Some ways to Avert Aggression/Piratey Attacks in this game...

  • After going through my Pacifist Week, it's harder for me to do certain "piratey" things. Aye, before, I wasn't willfully violent when it came to interactive gaming, but I'm hesitant in engaging others when I just see a ship setting around, minding its own business.

    It also has caused be to think how I approach other pirates -- both visually and audibly.


    ...I first went about going cannons up and holding a lantern (like how @DuMy2008 taught me). If not the Lantern, at least some goodies in peace.

    1) I then started sailing the white pennant until the Rainbow flag came into game. Then I started sailing THAT flag. I'm a vicarious BRONY/PEGASISTER. Aye. That means I watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (or at least, try to). The reason for that particular flag (even though being confused for gay/lesbian..which isn't so different from real life) represent FRIENDSHIP for me. It's my MLP flag, my RAINBOWDASH flag, who represents Loyalty in the show yet who can be very competitive, brash, and arrogant at times but she's still a good friend.

    So. When I don't want to engage others with aggressive, thieving tactics, I fly my MLA pennant. And if approached or see a ship sailing toward me, I whip out the megaphone and ask, "ARE YE A BRONY? WHO's YOUR FAVOURITE PONY? MINE IS SUNSET SHIMMER." Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't -- but at least an effort has been made before resorting to "Kill or Be Killed."

    2) Also I use the sails to depict my intentions. White or Bilge Rat Tankard sails for peaceful sailing OR Blood Red for piratey fiestiness.


    1) I also try to play the SqueezeBox.

    To me, the SqueezeBox is the more silly and friendly noise maker in the game. If someone sees me coming at them making sweet music, they might figure that I'm either crazy or crazily friendly.

    ** If yer interested in DISCUSSING this Topic, please sail over yonder: **

    BUT if you want to add more Tricks and Tips for avoiding such fiesty piratey runs-in, please add them here. R')

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  • Ok, very nice. But you have noticed, this game is pirate game?
    It's not about aggression, but about robbing stuff from others.
    I do not judge you by your verbal / accustic approach. But I DO want your stuff anyway.
    Please don't take it personal. I am neither aggressive, nor do I have a problem with you specific. Just need to rob the stuff!

  • @longingfern4785, I can understand your point because I've even said "Pirate Game" when alot of early players were concerned/complaining that they didn't want to get PvPed all the time when they logged into this game for solo runs or voyaging with chums or even their kids. ...I even pointed out that it's a sea of THIEVES.

    But all because I try to avoid confrontation, that doesn't mean I'm not prepared or expecting to be aggresively attacked by someone who's doing what their fiesty piratey heart is telling them to do.

    If the game allows me to not attack and I actually don't want to attack at that give moment or that session entirely, then I try creative ways to avert it. R')

  • I've always played with a more 'smuggler' mindset. Pride myself on moving about without incident or notice. Moving me wares. If someone attacks me then I best protect the goods. I enjoy the challenge of out sailing a pursuer. It all works out.

    I like the looming threat as well as when people aren't hostile. It's fun for those first few moments when you'r both trying to figure out if the other is going to attack so you move around with an awkward distance never turning your back. One time we both drew pistols on each other waiting to see who would shoot first. We shared a laugh and then went adventuring together. Lad helped me unload my black market chickens.(Don't ask what makes them black market)

    What I HATE lately is people acting like this isn't an acceptable way to play. Like I'm forcing the world around me to be passive with me. No @!$# there's pvp in the game...but I've been avoiding all of you just fine since launch and no one's complained!! No one is forcing people to give out hugs when they encounter people but no one is forcing me to kill everyone I encounter either.

    -mumble grumble mumble-

    Right...the topic. I usually jump up onto the sloop canvas in the back and dance/wave or play music. Sometimes I can do it on the little upper deck but I usually aim for maximum visibility. If on an outpost I walk around with my tankard and start drinking on their approach. This has backfired a few times but surprisingly I'm a pretty good drunken sword fighter. Who knew. Most instances they share a drink with me before heading back out.

  • @captnjaq Your initial post just sounds like you connect PvP with aggression.
    If people play a 5vs5 ego shooter in the internet, they don't do so because of aggression. It's for the fun. It's the same as kids playing tag in the park.

    I don't see a controversy in playing PvP (even within a WW2-themed game) and being a pacifist. There is a HUGE difference between playing and killing.

  • @captnjaq I can agree with this technique as sometimes you see others going about their business on the high seas. While you come across others you are not sure of their intentions until the last second when you see they are turning for broadside attack or the traditional ramming of the boat technique.

  • If yer interested in DISCUSSING this Topic, please sail over yonder:

    BUT if you want to add more Tricks and Tips for avoiding such fiesty piratey runs-in, please add them here. R')

    :: ADD-ON ::
    ..making sure this gets into the OP too..

  • I added some tips....while fully owning up to my own side tracked thought. No need to cherry pick my post and eject me into a new topic...

  • I find sailing indicators much more obvious in most cases than a player characters. The character models look shifty to begin with and weapons can be drawn so quickly.

    Sailing as an action has that bit of slack to the movements so it's harder to hide your driving goal when sailing towards someone. Either your going straight in or your clearly trying to ease in while keeping a safe distance. Certainly someone can be overly patient and attack you anyway but for the most part it is easy to spot someone sailing in for some action versus cautiously sailing in to attempt something more passive.

  • @CaptnJaq
    I've found that doing something unexpected/ridiculous can also be a great way to avert aggression/piratey attacks. For example, jumping up and down a lot while flashing a lantern. Or jumping in the water and start playing music. Waving at players is also a great way to show your intent, because it takes a little while to undo the wave which makes it hard to shoot someone straight away.

