Bilge Rat Adventures – Doubloon Changes

  • @beardfaceyo I agree

  • Haven't checked in game yet but is this also true for the previous events?
    (e.g. skeleton and statue commendations)?

    Would advise on a change in the amount of the reward (over time).
    Meaning; 100% during event (e.g. 10 dubles)
    First month 80% reward (e.g. 8 dubles)
    second/third month 60% (e.g. 6 dubles)
    Up from 3 months 50% (e.g. 5 dubles)

    p.s. this list is also made because it enabled me to use the word dubles a lot... ;-)

  • @mrlemm I agree with this. I am not currently a PL, but I would hate to see all the Legends only come on during the events. There are a lot more PL coming up so they will have to address it soon.

  • I say I have limited time because of my kids, but I still try to get on daily. I'm not complaining about the change, is great for those who can't get on daily, but us legends are gonna need more incentive. I'm slowing up on my grind, as once I hit Athena 10, then it's just bilge rat, which I can normally knock out in the first few days of an event releasing.

  • Ok so what about doubloons for commendations that were completed outside the event will we get rewards for ones already completed?

  • @green-giant-530 Ahoy matey!

    The changes to doubloons being rewarded will only apply to the current event and all future events but will not be retroactively rewarded for any previously completed commendations.

  • @musicmee boooooooooo. So there is no reason to leave mermaid statues in cause that makes me not want to do them and just sink ships instead because I'm pirate legend Athena 10

  • @green-giant-530 The mermaid statues being left in is good for those completionists out there, that wants to see the perfect tile/commendation score.

    I know its not perfect, but going forward this will be a very good change indeed.

  • Lame I guess ill just sink every ship on a server every day for fun. Since if I was questing I'd run into mermaids hoping one day I'd get rewarded for all those i won't have anything but PvP left cause I have enough gold for new stuff on drop and over 235 doubloons and nothing to spend it on. PvP is all that's left because I have all the other commendations

  • @superpac
    I think this is not a bad thing to allow players to reach PL doing Bigle Rat adventures.
    This is just an other way to earn xp.
    Instead of completing voyages, you can explore the world and search for skelletons thrones, cursed mermaid statues (that are pretty rare now).

  • This is a fantastic idea !
    It allows us to play the game differently (more exploration).
    Plus, we won't feel exploring the Sea of Thieves is a lost of time as we will be able to earn levels in the 3 factions with the commendation letters.

  • @mrlemm I play between 3/7 times a week and like you I try to get all the commendations during the event window. I've not reached legendary status yet as whilst I might play literally as often as I can this is limited by work, family and other responsibilities. If I play 7 days a week this may be as little as 7 hours or as much as 20. I generally agree with you that if you don't make the effort to play during the event you shouldn't be rewarded with the same commendations as those who do but.... Not always the players choice to not play no matter how bigger fan they are. Myself as an example... The final week of curesd sails was during a week I had booked off to take family on holiday, it was then extended by a week and I thought "great I can get the last Captain when back!".... I then shattered my heel, spent 11 days in hospital, had surgery and returned home. When I was home I was either in too much pain or too wiped out from morphiene to play. So.... After waffling on... Whilst I generally agree with you, there are genuine times when even the biggest fans of players can't get on the game and it's for this reason I think allowing people to earn bildge rats commendations outside of events is for the greater good :)

  • @prvt-newb-killa yea I have since had a change of heart about this. I get why they are doing this, and I can understand not being able to play, as during exploding skeletons I was on holiday with my family the entire first week and my crew pretty much finished up while I was gone. So I had to rush to finish and did some solo.

  • @mrlemm exactly mate and we all have responsibilities. 27th tomorrow, can't wait :-)

  • This implies on the off chance that you miss an Adventure you can in any case experience the substance, open the honors, acquire the selective titles AND be granted the Doubloons. Our Cosmetic Rewards will keep on the best cardiologist near me being time-constrained so you'll have to play amid the Adventure to open these elite things.

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