A tune below the Seas

  • Ahoy fellow scurvy dogs! I'm going to tell ye a small tale about one of me voyages. I heard a rumor of a mysterious tune that plays once ye take a dive in the bottom right corner of the map! At the skull to be exact. Don't get me wrong, trusting rumors from landlubbers in a Tavern isn't a great idea, but I had nothing to lose, literally. Turns out, the rumor be true!
    The tune was very heavenly, and caught me by surprise. If ye don't believe me, which you might not, take a look for yerselves. Ye won't regret it!

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  • @castlecrasher61 That's where I lost me leg

  • @castlecrasher61 It's everywhere under the water something like 4 meters deep it start.

  • @zyrkal Is that so? Hm, I'll have to see for meself.

  • @castlecrasher61

    If you swim around the centre of Shark Bait Cove and around the stacks on Mermaid's Hideaway there's also some beautiful mermaid type music playing, it comes and goes and I've always been curious as to what it's indicating.

  • @KattTruewalker Very interesting indeed. Whatever it is indicating, it must be foreshadowing something. Or, maybe the legendary Fizzy F**y poisoned the Banana supply and we're all goin mad. Just a thought

  • Same music in the center of Smugglers Bay covey area. It’s really apparent the closer you get to the rocks at the bottom, which weren’t there when I first started playing. The rocks appeared about maybe a month ago.

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