Mistaken identity, perhaps?

  • We were doing our second Athena's for the day and were heading for the final island to get the legendary chest where a sloop was parked nose first facing the island.

    About a grid square or two away from our destination the kraken decided to play with us. Whilst my regular crew mate likes the challenge of defeating Karen with cannons, just to break up the monotony, I'd much rather just shoot the front two tentacles with my pistol to break her hold and save resources.

    We're usually placid players just doing voyages, forts and events. But once or twice a week my regular crew mate feels the need to exert some PvP gameplay for a couple of minutes, which is fine. A sloop had not too long ago fired upon us at our previous island as it sailed by very close so his want for seeking vengeance was justified.

    I couldn't tell if this was the same sloop at our destination but it's crew had a lot of time to move on, if they desired. After our kraken encounter we sailed on only using half of the rear sail with the other two sails completely up.
    As we approached our helmsman's son sword lunged over to the parked vessel. He could see a level 10 Athena figurehead adorned the bow and that there was somebody moving about below deck inside the sloop.
    I stood on the helm of our galleon atop of the stairs where I could watch both ladders for a boarder while my mate fired upon the sloop, killing its occupant in the process.
    My mate's son boarded the vessel where he told us that he saw a regular Gold Hoarder's voyage on the table and that the boat was full of loot.

    It was strange not to see a mermaid, perhaps the sloopist was playing solo. We assumed he / she must have rage quit.
    It was hard not feeling sorry for this person now. Maybe they were afk until we arrived?
    There had to have been a dozen chests, mostly captain's.

    I started to doubt our actions.
    Surely an Athena's level 10 player knew the risks of sailing solo and being afk for so long. Surely he/she also knew not to park the boat facing the island and to cash-in every so often.
    Then again, maybe he / she had been playing with an Athena 10+ PL who had since left the game.

    If this tale sounds familiar to your experience yesterday then I apologize and hope that you learn from it.
    Don't point your vessel to the island when parked, keep it broadside in case of attacking ships.
    Don't go afk whilst solo and always cash-in regularly.

    After retrieving the legendary chest of our voyage and the sloop's loot, my crew sailed in silence for some time until my mate's son said "Imagine if they were doing an Athena's voyage and had dug up the legendary chest?".

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  • @personalc0ffee
    Yeah it would have been the icing for my crew but it also would have been a bigger guilt trip for this ol' softy. lol

    I don't know of the haul takings. After the first three million I stopped watching it tick over. :o)
    Before then I would only note my gold balance before and after doing a fort.

    Unfortunately I still can't access my game session recordings, thanks to the Windows upgrade 6 days ago, otherwise I'd give you a definite answer.

  • @personalc0ffee

    Yeah mate nothing wants to start for me. Thankfully the game runs but I am constantly bombarded by notifications that this or that program hasn't started properly and may not run or "background" apps have failed to load.
    This is also with apps I don't even use such as Skype, which I've never used on this hard drive. Not even opened it.

    Whenever I try to run a video of a game session I've recorded I get this error "0x800700c1" which is related to a Windows update.

    The particular Windows update "KB4457128" failed to install completely. There was also an Adobe update on the same date, September the 12th, 2018.
    I can't uninstall either of them.
    I did manage to download and install the Windows update "KB4457128" 64bit from the Microsoft catalog.

    Yes I am using version 1803, build 17134.285, in 64bit.

    I have followed Microsoft forum instructions and downloaded everything they've suggested (Windows Update Troubleshooter 170509, MediaCreationTool1803 and Windows10Upgrade9252) but they won't even start for me in administrator mode. The system just hangs with the busy cursor.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.

  • @personalc0ffee
    As stated above, I can't rollback the update.
    I can't uninstall anything or use the system restore feature. Nothing like that is working.

    Yeah I'm looking at another Windows install. Hopefully I can keep my frustration at bay long enough to get another HDD and use this one as a secondary.

    Thanks anyway mate.

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