me a distrustful pirate by nature so I spend some time getting to know who is on the server with me. I goof off for awhile and get a feel for what is what.
    If you are aware of them, and watching them, they may be watching you as well.
    It's a game. I may be playing a different game than you, if you sink my ship and don't get my treasure, does this make me a bad player? Or did you just restock my ship?
    Treasure and pirates aren't chained to the ship. :-D

  • @pollyoliverperk dijo en Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    I solo sloop 90% of the time, this makes me a distrustful pirate by nature so I spend some time getting to know who is on the server with me. I goof off for awhile and get a feel for what is what.
    If you are aware of them, and watching them, they may be watching you as well.
    It's a game. I may be playing a different game than you, if you sink my ship and don't get my treasure, does this make me a bad player? Or did you just restock my ship?
    Treasure and pirates aren't chained to the ship. :-D

    I am visiting some islands, I see you visiting some too. At some moment I decide to attack you.

    Since you don't know when I am going to attack you... have you hidded tresaures in all the islands?

    Too much job or a few tresaures.

    Anyways I highly doubt that the people I'm talking about is hidding anything.

  • @personalc0ffee Good point, 'tis an enduring mystery.

    I mean really, there's an almost infinite number of reasons for it. Personally, there's been times when, in a rush or on a long voyage, my crew and I only take the most valuable treasures, leaving everything below a certain threshold.

    We've also certainly noticed other pirates ogling us, and hidden our treasures, just in case.

    Probably not going to find a definite answer that'll satisfy you though.

  • Exploring and taking screen shots for my Riddle Hints page.

  • Athena speed runs. The treasure you're supposedly hoping to find was probably just left to rot in the jungle.

  • Perhaps you caught them at the end of their cargo run

  • @pollyoliverperk I play mostly solo as well and do the same thing. I like exploring islands and see what I can gather. If someone sinks me they get very little because when I make a good haul it turn it in ASAP.

  • Random crews just as joining an open crew you meet alot ot "bad" players mostly children. there probably not doing anything specific. just running around drinking. that's why I want a server browser

    as soon as someone starts an instrument I leave.

  • If you are referring to Devil's Roar, it is because they are tapping the islands for either commendations or just tapping the treasure and leaving it.

  • @stundorn said in Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    @kzoo-kid sagte in Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    Bad players. With it's current design, this game relies heavily on new players, casual players, and children.

    A casual, a kid or a new player isn't necessary a bad player!

    Yes of course there are exceptions to everything....

  • @sargent-sully dijo en Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    If you are referring to Devil's Roar, it is because they are tapping the islands for either commendations or just tapping the treasure and leaving it.

    @lem0n-curry dijo en Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    Perhaps you caught them at the end of their cargo run

    "last months"

  • @l-mrmoonlight-l dijo en Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    Random crews just as joining an open crew you meet alot ot "bad" players mostly children. there probably not doing anything specific. just running around drinking. that's why I want a server browser

    as soon as someone starts an instrument I leave.

    I think this is the most probably.

    Also most times they don't even have a quest in the table so... Yeah, I think you are right.

  • Lotta hate goin around these 'ere parts against "bad players".

    I dunno in response to the OP I'd say that my crew has it's days where we don't dare keep a spit of loot on board and other days where we're turning in at every outlet.

    Heck, recently we just cleared a skull fort and cursed ships back to back and then got attacked as we left the area, and as we were being fought... Karen nabbed us allowing the enemy to fight even harder for our loot...

    We sunk for darn sure.

    Had no supplies anyhow thanks to the fighting. But we used the rowboat to secure the treasure and though some was accidentally left off the rowboat... the 90% we did retain was never found... we rowed from lone cove to galleons grave with all the loot and sold it.


    There was at least one ship that had little to no loot on it after a fight and an excuse why.

  • Stocking cannonballs and banana boxes to sell to the Merchants is also possible.
    They are worth and not everybody goes to Forts for that.

  • Athena runs. Once you progress to a certain point in the game the gold becomes unimportant to some. You might find skulls or partially dug up treasure chests on the islands you spotted them at. Not getting the result you want and assuming this means they are a bad player is very self-serving. You admit that you do not understand their strategy. This makes them the better player.

  • @Guepard4 I think most respondents give very valid points:

    • Fresh crew looking to "stock up"
    • Crew trying to get Devil's Roar commendations for touching islands
    • Crew's completing cargo runs
    • Crew who have hidden their loot as they saw you coming, or who have seen a bottle/shiny on the beach
    • Legend crew speed-running Athena, so they leave treasure after one hit on the box
    • Crew's looking to goof off or explore the world

    I would be hesitant to jump to bad players @Kzoo-Kid as there are a range of other reasons out there for an empty ship.

    @SurveyorPete certainly isn't the only one solo slooping looking to take screengrabs or a purpose, a good crewmate of mine @SpecialAdvisor routinely takes insane numbers of screengrabs to use in 3D modelling projects.
    At the end of the day, this sandbox can be used how we see fit, some folk simply don't always voyage, but instead enjoy the sailing and the world crafted for them to play in!

  • @guepard4 said in Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    Lately (last months) is being extremly common to sink a ship that has been visiting a lot of islands and get 0 tresaures from it.

    What's going on? Why is so common to visit islands without gathering anything? It is too common to just think "bad players".

