A warning before buying shop items...

  • This is just a friendly warning that if you are going to be buying multiple items from the stores around the outposts make sure you don’t have anything of value you are not afraid to lose.

    This is mainly for sloop players, but on 3 occasions now I have tried buying the new hairstyles and facial hairs from the shops and it crashes the game and dashboards me.

    I have already raised a ticket, I just wanted to give a heads up to people so they don’t lose any progress unintentionally.

    Happy sailing and telescoping ;)

    Edit: This can also occur while swapping items in the various vanity boxes.

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  • @knifelife Thanks for the PSA matey!

    Also had this happen to me too so I know it is a bit of an issue! Hopefully, this gets addressed soon.

  • @musicmee Yeah I was lucky I had just finished stocking up on supplies and cursed cannon balls at the out post on my sloop when it happened so I didn’t really lose much the second and third time and the first one I was on a Galleon.

    But it also seems to be effecting the vanity boxes also so people could run into issues if they like to swap and change their outfits mid voyage like I do. Especially if they have loot on board and are solo slooping.

  • @knifelife cheers for the heads up 👍🏽

  • @knifelife Yep that's what got me, the vanity box... went to put on my high society hair and BOOM! Back to the dashboard!

  • @musicmee People always said me being Vain and spending to much time on my appearance would be my downfall....I see what they mean now ;)

  • @knifelife nothing happen to me so far :/

    But this patch is very bugged indeed... My personal favorite is the D**K (Duck) Spyglass...

    But it seem only affecting Xbox Players, PC can use it normally

  • @nunoazuldimeter Maybe it’s a console bug I’m not sure, Musicmee said it happened to him and it got me three times. But either way I reported it to support.

    Also I think they have been removing those pictures of the forums bud. :)

  • @knifelife I'm playing on Xbox as well, with my friend also on xbox and thankfully no crash happened to us so far.

  • @nunoazuldimeter
    I think a link is probably sufficient, it's not really suitable forum material.....

    @katttruewalker said in Hard telescope:


    Ahoy mate, I did lose most of my coffee when I first saw these 'pop up', however the forum rules technically prohibit anything of this nature so we regretfully ask that pirates don't post these on the forums.....

  • @katttruewalker just removed the link. didn't know about that. I was so deeply within this new event I didn't pay attention to our forum this past hours..

  • @nunoazuldimeter said in A warning before buying shop items...:

    @knifelife nothing happen to me so far :/

    But this patch is very bugged indeed... My personal favorite is the D**K (Duck) Spyglass...

    But it seem only affecting Xbox Players, PC can use it normally

    It Affects PC too

  • @knifelife Thanks for letting me know! Don’t want to have millions of chests and then Crash cause I wanted to change my Beard or Hair!

  • @sprungnickel427 Ahh okay good to know.

    @Lukayzarell No worries mate, that’s what I was hoping to help avoid :)

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