Tips to get to pirate legend faster

  • I’ve been playing the game since day 1. I pre ordered the game. I play it virtually every other day and every weekend for a good few hours. I’m 45 in gold hoarders, 42 in souls and 40 in merchant. I play with a full crew hardly ever play solo, yet getting to legend is slow. I’ve been playing since day 1 and it’s the only game I now play. Yet when I talk to other legends they tell me they did it in 1-2 months other say a couple of weeks but most say it’s took them up untill now or recently. Is there a right way or is it just that some people have more free time than me.

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  • @Jack-SmokeyBear

    The right way is the one you are going to enjoy the journey :)

    Some enjoy to do their own voyages, some enjoy to do some forts (and now some skelliships battles) and some enjoy to steal the loot from other crews.

    Those last levels can take more time but if you are doing some Bilge Rat Adventures and save some doubloons you can buy some letters of recommendation for each faction that will increase your levels :)

    Everyone has a different story because there are so many ways to be a Pirate Legend. Personally, I've done a bit of everything with different crews and that's how I enjoyed my adventure towards this fancy title.

    Good luck matey!

  • Save your Dabloons! Dont use them on cosmetics unless you plan to use/wear them most of the time.

    I used them to skip L39 and L44 on each of the factions.

  • @jack-smokeybear Ahoy there.

    All in good time matey. Why rush to the end game?
    Rare hasn't anything for pirate legends to do yet except 93 Athena voyages which are only another 837 quests just like what you've done since launch.

    So take your time, forget about becoming Pirate Legend and enjoy yourself.
    That, to this day, is still the best advice that I have ever read on these forums.

    Fair winds and happy sailing. :o)

  • To become a Pirate Legend behave like one and dont rush for the title :-)
    Serverfleets are not legendary imho and only exploit the system and take the thrill and the fun away, it all becomes tedious grind only. Not that exciting or what i think makes a Pirate Legend.
    Same for Rep Bags, but these are legit.

    The Title and the cosmetics show nothing to me.
    Piratesskill and behaviour is what make them Legends!

  • @jack-smokeybear ahh you have hit the 40's, and the grind is very real. Stick it out matie, it will be worth it, there is noe fast way, except the Bilge Rat Way

  • There's a ton of different ways to play the game. There's also a ton of variables that affect how fast you gain reputation/levels, most of which you control (but many that you don't control). I think the fastest way you could possibly level up (no prod1gyx) would be to have an entire alliance fleet of experienced/highly efficient players grinding level 50/Athena voyages and taking forts when up. There's tons of things you can learn to be more efficient but usually that comes from experience or from other players. You probably won't often play under these perfect conditions though so rate of progression can vary greatly. Certainly you will get there faster if you play better, especially if you win in every PvP situation.

    With that said, you don't have to race to the end. You can be really good at this game and not level up quickly because you just choose to play differently and that's fine. There are some perks to reaching pirate legend, but they are only some cosmetics.

  • The absolute fastest way to reach pirate legend would have to be joining a full server fleet all doing Athena voyages.
    Those are of course pretty hard to come by (Try hanging around in the discord server and waiting for someone to advertise a spot if you do want to find one).

    If that's not your style, then maybe try getting a group of 4 together and hop from server to server to find Skeleton Forts. If you can find them and clear them quickly then they can end up out pacing regular voyages for XP pretty well.
    You might end up with a slightly higher Gold Hoarders and Order of Souls level then Merchant Alliance doing this, but if you get lucky with exotic spice spawns, it wont be too big a difference.

    As for using dubloons for levels, I'd personally say try to save them for the last few levels. It'll always a longer grind from level to level when you reach the higher numbers, so it makes sense to use them right at the end to skip the biggest xp requirements.


    Look, you want to get there fast/faster thats your choice. some people here have great points about enjoying the journey and puppys dont f**t but you want it you gotta realise that Time Is Money and Money is EXP.

    I have 2 Pirates, my main is Athena 10 and my 2nd is Pirate Legend Athena 6...

    You know that 20min you spend supplying the boat before setting sail... don't do that. supply on the sea by shooting off at passing islands.

    Stack, dont waste time selling between voyages.

    Know the map, dont waste time looking for islands and the best course to take.

    Those 3 alone just saved an hour.

    Avoid PVP, yeah its fun and all that jazz but its low profit and very time consuming but make sure you know how to end a fight fast, getting sunk is a step beckwards.

    But sometimes PVP is inevitable, like at..

