[Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0

  • When you open a ships barrel it defaults to its inventory. You open its inv because

    • Your personal inv has run out of items so you need to restock.
    • Your inv is full so you are restocking the ships barrels.
    • If your inv is Full, default highlight to your inv so you can store straight away.
    • If your inv is Empty, default highlight to ships barrel so you can take out straight away.

    This way at least it will reduce the button pressing by one.

  • Well first of all, I’m not against the new barrels. I can see why controller players are going to hate them. You’ve essentially given them another reason to say us pc players have an advantage. And they wouldn’t be wrong in saying it. The new UI works well with a keyboard and mouse selection. But is clunky and adds time when using a controller. We tested with both.

    Personally I’m rather surprised if you did test this feature, why there isn’t a indication of whether the barrels are empty or not and why there isn’t a take all feature. This would at least make the balance between controller and mouse less of an issue.

    I’m also surprised that you have made the cursed cannon balls as common as they are and am hoping that’s just for the event and they will be dialled back after. As my fear is that I’ll engage in pvp, spend the time being hit over and over by a crew that has stock piled peaceballs, sleep balls, jigballs and stand no chance in defending my ship.

  • First up, I like the new system but feel it needs tweaking. In it's defence, if Rare are going to make the game deeper and build upon the game mechanics in an iterative way than the new barrel system is unavoidable. It definitely is something to get used to but it's good for the future of the game. When running up to a barrel and grabbing 5 bananas for example - you'd need to press a key/button 6 times vs 5 times - not a big deal at all! I would like to see if a barrel is EMPTY.
    The biggest issue I have so far is inherent to mouse/keyboard controls. It seems that if I move the mouse at all after opening a barrel it switches to that for controls and b*****s up what I'm grabbing. Besides that, I like the new system, and can't wait to see what Rare has plans for in the future. Barrel 2.0 will absolutely make it easier for Rare to add new items in the future.... after all, I thought there was a very vocal minority saying they wanted more "content"?!

  • Hate the new barrel system wouldve instead rather seen the other empty barrels on the ship put to use using the old mechanics. Limiting one type of item in each barrel and adding a cursed cannonball crate. Having that many resources in 1 barrel is a bit ridiculous. I do like finding different things in 1 barrel, but thats about it.
    If youre not gonna add cursed cannonballs to the item rotation wheel, maybe swap the equipment and resources tabs ya 4 heads.....
    I rarely went into that menu now I gotta do it whenever I want to take a poo

  • I was expecting to HATE this new system after reading all the posts before I played but I am actually fine with it. There's more resources per barrel so it's really not that much slower to stock up. There's a bit of an issue trying to get stuff out quickly and getting knocked off the barrels though.

  • During a fight on a ship, it is critical that you restock your bananas when you get chance. This new inventory system means you’re stood still for longer periods of time trying to get bananas. Just gonna make fights slow paced.

  • Definitely not a fan with this new option. You have introduced a feature that causes an interruption into the flow of the game!

    In the middle of a fight, running around the barrels and grabbing a quick banana to refuel in a fight was a necessity. Now, you just stop in place and allow your opponent to catch you - even worse when you find your barrel is empty and you've come to a stop for no reason!

    I personally couldn't care less about the cursed cannonballs. After the event is over it's unlikely that I'll even use them again (exception of the anchor ball), given how cumbersome they are to use. If you have to change the inventory system for these, just give us a barrel 2.0 specifically for these cursed cannonballs; there are enough cosmetic barrels already you could reuse... and more than enough space when you remove the waste of space on a sloop (The brig!).

    Grudgingly, PC players now have yet another advantage over console players when accessing this inventory. It's far easier and faster for them to select the ball they want. I don't know how you could address this so this is just a comment in frustration.

    • Barrels 2.0 cause a delay in fights; return the 'Take one' option without having to open the inventory.
    • Barrels 2.0 cause a waste of time when they are empty - return the 'Empty' status of barrels, or show the contents 'Bananas + 1 more';
    • Barrels 2.0 cause a delay when loading supplies - return the ability to load the item you are holding into the barrel;
    • If you had to change the inventory system for cursed cannonballs alone, then restore the barrel 1.0 for other items, and leave us with a new barrel 2.0 for cursed cannonballs.