    Probably Athena speed runs or cargo drops

  • My vote is Athena speedeuns for the biggest part of them now that legends are a dime a dozen

  • When I am on a sloop doing a GH, I don't load my ship right away. I dig everything up and hide it on the island until I am done. If the coast is clear I will load up and head for an outpost.

    I have yet to have someone find anything I have hidden.

  • Spent a session yesterday beachcombing.
    Exploring & just picking up what I found.
    Sometimes it's just nice to change the pace.
    Found a fair bit just laying about chillin.
    Cashed in often, as I toured the map from outpost to outpost.
    It would have appeared if anyone who came across me I had nothing.
    I seldom allow myself to be caught in the situation were I'm ladened down with treasure, just watch the horizon, & plan accordingly.

  • Or perhaps the players are sick of losing loot to plundering pirates and they sell their treasures and leave their boats empty. Not making them bad players, but smart players.

    I think a bad player shall be defined as a player who attacks an empty vessel whilst it is sitting at an island and does not inspect the ship for loot.

    No plan = no reward. Just bad players who attack with no reason and no cause.

  • @guepard4 said in Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    @sargent-sully dijo en Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    If you are referring to Devil's Roar, it is because they are tapping the islands for either commendations or just tapping the treasure and leaving it.

    @lem0n-curry dijo en Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    Perhaps you caught them at the end of their cargo run

    "last months"

    Still valid answers :).
    You're a Pioneer with longer access to The Roar and Cargo runs than just a few weeks.

    Plus, you could have come across, for example, SurveyorPete months ago and Sargent Sully or me just last week.

  • @friedwilly said in Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    Or perhaps the players are sick of losing loot to plundering pirates and they sell their treasures and leave their boats empty. Not making them bad players, but smart players.

    I think a bad player shall be defined as a player who attacks an empty vessel whilst it is sitting at an island and does not inspect the ship for loot.

    No plan = no reward. Just bad players who attack with no reason and no cause.

    ☝️This is a smart pirate.
    If treasure is what you seek then perhaps do a voyage instead of trying to steal it. Calling someone a bad pirate for not having loot aboard the ship then complaining in the forums about it... good luck out there. Haha.

  • @lem0n-curry dijo en Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    @guepard4 said in Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    @sargent-sully dijo en Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    If you are referring to Devil's Roar, it is because they are tapping the islands for either commendations or just tapping the treasure and leaving it.

    @lem0n-curry dijo en Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    Perhaps you caught them at the end of their cargo run

    "last months"

    Still valid answers :).
    You're a Pioneer with longer access to The Roar and Cargo runs than just a few weeks.

    Plus, you could have come across, for example, SurveyorPete months ago and Sargent Sully or me just last week.

    No, they are not valid.

    I am not talking about pioneer situations, we can't talk about that.

  • Couldn't it be that you are catching people on cargo runs, and most likely just after delivery. I mean, a lot of people have not completed all the new bilge rat stuff. I know I still have to get to 100 prestine and then 200 for the last couple of commendations.

  • @friedwilly I agree 100% with that statement. Today 3 players attacked me while I was solo. I hadn't collected anything and because my ship was empty I heard them on mike. "Since he has no cargo let's trash his sloop" 3 players shooting me every time I respawn. I finally just shut the game down. Senseless in my opinion.

  • @guepard4 do some quests yourself instead of preying on people who work hard at the game. I wish I could swear in this snowflake forum.

  • @l-mrmoonlight-l said in Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    as soon as someone starts an instrument I leave.


    Sounds like we got ourselves a party pooper, lads! =P

  • Me and my friend do this a lot when new commendations are released. We are both pirate legends so don't much care about the treasure, we do the minimum we need to do to get the commendations, don't collect the treasure. If someone tries to sink us we just let em, we've nothing to lose. If people approach us being friendly we normally dig the treasure up for them though.

    If you ever find yourself in a suspiciously easy fight with PLs you'd think would be good at the game you know why :)

  • With the new ally system, I rather spend time sailing up to other players an team up or get fired upon.
    Then a least I know how to react to them if I meet them again.
    Since I'm Pl, I rather give other players Athena voyage, An sail with them on their ship, Like I have "commandeer" their ship.
    I get 50% anyway + the Athena Rep.
    There is many ways to play the game, an I experiences that sloop is so much fun for adventure.
    Where the galleon an brig is more team orientate, an better for the "grind" to Pl

  • @guepard4 I point the finger towards Game Pass. You have a myriad of completely new players very casually trying out the game with no knowledge of what voyages are and no incentive to accumulate treasure as they’re just as likely to uninstall the same day they installed at no cost and move onto the next free title via Game Pass. If someone paid $60 for the game, this scenario would be far less common. I joined three open-crew sloops yesterday and it was the same scenario each time; a completely new player at an island with lights still on, original hull and sails with no figurehead, no treasure, and eventually playing their hurdy gurdy. At one point, I took down a fort solo as soon as it spawned and right before i cashed the fort loot in I changed crew type to open and tada, it was a completely new player who didn’t know where to cash in skulls or crates. This also explains why only 0.03% of players have sailed 1,000 nautical miles in gold hoarder voyages etc, a majority of the players in the achievement statistics pool are one-timers who tried the game out via Game Pass and tossed it over their shoulder shortly thereafter.

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