    Forts... yeah forts, always a mixed bag there right? well, get in 1st, dont mess around. either slash the door, use the barrels, fire the cannons... whatever works for you at the time but smash that fort.

    Playing with higher lvl players helps too.

  • Why rush it, matey? There isn't much special about being Legend at the moment. You get the lovely outfit and access to Athena's Fortune of course, but currently that's all the game has to offer.

    Use your doubloons for the cosmetics, because those are time limited and will (hopefully) never become available after the corresponding event ends.

    If you ask me, simply do voyages or go for skull forts. But don't go at it alone. The game is the most fun with a couple of buddies by your side.

  • @jack-smokeybear
    Hello Mr Jack SmokeyBear. i can feel you really want to be a Legendary Pirate and there is nothing wrong with that ...appart...i hope that this is not your only goal for this game...i think Rare added the Levels to become Legendary to this game so they wouldn't alienate from other games we know...But in it's core , in it's Heart , this game goes much further than just Pirate Legend.
    Sailing that make you resonate the dorsals of yer spine, in order to catch up a Sloop, Galleon or Brigantina...Sailing that brings you in such a calm state that you just forget about the world and chores that surround you...Creating or better said ,trying to create a Role Play scenario that changes totally by the whims of Coincidence at the Sea...Meeting, fighting , or having fun and laughs with the " enemies " at Sea or just fun , goofs and laughs with yer own crew mates ...Taking pictures who are so beautiful that they look like Renaissance Paintings, dreaming away by Marvellous Music, Oh a little old tune of Dr Beaching comes into my mind...Hold on, i scratch my throat...

    Ooh Mister Beanland , What have you done? I can't play yer game because i cannot put it down. i may lose all the fights and i may sink all my ships , still i like this game till the End of all Our Times...

    Sorry , i love the Genius his music. So i like to dream away on his music, i love how he takes my Soul and switch my Heart in all kinds of Moods...From the Epic " It's foighting time " Moods , to the more Tranquil, Emotionally Moods , his music grabs yer Soul and just let it introduce you to the other " Dimensions" this game possess...

    i'm i a daft man ?( * Did you dare to ask that again, i geuss everybody by now knows that answer...Fruitcake...) No, Ser , i realized that this game is so much more than just " Becoming Legend" ...
    And that is my only warning to you , don't focus on Legend , widen yer view , reach out to the Horizon of this game , " Feel" this game, Roam around this game , " Rule" the Sea , " Undergo" this very Sea , Don't be afraid to sing and dance and let your inner child free, " Roar " like a " Madman" , sing like a Soprano or Tenor ....Literally all can be done in this game and i have done all , not completely not all, because i still find new things to do , i still find "New Regions" in Emotion Land , that this game is....

    AAARRRGH , it is so frustrating to lack all those beautiful English words in order to finally become able to describe how much oppertunities this game has to offer if you can shake off the need to get " a goal" or that goal.....Please do not get fixated on becoming Legend, if you keep playing it will happen to you and all the other ones , because Real Legends ...Well, that virtue lies in yer Heart , You ARE a Legend from the Start or you aren't , it really doesn't matter ...
    The only thing that really matters is that you have to force yourself to find and experience all the things , and even more things that not even i have found, and that still lurks somewhere to be found...THAT is the Real reason to play this SOT because Mr Mike and Mr Joe and all the other Rare people have created something that slowly comes to Life in the fibers of yer very Carcass but if you feel that your whole body starts to Resonate, then you know you have opened "the Other Dimension" of this game...

    Sure ,i know that many will now sharpen their blade to cut me verbally down, so come on...Give your best shot ...Because what i feel makes me so hungry to go out this evening and start Resonating again...Buddhists have to hum and meditate for hours before they meet their Resonating, all i need is the above mentioned ingredients added with Great Personalities , one can meet at the Sea , after that i'm much " Deeper" than any meditator can get ....

    And Legend , in the way of Level 50? i don't give two hoods about that , it is a byproduct to let the Mainstream player , the Timekiller, play...

    But if you can find what i have found then you will play with a whole different attitude and get so much more back from this game...
    If you need proof for all of that , then please ask for the amount of " Waterdamage" we caused to the home of @Jay4dio , the tears rolled from the man's cheek , yesterday ,the day before and all those days to come...

  • @admiral-rrrsole Couldn't agree more.

