Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7

  • @genuine-heather dijo en Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    @guepard4 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    @genuine-heather dijo en Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    @guepard4 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    @genuine-heather dijo en Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    @treefittymonsta said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    @namnorisdog said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    • Some players travel in an unintended direction when fired from a cannon.

    Will this ever be fixed?

    Its been a known issue ever since I got the game. There should be a time limit for known issues. They need to focus on this one imo. it is one of the most frustrating parts other than the infinite black screen bug and the crashing but that was recently fixed.

    In the time I’ve played it’s only happened to me once. Not that big of a deal. Bugs can be tricky to spot sometimes, but they’re aware of the problem and I’m sure they’ll fix it just as soon as they can. In the meantime they’ve had lots of higher priority goals to occupy their time. Relax.

    Then you dont play much.


    I will correct my message.

    Then you don't use cannons much.

    That is more fair. I probably don't fire myself out of cannons as much as some people. But even during the skeleton thrones I never encountered the bug, and I shot myself out of a lot of cannons during that time. It's only happened to me once out of probably over a hundred shots. And even though I don't use it as often as some, I still use it often enough that you'd think I'd hit the bug more than 1% of the time. I don't think a 1% failure rate is the end of the world. I'm sure they'll fix it as soon as they're able. In the meantime, it's not a game breaker.

    The bug is around 40% while moving.

  • @guepard4 said

    And it is happening a lot, if only happened once to you it means you dont play much.

    Nope, that's not the case at all. I'm 50/48/48/4+ and both of the 48s are 3/4 complete.
    It has happened to me once but has affected my regular sloop mate maybe three times while we've played in the same crew.

    It appears that yours is a more severe case than the usual.
    Definitely worth you lodging a support ticket.

  • @ionei-falcon said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    @treefittymonsta What exactly are you referring to that will make it abusable?

    Sorry for the delay the new forums make it impossible to create a post on my mobile device, so I had to wait until I got home.

    See below:

    First off, if the server capacities are increased the alliance system might be ok. A larger server will allow multiple alliances to occur and epic battles, but if the server capacity stays at 24 or 32 whatever it is, its just not going to work. One alliance could dominate a server. The current game allows for unorganized 'alliances', which are chaotic (which is good). Once these players are able to organize, I can see constant griefing by multiple groups allied together to take over a server.

    People taking over servers and allying together to power level, forcing new players to submit or leave the server. IE join our alliance or be camped until you leave the server.

    Alliances are also going to attract more AFK farmers. Join alliance and put boat on a circular course in the corner of the map as they leech gold and exp.

    I'm hoping with this system people still take damage from other crews even while allied, crews still collide while walking, and nametags remain white.

    I also envision people allying together and hopping on one galleon, which essentially will become a man'o'war with 12 (or more) people managing the sails, cannons, and repairing, making said ship invincible. This can be done in the current game state but is completely chaotic due to no formal 'alliance' system. (which is good)

    I suggest making a server selection for alliance vs non-alliance servers or have different capacity servers. 64 player servers with alliances and 24/32 player servers without alliances. That way people can choose to be on servers with alliance mode enabled.

    Imagine being a duo sloop whose been oblivous to a large alliance formed on the server. You see the skull fort finally pop up after questing. You go to the skull fort and begin only to see three galleons allied together coming to obliterate you. What is your choices? Obviously server hop? Search for the few other ships that may be on the server to form a counter alliance? Meh.... I would just hop to another server in frustration.

  • @el-dunco said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    @ionei-falcon said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    @treefittymonsta What exactly are you referring to that will make it abusable?

    Think he is worrying about how they described the alliance system working. Hopefully they just left out some key information in that video but some of it sounded iffy.

    If allied crews still each receive 100% of gold/xp from a turn in then what's the point in even having a solo crew? Hopefully this has been thought of already. I'd rather their be incentive for a solo turn in/mutiny.

    Agree. I hope this well though out. I'm nervous about being on a server with a possible overpowered alliance roaming and no way to escape other than to hop server only to find another alliance's already dominating a server.

    Sidenote. Why is it so difficult to craft a post with the new forum.layout on my mobile device.... It's 2018 f*s.

  • So what ever happened to slowing the spawn frequency of the gunpowder skellies? It feels like it has increased, and about 80% of random spawned skellies have at least one gunpowder skelly in the group. Would be nice to see a decrease in the spawn rate on islands where there is an active OoS mission.

  • @w3t-dogg said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    So what ever happened to slowing the spawn frequency of the gunpowder skellies? It feels like it has increased, and about 80% of random spawned skellies have at least one gunpowder skelly in the group. Would be nice to see a decrease in the spawn rate on islands where there is an active OoS mission.

    I don't agree with this. The gun powder skeletons are the best thing to happen to this game. The chain explosions and fear of being blown up real add an edge to the game that was missing upon release. I am a great fan of the explosive barrel skellies and the new knock by the explosive barrels on boats. Plus in my opinion it has made the higher level order of souls missions alittle more bareable for solo play.

  • @admiral-rrrsole dijo en Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    @guepard4 said

    And it is happening a lot, if only happened once to you it means you dont play much.

    Nope, that's not the case at all. I'm 50/48/48/4+ and both of the 48s are 3/4 complete.
    It has happened to me once but has affected my regular sloop mate maybe three times while we've played in the same crew.

    It appears that yours is a more severe case than the usual.
    Definitely worth you lodging a support ticket.

    4+? Is that Athena?

    If you are athena 4+ without being pirate legend... this explains a lot of things about you and why you don't get barely bugs...

  • @guepard4 said

    4+? Is that Athena?

