3D printed Boutny Skull!!!!!

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    I have been working on designing a 3D print of the Foul bounty skulls for a little over a mouth and the results are pretty good. I have gotten a lot of help from other players with getting reference images, and giving me some notes on what to improve on. it even got featured in an online article for a magazine about gaming I am already in the process of making the other skulls in the game. including the Villainous Skull with the floating bits. Please let me know what you think and be sure to show this to everybody you think may enjoy it. Keep on sailing!!!


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  • @garrettsartsnwn nice!

  • @garrettsartsnwn I don't mean to increase your workload, but, don't forget about the key skulls from the E3 event.

    Nice work

  • @garrettsartsnwn great work!

  • @garrettsartsnwn well done...indeed!

    Working on the same thing myself as part of the Order of Souls Brazier :-D

  • @specialadvisor how does that work? i thought Rare had a strict claim on not profiting on any of there assets?

  • @garrettsartsnwn Rare absolutely owns the intellectual property rights here. Speaking only for myself...I’m a 3D replica prop tinker who does these things for fun and absolutely don’t ever sell anything. In fact most of what I’ve done and posted here on the insider forums are one of a kind and setting on my workbench...except the belt buckle I sent to Rare ;-)

  • That's really cool.good job!

  • @foxdodge what about em?

  • @specialadvisor oooooh I thought you ment that your making a SHOP for these

  • @garrettsartsnwn said in 3D printed Boutny Skull!!!!!:

    @specialadvisor oooooh I thought you ment that your making a SHOP for these

    Nope. Just a tinker having fun :-)

  • @garrettsartsnwn Awesome work! It came out beautifully!

  • @garrettsartsnwn following you 👌🏻 this is fantastic. can't wait to see future projects

  • @garrettsartsnwn

    That looks wonderful! Methinks it might be time to create a nice collection for Hallowe'en :D

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    The second in a series of 3D printed Bounty skulls from the Sea of Thieves. This full scale Disgraceful Bounty Skull from The Sea of Thieves, is comprised of a mixture between gun metal sliver and black licorice. On top of which wicked green marks glow across the surface giving off any eerie feeling of what dark secrets lay with in it. Originally printed in two halves, I glued and clamped them together and sanded the edges down. Then I used XTC-3D to further smooth out the details and sanded it again. Then I covered the markings with painters tap and gave it a coat of black quick drying paint for the base, and then I both air brushed and sponge brushed the rest the the details on. I used the Same Cooler Brights that used in the Foul skull model. Hope to see you guys at the Cursed Sails, and keep on sailing!!

    Thingiverse page link here

  • Wow that looks amazing

  • @garrettsartsnwn Awesome work!

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    Lost amongst the waves of the Sea of Thieves, the elusive Hateful Bounty Skull lays hidden, waiting for any soul foolish enough to try and claim it. Legend has it that these skulls where made by those you died seeking revenge and lived a Hateful bitter life. The sheer heat of their furry when met with the Ice cold choppy waters forged their Skulls into something like sliver. The green marks that adorn the Skull are side to represent the souls resentful nature, as one eye glares menacingly towards what it sees , another even more frightening eye in the back for all those it cannot. Yet the sheer force of will and magnitude of the skulls dark past deeds, has caused even this metallic bone to crack as all of its sinister secrets struggle to break out.

    So for the Hateful Skull I repeated the same process, but with a few adjustments. I sculpted the glowing marks on to the same Foul Skull model and sure that the marks were high enough to see but not to high that the Skull would look goofy. I then tried by best to get the the Skull crack as best I could but I ended up using my dermal tool to deepen it. I went ahead and printed in to parts again, cleaned them up glued them together and applied some XTC-3D to it before sanding. I added the painters tape over the markings and added a couple coats of sliver paint for the base. Then I used my air brush to add some dark and light blue shadows like the ones you see in the game. Then I just removed the tape, Andes some Cooler Brightz inside and done. I may go back and paint over the marks with some green paint with my airbrush later on.

    Thingiverse page here

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    IT'S HERE!!!! hidden in the murky waters of the Sea of Thieves the prized Villainous Bounty Skull reveals itself. Worth more than it's wait in gold. The dark sinister secrets that lay within call to any who dare take it from it's owner. But be wary, once you have it, you may well be the target of others looking to steal your bounty, if you survive.

    Thingiverse page here

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    Locked away deep within the crypts of each Forgotten Strong hold, guarded by legions of the shameful undead, the Strong Hold Skull, most sought after Bounty Skull within the Sea of Thieves, lays hidden away among the many other treasures scattered there. This skull set with golden teeth and emerald eyes, is set to covered form the soot of gun powder used in battles fought long ago. The sinister green glow emitting from its eyes, marks, and the piles of jewels stuffed within the skull itself, comes from the dark secrets yarning to be freed, fighting to break through the skull itself. The only thing holding it together, are bits of ancient leather laced with gold, and the only way to get it is by stealing the key to the crypt, carried by only the most sinister of skeleton captains. But even if you mange to fight through the waves of skully swine, and best the captain to steal the key and make your way to the hoard, take head. You now have one of the most valuable things in the Sea of Thieves, and ever pirate knows it, and they are now coming for you.

    Thingiverse page here

  • @garrettsartsnwn Oh my god! I literally need all of these in my life! I’m so jealous of your skills! Any chance of me being able to be a pirate and steal them all for my own personal gain? ;)

    Seriously though, well done! They are amazing! Rare needs to make there own versions to sell!

  • @foxdodge said in 3D printed Boutny Skull!!!!!:

    @garrettsartsnwn I don't mean to increase your workload, but, don't forget about the key skulls from the E3 event.

    Nice work

    These skulls look awesome, great work. But yeah, never forget, I think it was Gamescom though, the event skulls!

  • @zz-emerz-zz Awesome Work man :)))

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    Deep beneath the waves of the Sea of Thieves, the dead raise to wreck havoc among the living. Only the bravest ( or dumbest) would go up against theses fleets of skeletons, but if your lucky enough not to get sunk, and manage to best the skeleton captain, you maybe able to get your hands on the most Valuable Bounty Skull with in the sea of thieves, but if you happen to have joined a alliance to take down the fleet, be warned to watch your back, for once the infamous Skeleton Captain Skull is found.... the battle may continue.....
    FINALLY!! The last Bounty Skull is DONE!!....well at least until the next update. But this skull was made the same way as the others. I divide the skull into two parts and printed them out and glued them together with some crazy glue and XTC-3D and sanded it down and used a mixture of paint brushing and airbrushing with a Green Cooler brightz fixer inside to get the glowing effect.
    I have one more project, and its a BIG one so please remember to subscribe and follow me to keep up to date, and as always keep on sailing!!!

    [Thingiverse page here]https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3085661()

  • @garrettsartsnwn

    oooooh I thought you ment that your making a SHOP for these

    @SpecialAdvisor said: "brazier"!

    Not a "bazaar"!

    Nor, for that matter, a "brassiere" :-)

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    So the same folks that publish the story about my first Skull, were kind enough to publish another featuring all the other 3D printed skulls I have created over the past mouth. and before you ask, YES i am planning on making an ashen Skull soon. I just have a lot of things to do in order to get ready for this years Halloween. You can check out the article in the link below.

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