  • Becoming legend is a goal for me but I haven’t grinded it out these last 6 months. I play the game in my spare time for a couple of hours every other day during the week and up to 6-8 hours over the weekend. I play with randoms mostly but have made a few dedicated friends online doing this. Halt the time I goof around doing random stuff or annoying other players like playing rick asley over my speaking trumpet which usually ends up with me being chased with a barrage of abuse telling me to shut up lol

  • @jack-smokeybear said in Tips to get to pirate legend faster:

    Becoming legend is a goal for me but I haven’t grinded it out these last 6 months. I play the game in my spare time for a couple of hours every other day during the week and up to 6-8 hours over the weekend. I play with randoms mostly but have made a few dedicated friends online doing this. Halt the time I goof around doing random stuff or annoying other players like playing rick asley over my speaking trumpet which usually ends up with me being chased with a barrage of abuse telling me to shut up lol

    ignoring anything anyone else has said, the biggest and best tip i can give you as a person that did not "cheese", exploit, ally, or use commendations to reach legend and then athena's 10... is SMALL ISLANDS

    if you can get a small island to give you chests, even 1 is worth it.

    if you can get OoS captains on a small island, totally worth it.

    the only time small islands is not critical to leveling quickly is with merchant... as they are often devoid of life. for that, try to stick in the west and use crescent isle, mermaids hideaway, and sailors bounty. as you pass the small islands in between those, look for animals as you go by...but dont stop to check.

  • @jack-smokeybear I was able to get Pirate Legend in 43 days I think..I know a lot of people beat me 0.3%..I honestly think it has a lot to do with how much free time you have and how you spend your time..if you spend a lot of your time chasing around other ships for loot or little things like that, I feel like that takes up time you could be doing a voyage. When it comes to leveling if you want to get PL fast I say focus on your voyages and nothing else. Don't spend 2 hrs fighting over a skull fort when you could do 3-5 voyages in that time. Most of it is time management. But tbh I had a lot of time to play the game! :P

  • @biter-wylie said in Tips to get to pirate legend faster:

    Save your Dabloons! Dont use them on cosmetics unless you plan to use/wear them most of the time.

    In my opinion, the time-limited cosmetics are the only things worth spending doubloons on. Everything else in the game can be achieved over the course of time. The cosmetics don't really cost that much, anyway. If you complete most of the events you should still have hundreds of doubloons left over. You can still use what's left to grab those last few levels, if you desire.

  • My Advise dont rush becoming pirate legend unless ur addicted to it it becomes boring theres no other titles to be earned doing athena (even at level ten) (for the amount of time it takes ) enjoy the game dont rush PL

  • @jack-smokeybear if you're trying to power level to pl then only do forts, jump in a server if most of the time there will be a fort if not find a new server, most of these people in here only pve and apparently think that once you get pirate legend it will be boring but pvp is why this game is still alive rn so get into pvp and have fun

  • @jack-smokeybear

    1)Go to the devils roar and do your voyages, aside from merchant go do forts for that

    2)If you have no use for cosmetics (like I did) spend dubloons on skipping levels.

    1. Find a PL to befriend and do athenas in the roar, do ghost ships, meg etc. along the way and by time you finish to turn in you should get a level and a half on whatever you're doing.

    2. Like some other have said, rushing to PL isn't going to give you much but Athenas to do which are just longer voyages that only give you 1 item you actually need

  • I recommend cycling through your voyages till you find the ones that are on small islands and relatively quick to do. Keeps the risk small and payout huge and quick. Skullfort cycling is alright but you run the risk of being attacked by someone and taking up your time (not that it's no fun, just when you spend an extra hour on a skullfort because someone is harassing you then it's not worth your time). Stay away from doing Athena's as you want to save them for when you're actually a PL. I got to PL primarily on solo and found that alot of people who got to rank 10 before they were even PL were disenchanted by the fact that they have to complete a bunch of PL commendat hiions to be a true pirate legend. Trust me on that one. I'm happy I waited as all my Athena's play straight towards my commendations (especially the Athena mileage one). Any ways here's an example:
    Gold Hoarders - you and your crew buy as many Gold Hoarders as you can and start dropping them. You want at least two small(we) islands with 2-3 chests per island. They have to be reasonably close. Once you get that then sail away! As soon as you got those chests done start dropping more voyages (stop at outposts along the way to buy more) and keep cycling. On solo I've managed to get about 13 chests in 1.5 hrs along with some stuff I found along the way. If you got a crew it'll go even faster. Stop at an outpost whenever you can but if you aren't near one then keep cycling through those voyages! This really helps with OOS. As for merchant well... The skullfort is your best bet. Hope this helps!

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