Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1

  • yep skellie spawns are way out of hand and you have to love the pin point accuracy they have to shoot through a rock each hopefully it will get resolved in the next update.

  • @iceman-0007 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    yep skellie spawns are way out of hand and you have to love the pin point accuracy they have to shoot through a rock each hopefully it will get resolved in the next update.

    Hope it will not. Skellies are just easy enough to kill if you dodge and at the same time they still a little bit challenging, if you nerf it - they gonna be just useless dummies.
    I have absolutely no problem with their accuracy - if you moving right and using the body of your closest enemy as a shield while attacking him(just keep him between you and gun skellies) - you should have no problem at all.

  • Still doing hour-long, wildly frustrating missions to receive castaway chests. Why is bitter, infuriating frustration and disappointment something you're all so dedicated to including? It's the only explanation I can fathom for rewards not scaling with the voyage complexity.

  • screen freeze and kicked. i reported it and they say it was my internet but its happened to me and many crews ive met so i feel insulted when support tells me its me then i explain and they give me the same crum

  • @symbioto Not to appear that I'm picking on you personally, but just what level are you as far as rep goes?
    Do you gravitate towards being a part of a four person galleon more so than selecting a sloop?

    Your Xbox app stats seem a lot lower which suggests that you may not know of the increase of skeleton spawns faced by reps of over 40.
    They are relentless, continuously spawning wave after wave the whole time you are on an island. Gold Hoarders appear worse than Order of Souls quests. It's a firing squad of at least three blunderbusses while another six attack with swords and flintlocks. As soon as you kill them another wave spawns to take their place.

    Thankfully I've been able to focus on playing catch-up with Merchant Alliance and OoS quests with participating sloop duo partners but try that 40+ GH solo or as a duo and you just might voice a different opinion about the matter.

  • @zi-edelweizs-iz

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    @symbioto Not to appear that I'm picking on you personally, but just what level are you as far as rep goes?

    My ingame rep 31/28/21
    I play mostly with my friend on sloop, but 1/4 of time I play with random teams on galleon.

    Skellies spawning all the time since the last patch but this not a problem for me - 1/2 shots or 3-4 hits and they are dead...
    Don't think that skellies spawn frequency is player's level based, maybe I'm wrong

  • @symbioto Thanks for the edits to your post. Much appreciated. :o)

    Maybe it was just a coincidence that level 40 onward seemed so much harder. I can only imagine it for a soloist, near on impossible.

    edit: Sorry but I'm not following your comment "1/2 shots" Just to clarify, is this a new drinking game for minors? lol
    And what are you talking about here? "3-4 hits and they are dead"
    Hits being cannon balls, firearm bullets / pellets or strikes with a cutlass?
    Because it take far more than 3 or 4 strikes with a cutlass, we aren't sitting next to an ammo crate and the ship is usually on the far side of the island for their spawning area where cannon balls aren't an option.

    So maybe we are just doing it wrong after all. :o)

  • @admiral-rrrsole

    Basic white skellies takes 1-2 pistol bullets or 3-4 strikes with a cutlass. See a lot of enemies -shorten your distance, strike with cutlass and try to keep your victim between you and gun skellies - so they shoot at the back of your victim. While you hit with your sword - they are immobilised - use it for you advantage.
    Only metal once are pain in the * because you can't chain your strikes on them.

  • @symbioto basic skellies on legend voyages takes 8-9 hits whit cutlass

  • @el-mandarina

    Ah ok, I'm pretty far from legendary voyages :)

  • Feedback from here on updates to 1.1.1.

    We stopped playing 1.0.6 because of some unpleasant events dealing with other players. In the Rare 'blurb' they state that they want to; 'Let you be the kind of pirate you want to be.' They also go on to say that their ; 'ambition is to build a game that lets you pursue whatever adventure your salty heart desires'.

    Solo playing Rare state is possible with the statement 'but be prepared for a challenge! At launch we have large ships designed for collaborative crews of four, and smaller ships designed for one or two players.' Which suggests that this is 'At Launch' not necessarily for the whole lifetime of the game.