    • Side note to console players; you have 2 controller buttons that are not mapped. If you go into settings and control, you can map the cannonballs to either LD or RD and this cycles through all types of cannonballs and you can bypass the ridiculous 3 screens that you have to go through to get to them.
  • Rare, what have you done?

    A huge part of the game’s charm was the fluidity and minimal interface.

    It’s now ‘Sea of Menus’.

    For the first time since the Beta, I and my don’t feel like playing, supplies and combat are now clunky chores.

    Just make different barrels for the new supplies and add them to the ship/world and the wheel icons smaller?

    Please reconsider this game breaking system.

    Love, a sad pirate :(

  • Stocking the ship used to be tedious, but it was a labor of love. Now, stocking the ship makes me want to throw my mouse through the window. It's clunky and annoying. Sometimes I find myself frozen in place after closing a barrel. I have to jump or something to get unstuck. Ugh!

  • This is a game changer, for the worst, it turns a fast combat\repair game in a tedious invetory management.

    Already sank numerous times because of this new system, died alot of times on the forts since i cannot fast grab bananas on the go.

    What a terrible idea RARE! Please roll back and find another solution for the inventory. This simple kills the fun and slows the gameplay.

    We should be able to see and pick the item without going to the inventory.

    Please RARE i beg you to roll back this :(

  • Barrels 2.0 are too slow and unnecessarily complicated. Please consider to go back to the previous system.

  • Just to add (not sure if it was mentioned). While looting barrels in water the waves kick you out of the inventory if they crest to high... Not a good idea for water barrels.

  • If I may provide some constructive criticism on the barrels one of the top issues for players ATM. See if the first slot in the barrel can be a quick grab slot. Keeping the good ol feel to grabbing supplies and rewarding those who take the risk of opening the barrels. Once the quick slot empties it must be changed or if there is more of the same item in other slots it automatically jumps to the quick slot.

  • Put it back the way it was please, these new menus are unsalvageable. Just make resources the first thing you see in the tab menu and put all the barrels back the way they were with chances to find CCs. Please. PLEASE.

  • This system is nonesense. No need to add more since people already told you what is wrong with it.

    You should revert back to the old system and start thinking about something because this show a big lack of work coming from Rare.

    There is litterally nothing justifying such a big gameplay sacrifice, not even new item types.

  • I stand by the main point of what I said: Switch the wood, banana, and regular cannonball barrels back to normal. Use the god awful menu for the rest of the barrels on the ship, which will hold the cursed cannonballs and all the other TBA items.

  • @dotcomrobots but they love adding extra steps and making everything more tedious! Wether it's the game, forum, events, giveaways...RARE won't be happy until everything feels like nails on a blackboard it seems.

  • and we dont need over 300 X Cannonballs... for what ???? makes no sence!!!

  • 11 cursed cannonball types, bananas, planks, regular cannonballs plus the possibility of animal skins, different food/weapon types, crafting materials and you want a barrel for each one rather than push an extra button? An inventory system is exactly what they need otherwise we’ll be on the sea of barrels

  • The worst part is that those overpowered cursed cannonballs can be found .... ON OUTPOSTS???

    What the hell are you thinking Rare? These should be OCCASIONAL...
    I have no idea where you are going with this!

    You spent 3 years developping a game that was dynamic and fluid. You spent 3 years optimizing ships for battle and now you're destroying all of it!

    !!!! where are you ???


  • @dotcomrobots i know right? Everything was about balance. One little patch and BOOM. All out of the Window.

  • I can see why people are struggling with the new barrel/inventory system, but I can also see the need for something more than we had now that there are multiple flavours of a single item type.

    Yes it very definitely needs some quality of life improvements, but insisting that Rare just scrap it and go back to the old system is an overreaction and rather short sighted in my opinion. Sea of Thieves is going to be constantly evolving and improving and Rare need to ensure that the systems they have in place meet future requirements as well as current.

