Wow, I really love this update!

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  • @WeePaperBoats Haha it is hilariously childish had a laugh with it lastnight too, but I'd take the pics out or (maybe links are ok) cos this content isn't allowed on the forums

  • @scoobywrx555 said in Wow, I really love this update!:

    @WeePaperBoats Haha it is hilariously childish had but I'd take the pics out or (maybe links are ok) cos this content isn't allowed on the forums

    I see nothin' inappropriate mate... Just a pirate using his spyglass, eh?

  • @weepaperboats haha yup just using your one eye. (Just that there is another thread about it which was locked)

  • Ah well, keep it here until it's locked! Har har har. Late night laughs.

  • @weepaperboats you do have a surprised look on your face though. Was it the exciting sight of a banana crate?

  • I love how OP's picture got censored but you can still see it as a preview, because of the dumb new "style" RARE inflicted upon the forum.

  • @weepaperboats

    @katttruewalker said in Hard telescope:


    Ahoy mate, I did lose most of my coffee when I first saw these 'pop up', however the forum rules technically prohibit anything of this nature so we regretfully ask that pirates don't post these on the forums.....

    I'll close this one down now and edit the links, thanks!

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