My sincerest Apologies

  • I know that the cosmetic addition has caused a lot of uproar. I’m sorry if I offended any one on these here pages.

    I stand by my beliefs.

    Anyone flying the flag I wish you the very best on your journey in these seas.

    It’s just a personal decision of mine to not fly this flag.

    You don’t have to agree with me,, but you do have to accept and respect my decision.

    Thank you / dank je

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  • Why would anyone disrespect you for not flying the flag? That would be like disrespecting someone for not flying the Jolly Roger. We have a variety for a reason.

  • You don't really have to announce that you aren't going to fly the flag, no one will really care if you don't.

  • How dare you do something you want to do? For shame.

  • @dutchdeadschot I can only guess you mean the flag of the mighty Rainbow, if so why are you apologizing? At the end of the day it is your choice what flag you wave in the air. I will say, I do wave the said above flag an gotten much fleck from it. From what I can tell that has nothing to do with you waving a none rainbow one. I am mama bo, an you are welcome to run the rainbow or not. Just be you be you pup an let's have fun on the seas.

  • @imspecial00

    Ahoy matey!

    As per the Pirate Code it is not permitted to resurrect old topics. This isn't limited to Sea of Thieves, most forums you find on the internet have this rule :)

    Bumping Threads

    Bumping threads with content that is not providing additional information to the original post is not permitted. Resurrecting very old threads is also not permitted. A warning will be issued and the thread locked. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @murkrage Wasn't my intent I will mark note 18 days is old post thank you I will be moving along nice seeing you again.

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