    So I really hope they don't have a knee-jerk reaction and scrap it, but instead use the feedback to improve the new UI. Personally I' would like to see:

    • Empty barrels being marked as such
    • A 'hold to take all' option that takes everything you have room for in your personal inventory
    • The ability to swap cannonball types without having to open your inventory, e.g. using left & right on the D pad to toggle through them
    • A return to the original item caps in the ship inventory barrels
  • @nikinjapan said in [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0:

    11 cursed cannonball types, bananas, planks, regular cannonballs plus the possibility of animal skins, different food/weapon types, crafting materials and you want a barrel for each one rather than push an extra button? An inventory system is exactly what they need otherwise we’ll be on the sea of barrels

    I'd rather they never add animal skins or whatever and remove CCs entirely then. This s**t is unplayable.

  • "Barrel 2.0" is good for the RPG or MMORPG game, but not for Sea of Thieves! Sea of Thieves - coop action game, where everything decides the speed and reaction.
    "Barrel 2.0" looks like great for the first time, but slow down the game, makes the game uncomfortable.

    Better return "Barrel 1.0"

  • I understand the need for an inventory system will all the new items coming in the future but please not this way, it kills the game pace. The basic resources should be kept as they were since they are crucial for the core game (Planks, Cannonballs, Banana).

    Maybe add the menu for the special items since they are not needed for the core gameplay.

    Keep the barrels with a single item again so we can quick stock in a urge of a fight (forts) or during the pvp or skeleton crews.

    As i said in the previous post, yesterday i´ve died numerous times because of this cumbersome system.

    It doesnt make sense to degrade your game just because you want to introduce new items, these new items should add value! Not remove value from the core gameplay.

    Just fo finish. More does not equal better!

  • Barrel 2.0 is a terrible decision!!!
    Red flag is also not good idea!!! I started playing and I see that two ships with red flags just controling all OUTPOSTS collecting cursed cannonballs!!! And there is no option to players to sell their stuff because Brig that controls outpost is loaded with CURSED CANNONBALLS THAT DROPS YOUR ANCOR!!!! How can I play on SLOOP??? Me and my companion cannot resist BRIG WITH 3 people and CURSED CANNONBALLS!!!

    We had fights with SKELLY SHIPS with these CUSRED CANNONBALLS, but now the event ended and there is NO NEED IN CURSED CANNONBALLS.


  • I'm not convinced either by this new system ...

    Good points :

    • several different resources in the same barrel.
    • the possibility of filling the barrels of the islands.
    • the menu brings new possibilities for the future of the game.
    • larger capacity.

    Bad points:

    • impossible to know the quantity of a resource on the boat at a glance.
    • impossible to know when a barrel is empty before searching it.
    • going through a menu is very dangerous in the middle of a fight. The "quick grab" is important on the boat or on the land, especially for picking up bananas while taking cover.

    I think there are some important (and some easy) changes to make but the system is not entirely bad.

    There is an interesting suggestion made by the community :
    The return to the simple functions of taking and storing with (X) and (Y), while adding the new menu by holding the (X) key for example.
    To do so, each barrel should select its main resource that can be quick grab first. (This proposal is also valid for resource crates.)

  • before this update game was both comfortable for PVP and PVE (not perfect but you had chance to avoid ships).

    Now I even don't take tasks because there is no chance to finish it.

    GAME became agressive PVP with CURSED CANNONBALLS!!!

  • Also I don't understand why by pressing menu first page shows what kind of inventory I have (compass, bucket, watches, shotgun and etc.) As if I don't know what I have. Is it has sense???

    I press menu just to see my level and achievements!!! Now I need to press RB twice to see it!!!


  • The "Barrel 2.0" loot/inventory system is a great idea on paper and much needed due to new inventory and loot types being added (and potentially more in the future). However, the current implementation feels rather awkward and borderline frustrating, it's simply not fun (Design reminder: Games are supposed to be fun!). It takes away from the flow of the game as it feels just bad and not fun, especially when you are looting floating barrels, barrels on islands when running away from multiple skeletons, looting in skeleton forts, picking up things quickly on your ship so you can use them, etc..

