Hatter's Combat Guide and Crossplay Band-aid (Your Tips Welcome)

  • With crossplay still a heated debate and threads starting to appear once more I felt like attempting to add to the discussion but found anything I started to put to words lacking. The debate is heated and those involved in its discussion are locked into their perspective’s sides. One side cries “PC cheaters!” and the other cries “Get Good” while leaving very little room for middle ground.

    As a PC player who stubbornly uses a controller I have no desire to see the servers split. I offer no real logical reason behind it other than I’m sentimental and don’t want you to go. With no real words to try and bridge the gap I decided to do the only thing I could think of.

    I offer the following combat guide as a measure of good will towards my xbox brothers and sisters of the sea. I know it will amount to little in the scope of the issue but the following are things I have put into practice in order to survive encounters with my more skilled mouse and keyboard brethren while using a controller. I went for a bit of flare so hopefully in translates.

    I welcome any controller pros out there to offer similar advice or techniques they use to survive their fellow pirates. I am by no means an expert and my approach to combat will certainly not fit everyone but my tactics have made things enjoyable for me so hopefully they will return some of the joy back to someone’s adventure.

    As a PC player if the best my side can do is say “git gud” then the least that can be done is offer some form of genuine assistance without all the malice of the debate. We are all on the same boat so let’s get good together.

    Cheers~ and happy sailing.

    There are some nasty folks out there in the seas and chances are more than one of ‘em will set foot on your deck or chance a beachside brawl. Now some of these curs will be faster on their feet than you but so long as you stand strong, don’t lose your head and know when to shift course I promise you CAN survive. The following dance steps I have put to practice for just such situations and have served me well in all my encounters. Now look sharp!

    You want to keep 'em about 3-4 swords length distance. Not close enough for 'em to strike but close enough for you to slip in should the chance present itself. A little extra distance will also make it easier to keep an eye on ‘em especially if they’re extra slippery. Keep a defensive posture and be quick on your feet. A trained axe will find a tree stump 100% of the time. Make sure you’re not that stump.

    Control is the game and patience the only rule. Hold your defense, block a few strikes here and there when necessary but maintain distance! Sooner or later they will tire of the stalemate. Once they do it’s our turn!

    They will do one of two things. Go for a firearm or make a lunge.

    If they go for a lunge just watch for signs. Either keep moving to throw off their aim or count the moments and dodge last second. Some might need a combination of both. Strike on the stumble. If they hold their cool then back to defensive distance but often enough they go for the retreat which opens more chances to cut em down. Use your judgement. Just remember the true opportunist knows when I window is closing as well as when it opens.

    Now if they go for firearm like a pistol or eye of reach then the second the sword goes down you charge in. This is what we wanted. They have abandoned the sword fight. With no way of blocking you can move in and swing to your hearts content. Keep to the sides to avoid getting shot and cut em’ down. Always light on your feet. No tree stumps here!

    If they go for blunderbuss extend your distance and charge on the reload. She’s got kick up close but you can take a grazing or three depending on the angle. Avoid the cannon, endure the burn I always say.

    Now this ones hard for some. ‘Pride’ I think they call it. KNOW WHEN TO RUN!

    Crossed steel bandages no wounds. Get your feet workin' and get yourself some distance AND cover. Terrain is your ally. As soon as you’re bandaged get back into the dance. At long range you’re putting all your cards on how good a shot the enemy is! Don’t act like some skill will do you any good. Your life relies entirely on how good a marksman you’re against. Not my type of gambling. If they’ve got a devil’s eye and a swift trigger no amount of weaving will save you. Never put your life in the hands of your enemy. Didn’t think I’d have to say that one…

    My final advice is this: leave desperate tactics to desperate men. Keep your head calm, your defense strong and always flexible. Victory may go to the bold but the spoils go to the living and sometimes living is all the reward you need.

    If you end up dead...well…I never said I was a fighter…

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  • Love'd the writing style, give's new players some decent tips, good job. One tip I do give all controller players KEY BINDS make sure to use the binds in your menu, preferably change bananas to an easy button such as press down on joysticks or directional pad it will surely help

  • @john-hatter Great tips. Thanks for sharing. Combat has never been my strong point in this game but i'm usually good at avoiding it.

  • @stacky-a
    Avoidance is a solid tactic in itself. I pride myself on just that skill haha~!

  • Also I never really use swords in PvP unless fighting on MY ship to stun lock the ones that board. I would say observe you surroundings and pick the most optimal weapons I rarely ever put the blunderbuss up and switch between sword, pistol, and sniper depending on occasion. (swords are very easy to counter when running two guns)

  • @monsterurm
    Good points. I chose to focus on swords as it has become entertaining to me lately but mainly because at the end of the day fighting someone who has firearms depends more on how good they are versus any real skill at dodging. I've been bad at enough FPS to know that if a guy is good, he will kill me no matter how I dance.

    It works in reverse as well. I don't care how close I get to you I will be lucky to hit you with a firearm. But many out there are top marksman themselves and that's all you really need in that instance.

  • @monsterurm said in Hatter's Combat Guide and Crossplay Band-aid (Your Tips Welcome):

    Love'd the writing style, give's new players some decent tips, good job. One tip I do give all controller players KEY BINDS make sure to use the binds in your menu, preferably change bananas to an easy button such as press down on joysticks or directional pad it will surely help


    My controller binding is a frakenstein creation. I've got sprint on my left trigger, bananas/planks/bucket on my dpad. Aiming/Secondary is right bumper etc. It's a pain getting use to at first, but helps in the long run.

  • Great tips @John-Hatter I personally have my sword with me always, and when I don't and try to use 2 guns I regret it instantly. Not only is it the best weapon in the game its a great device to get around quickly. It stun locks, it's impossible to counter up close with 2 guns and in the hands of a skilled player it's deadly. I used to use pistol/blunder and find I do WAY better with pistol/sword.

  • @ve111a
    When I first started playing I followed youtube videos example and carried pistol and blunderbuss. I am a terrible shot so...I refer to it as my 'embarrassing times'.

    Once I fiddled with the sword a bit and learned the little block/sidestepping I have a ton of fun sword fighting people. I have had many encounters where people never changed weapons we just danced around clashing steel. So much fun.

    I'm still terrible at using the lunge correctly to move about...have decent luck connecting it in fights though so I'll take what I can get.

  • @john-hatter said in Hatter's Combat Guide and Crossplay Band-aid (Your Tips Welcome):

    When I first started playing I followed youtube videos example and carried pistol and blunderbuss. I am a terrible shot so...I refer to it as my 'embarrassing times'.

    Once I fiddled with the sword a bit and learned the little block/sidestepping I have a ton of fun sword fighting people. I have had many encounters where people never changed weapons we just danced around clashing steel. So much fun.

    I'm still terrible at using the lunge correctly to move about...have decent luck connecting it in fights though so I'll take what I can get.

    Yea I took a lot of time practicing the lunge to where I can use to board other ships in a chase but it took a lot of time. I'm sure I drive my captain b*****s the ammount of times (Which is still daily) Sword dashing my self in front of our ship to practice the range, timing and catching ladders but hard work pays off and I have made some great jumps in my time. Like everything in like practice makes perfect. Great guide for helping others !

  • @personalc0ffee
    As someone who usually dislikes pvp in general my best moments are when I cross blades with someone willing to make a dance out of it. It's in the sword that I think pvp has the potential to really shine across the board.

    I would be perfectly content if they locked in the sword slot and just let us choose a ranged.

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