    If you are athena 4+ without being pirate legend... this explains a lot of things about you and why you don't get barely bugs...

    How does this explain a lot of things about me? What a stupid thing to say. You don't know me.
    Yes I have played Athena voyages with pirate legends which includes my regular partner and a few randoms.
    I have never asked for an Athena voyage and quite frankly I don't care for them. I am trying to avoid the end game of 50/50/50 and doing them (or forts) aren't helping me.
    I really don't understand what you are getting at.

    Why I don't get many bugs? lol
    Maybe not that particular one more than once or twice but I have repeatedly re-spawned with next to no health. Sometimes I can't take supplies even though my inventory is empty. A few times I couldn't load cannons even though my inventory shows 10 cannon balls. My character has shown a cannon ball in hand even when my inventory was empty.
    I have fallen through the ground inside an island. I have got stuck between the ship's interior and exterior walls.
    I assure you I've had my fair share of bugs in this game.

  • @khaleesibot Any idea if Duke will still be around after the 24th? I want to know if I should buy letters now before he leaves or if I can wait and save my doubloons? I see others are asking as well. Thanks

  • @treefittymonsta Well maybe OoS was the wrong example. I couldnt dig up one chest on gold hoarders without multiple waves of random skeletons spawning last night. Including a wave with 3 explosive keg guys. I am not saying get rid of them, and agree they do help with level 50 OoS occasionally, but the spawn rate it out of control for randoms. Especially when it takes 8-9 hits at legend level to kill one skeleton and he can restore full health by eating ONE banana!

  • Finally i saw procental progress in the XBox Achievements, nice.

    But meeting Meg several times without a fight leaves a missed opportunity in terms of atmosphere:
    When Meg swim away, she obviously disappears in sight at the surface (at least the fin is showing), just vanishing without anything.
    It would look better if she would dive away into the depths or something like that, just give her any animation for the despawn, it disturbs the immersion.

    Also playing a long session, after 3 or 4 hours on XBox One X i wasn't able to the wind animation anymore on my ship, luckily the flag still worked to help me set sails. After another hour or maybe even later the wind effects were back. Guess i'll open a bug report for this.

  • You have this cannon glitch that makes it sound like your still in the cannon when you shoot out

  • @duh-lm-fatboi It's a known issue.
    Some say, you only need to climb into a cannon again and get out of it to solve it, others say you have to shoot yourself out of the cannon again.
    If i remember correctly, this issue occurs when you climb into a cannon and shoot yourself out of it instantly. If you wait a second before shooting, it should not occure.

  • @sirliborius said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    @duh-lm-fatboi It's a known issue.
    Some say, you only need to climb into a cannon again and get out of it to solve it, others say you have to shoot yourself out of the cannon again.
    If i remember correctly, this issue occurs when you climb into a cannon and shoot yourself out of it instantly. If you wait a second before shooting, it should not occure.

    If u wait that second I typically getting the other bug that's been in the game since release and that's the shot in unintended direction. One day they will fix this bug.

  • @sirliborius

    Ok thanks

  • Is today the last day? My wife needs about 15 statues. Or will it be running into Tuesday/Wednesday? I don’t see any mention on the status page.

  • @xraylexx Ahoy matey!

    The last day (so far) is Wednesday when we expect the next patch to hit. So you still have a day and a half to get those statues done!

    Good luck matey!

  • I know this is a complaint on a very high level, but:
    In the menu, my pirate sometimes plays around with a cutlass.
    It would be nice if this would be the equipped one instead of a generic one.

  • @sirliborius it's the same with the instruments, shovel etc...and yes, would be nice, when it's the equipped one

  • So no patch today at all? No bug fixes? No fix for known issues? No new 'weekly'event. Ok?

  • @treefittymonsta said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    So no patch today at all? No bug fixes? No fix for known issues? No new 'weekly'event. Ok?

    Just make sure to bookmark their twitter and check every Tuesday/Wednesday
    Tomorrow is as Thursday tomorrow

  • @handsh0t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    @treefittymonsta said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    So no patch today at all? No bug fixes? No fix for known issues? No new 'weekly'event. Ok?

    Just make sure to bookmark their twitter and check every Tuesday/Wednesday
    Tomorrow is as Thursday tomorrow

    I don't understand why u are linking this? There was maintenance but no patch at all.

  • @treefittymonsta said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    @handsh0t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    @treefittymonsta said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    So no patch today at all? No bug fixes? No fix for known issues? No new 'weekly'event. Ok?

    Just make sure to bookmark their twitter and check every Tuesday/Wednesday
    Tomorrow is as Thursday tomorrow

    I don't understand why u are linking this? There was maintenance but no patch at all.

    Oh I get it now. They are saying the update is on Thursday the 26th... Tomorrow is a bit ambiguous.

  • What about an insentive to carry more loot aboard your ship.

    It’s annoying being locked in combat with a ship for 20 min

    Finally to sink them and they had nothing onboard.

    If there was a bonus for handing 10 or more chests within a certain time window

    Then 15 chests

    Then 20 and so on.

    It would encourage players to horde more chests before selling maybe.

  • @the-blue-0range said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.7:

    What about an insentive to carry more loot aboard your ship.

    It’s annoying being locked in combat with a ship for 20 min

    Finally to sink them and they had nothing onboard.

    If there was a bonus for handing 10 or more chests within a certain time window

    Then 15 chests

    Then 20 and so on.

    It would encourage players to horde more chests before selling maybe.

    Don't pvp for loot. pvp for the fight. If you're pvping for loot; you're doing it wrong.

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