Character changes which have occurred.

  • Has anyone else had their pirates model appearance change recently or in the past?

    Last night my wife's characters model is different than today's; the hair color and face structure has changed since yesterday. I cannot speak towards smaller details until I find old images with her model in them and compare them to the changed look.

    But the issue is plain and obvious, we're not hallucinating.

    Yes, I appreciate the likely : Submit a bug report comments. Got it... thanks. I am simply wondering if this is a known issue I missed somewhere or if unspoken, have others encountered it?

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  • @blooddoll22 It has been a known issue since launch; you're best bet is to raise a support ticket and wait.

  • @blooddoll22 This is a known issue from the last patch. Ive had the same happen to my character where the hair colour was blonde and changed to a dark ash colour.
    Best thing to do is just submit a support ticket

  • @spunkus-skunkus Thanks for reminding me! I knew that I had heard of it before. No loss, further proof an ability to rebuild our characters would be of value... who wants a rando pirate they're locked into eh? lol

  • My pirate stayed the same thankfully.

    I hope things will be fixed with the next patch for those that have different stories.

  • @stacky-a Thank you bud! I'm reminded we need sail together more often! My wife managed to correct this by logging out and then back into the game but a bug report is sure to follow regardless.

  • @blooddoll22 Glad it was sorted. Yes, definately have to sail with you again soon!

  • @blooddoll22 it's a known issues resulted of last patch.

    My character passed from a brown-red hair to a bright Orange one.
    I was more muscular too, but maybe that's due to some personal relaxation... Need to lift the anchor more often ehe

  • Yes. Someone shaved me in my sleep. I lost my facial hair.

    I think it was you who noticed it, @blooddoll22 .
    That, along with you always wearing dresses, has caused me to sleep with one eye opened but from now on it'll be the eye without the patch.

  • @admiral-rrrsole Speaking of shaved... I look like Old Kratos now with my beard dude... Nowhere near in the same universe regarding "Buff" standards.. but the bald head and beard (despite needing to thicken some more) and potential expression do match in real life l**o....

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