    Visually, I don't ever brandish a weapon if I don't want to appear hostile. I don't pay much attention to how my ship looks, besides flying either a white flag or a rainbow flag. But I do put my cannons up and usually start flashing the lantern(s) on my ship so that they notice me approaching or know that I'm aware of them approaching.

    Audibly, I don't often use my mic. So I guess this isn't audible.. but when I approach another ship, I always type out a greeting "hello there!" "Hiya!" "Ahoy Mateys!". I never instantly go for the "I"M FRIENDLY", rather I try to explain in as little words as I can why I'm approaching their ship or explain to them what I'm doing.

    Some people will always shoot first, no questions asked. But, in my experience, if you don't shoot first and show that you're aware that they're there (or make yourself known when approaching another ship) most people don't immediately shoot first.

  • I don't have anything wrong with brony's and wish that was the real reason people flew the rainbow flag and also for friendship. I would love to display my rainbow flag after it rains but some might get the wrong idea. The problem I have is when you clearly are not interested in fighting and you display all these things and the griefer just wants to grief despite them. I usually don't take precautionary measures when i set sail even when I am alone. I just prepare my self the best way I can which I feel confident now at high levels. My advice is just to be prepared for both the worse and the good. I have sailed up on another sloop ready to brawl and they type out "im friendly" then I feel a huge weight come off my shoulders and proceed to be friendly. That's just the way the game is and the more prepared you are the better. The ones that are quick to fight are not prepared. They are just fueled with rage and hate plus deep red pirate blood runs within them.

  • @john-hatter said in Some ways to Avert Aggression/Piratey Attacks in this game...:

    I find sailing indicators much more obvious in most cases than a player characters. The character models look shifty to begin with and weapons can be drawn so quickly.

    Sailing as an action has that bit of slack to the movements so it's harder to hide your driving goal when sailing towards someone. Either your going straight in or your clearly trying to ease in while keeping a safe distance. Certainly someone can be overly patient and attack you anyway but for the most part it is easy to spot someone sailing in for some action versus cautiously sailing in to attempt something more passive.

    That kinda stuff is what sets this game apart from basically all console games. Since there isn't an effective method of communication considering most players aren't on mic it leads to treating everyone suspiciously, for good reason. It's a great change of pace. I quite enjoy finding friendly players and i hope they create more engaging ways to interact. Maybe some games in the tavern.

  • For me, it has been as simple as just interacting with people. Two example that both happened tonight:

    1. We were at an Outpost, had been trying to get the 20 chest achievement but had a few chases in a row and decided to just cash in to be safer (more on this in the next example, ironically). While we were unloading another Sloop started to come into port, and they started to make their way into a position to take shots on us. We'd just finished unloading (and I had actually just hidden a chest in the tavern for some other crew to find), so I simply told them as they pulled up "We have nothing, so feel free to sink us, otherwise you're welcome to just unload and get on with it."

    They didn't open fire, but they sat on their Sloop for a bit while we gathered our last supplies, got back on our Sloop and set sail. They sent a text based "Thanks!" back to us as we sailed away, so I jumped on the megaphone and called out that I hid a chest in the tavern if they wanted it (was a Marauder's chest, so not terrible either).

    1. Earlier while trying to load up our ship with 20 chests we were approached by another Sloop, so we made a quick getaway from the island we were at and they followed in pursuit. Earlier we had been attacked by a team of Sloops working together, so we were well on the defensive at this point. Eventually we have Meg messing with us, so we shoot her a few times, and she turns and bullets to the other Sloop to attack them. We make it to port and drop some treasure, and while I'm there this other Sloop pulls up.

    I announce immediately, "Sorry guys, already cashed if that is what you were after!" and started to dance a happy jig. They then inform me that they had been following us so they could get help hunting the Meg who had been messing with them in the same area for awhile - they even claimed we got the Meg on us because of them being so near. Well, why the heck not, I climbed on board of their Sloop and went off with them for a bit while my crewmate went on his merry way like a solo Sloop and kept our work progressing. After a couple fun battles with Meg I jumped off and used a Mermaid to get back to our Sloop.

    A little later at an island we see a Sloop coming up and someone dive off the Crow's Nest with a GPB. I hop in the water and take them out before they get to our Ship, and on the Ferry we realize it is the Meg hunting crew and we apologize for messing with each other. By the time I spawned back, their Sloop was sailing away again peacefully.

    So, the moral of all this, get in the game chat and interact with people - or just make use of the chat functions if you don't have a mic (I don't need PC level of text, I can cooperate with just the Chat Wheel stuff if that is all you got). Are you assured to have a peaceful encounter - of course not, but it sure makes a world of difference with crews who are on the fence about attacking to begin with.

  • @redeyesith I find this game is SO LIMITED when it comes to PvP the most fun to be had, at least for me, is in co-op. If i want to fight there are much better options out there

  • @theothervillain said in Some ways to Avert Aggression/Piratey Attacks in this game...:

    @redeyesith I find this game is SO LIMITED when it comes to PvP the most fun to be had, at least for me, is in co-op. If i want to fight there are much better options out there

    I'm the same, but I won't shy away from a fight in 90% of situations either. I just try not to be the aggressor in the situation usually. Granted, not all the time - we're pirates after all. But there can be good will among thieves.

  • @redeyesith I honestly just outright dont enjoy the PvP. It's my fault, i know, but I expected more. More nuance to sword fighting, more character movement, more strategy such as a stealth mechanic...just more...

    That being the case I find co op with strangers to be much more interesting.

    Now if they only expand that to more activities

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  • Came across this article and felt it provides more pointers...

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