    Thus I have come up with the following couple of small suggestions which in my opinion, will greatly improve the Barrel 2.0 system:
    1. Add the old key/button press for taking things out of barrels/storing things in barrels and making it a "Loot All" and "Store All" key/button press (This should be an optional/additional way to loot/store barrels, you could still do it manually item by item like you can now in the original "Barrel 2.0" system).
    1.1. Pressing the "Loot All" key/button at a barrel will make you instantly pick up all of the things in the barrel you have room for in your inventory (limits apply, what you can't carry is being left inside the barrel to be picked up later).
    1.1. **Pressing the "Store All" key/button at a barrel will make you instantly store all the items you have that can be put into that type of barrel (checks which and how many items a barrel can take and only stores those, leaving the rest in the inventory).

    2. Mark empty barrels with the word "Empty" and possibly a different text/silhouette color than full ones when you look at it (maybe even make empty barrels gray in texture or something and turn them nice and brown when there is something in them if that's an option?).

    3. Change the inventory slots and barrel slots when you open a barrel to a different color/shade so you can instantly see via color code which is the inventory and which the barrel. I'd suggest leaving the Inventory slot color as it (since it's the same in the inventory menu as well) is and changing the barrel inventory slot colors to a distinctive, bright hue.
    Personally, I find the Inventory being on the left side and the barrel contents on the right side to be unintuitive and would like it to be switched, but color coding them to make it clear which is which should be good enough.

    5. On the Windows PC, allow items to be dragged and dropped from inventory to barrel using the mouse (also on Xbox One if a mouse is connected to the console).

    I think the above tweaks would make the new "Barrel 2.0" loot/inventory system very enjoyable instead of the awkward and borderline frustrating feel it has now and it would actually feel like a fun upgrade to the 1.0 system in terms of practicability and enjoyability.

    Addendum: Please translate the barrel names on the Ships (on the land they are translated properly) in the German language version (and possibly other languages) of the client.

  • I really dislike the new barrel system! The only saving grace when completing Athena skelly quests was that we could run around an island whilst being chased by fifteen skeletons and hope to grab a banana or two to get us through it! We utilised a perfectly good loot and inventory system.

    You’ve taken that away, and replaced it with a diabolical, complex inventory system that looks half finished! There are way more inventory spaces than we can use. And if we do have that many inventory spaces, why is it that we can still only carry five bananas and five cannon balls? Why can’t I utilise my inventory to its full capacity? It doesn’t make any sense.

    To me, this, along with the numerous bugs we get with each ‘update’ makes the game unbearable.

    Please Rare, bring back the old inventory system. This one really is rubbish!

  • It's probably been said dozens of times already, but it would be nice if you can see what's in a barrel just by hovering over it, like this:

    alt text

    Saves a lot of unnecessary annoyance when you're gathering supplies on an island and you're the 3rd person from your crew to check/open the same empty barrel.

    Also when you are taking the items from the barrel, it would be nice if it automatically jumps to the next item when one is emptied or your inventory is full of that item. It does do that when you are dumping your cannonballs in the barrel on your ship, when you have depleted your ordinary cannonballs, it automatically selects the cursed cannonballs in your inventory and continues dumping those in the barrel.

    Last it would be nice if you are putting (for instance) banana's in the barrel on your ship, that you do not have to scroll past the planks and cannonballs in your inventory before you get to the banana's. Just show us only the items that can actually be stored in that barrel (bananas for the food barrel, wood for the wood barrels and cannonballs for the cannonball barrels)

  • I like it.
    With some parctice it's almost as fast as before. We cleared off a bunch of skelly ships yesterday in our brig without sinking.
    A couple of tweaks though:

    1. Seperate buttons for filling and looting would speed up things.
    2. An indication of weather a barrel is
      empty or not seems essential.
  • Would be good to still see the barrel contents when running past the Barrel/s, this would save time stopping at that barrel if it's contents had something you didn't even need.

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