    Ignoring the rather tenuously claimed 4M players worldwide, of which many were I suspect transient game-pass players used to hype the game, for the E3 event there are also many players who feel that they have purchased and have and are NOT being delivered the game promise that Rare stated as quoted above.

    Crew co-operation is more than just within a ships crew, and Rare attempted to improve that with THD only for a lot of people who have tried it to report that they got camped attempting to start the adventure or found it extremely difficult if at all to find enough players to meet the 5 player criteria to play. 5 Players was done obviously to try and get people to talk, even the voice trumpet was added to direct that intent, but to what avail when the game allows new or poor PvP players to be hounded by those that are so inclined.

    I have posted suggestions that would retain the overall PvPvE environment for the element of surprise and uncertainty that Rare delivered and players say they like. The proposal was for using each players own login SoT PvP data since game start. Combine these scores with other players that comprise a ships crew and then deploy their ship launch into a server that is has been configured for players for upper and lower PvP limits and into which their crew score fits. Those PvP limits could readily be derived from the entire player base PvP history.

    The concept is subject to the server PvP bands (if delivered) totally variable so it allows good PvP players to crew with poorer PvP and vice versa and will deploy their ship to an appropriate PvP banded game server.

    The reason I posted the idea was to offer an opportunity for the Game to deliver Rare's published 'stated aims' as shown above that were used to lure us in to purchase the game and pay subscriptions for ALL to enjoy play with others no matter your experience.

    The very glossy promo video material originally made and currently makes the game look far more than it actually is, the latest material being for the E3 event. Please sort out the game and do something to balance play up and allow those of us that are not strong on PvP to progress at our pace without having to run the gauntlet of really aggressive SoT players at outset and allow us to progress as some of them no doubt did when they were learning. For others that were in at the beginning they didn't have heavily experienced PvP crews at the outset, now new players do.

    I challenge Rare ANYBODY to come up with a proposal that allows the game to stay PvPvE with all the threats of being attacked, no safe places etc. so argued over on the forum but that also delivers Rares stated aim for all its SoT purchasers. NB: 'Git Gud', 'get lost', 'Felica' type responses will be ignored for what they are. Simply rude.

  • 1.1.2? Today or tomorrow?

  • @bl4cksh4dow78

  • @stratcat51 I have managed to do the Hungering Deep 3 times in the 2 weeks, tried to do it 5 times so I found players easy enough... the other crew communication did work for me as well. We crewed up with people each time, even if they didn't have a mic - we just did jump for yes etc. It worked so well that one time we went about our own business after Meg and kept driving past each other and even had quests on the same island but no one fired a shot.

    Within your long post I don't actually see a point being made outside of you stopped playing due to unpleasant events with other players - this is your major gripe? Just join a discord and get a crew OR if a particular griefer continues then just leave and load a new server, it's not that big a deal - and it is actually quite RARE now.

  • @wipe-nd-clean The point made and the logic is quite clear in the post above. It's not just about THD that is an example of ongoing issues. You it seems were lucky, but there are plenty that aren't feeling that way even with people trying to promote a help system in the last 24 hours before THD event closure today.

  • Really? This week was supposed to start the weekly events, not Hungering Deep extension. There are loads of us who have already killed the damn shark multiple times! The least you could have done is more rewards for killing it.

  • @stratcat51
    You are not gonna find any answers that you like. Because the problem doesnt exist. This is not a nice hand holding game. You should know this from Rares history of making games

  • @soviet-dan1992 This was last week's patch notes. Look at timestamps. According to twitter they had to delay the patch and are working on trying to get it working for tomorrow, but tomorrow is a tentative date at best. Right now it's wait and see.

  • @nwo-azcrack Not with you, no as we came to yesterday. I am simply of the view that Rare are not living up to their published aims. That is not the same as some past games they may have developed which as I couldn't name one means their history is irrelevant.

  • @stratcat51
    I was pointing to the fact that Rare is known for some of the hardest challenges in gaming history. I mean really brutal.

  • @nwo-azcrack Maybe to some but not to me as I said, I couldn't name a single game they've done before. I went by their published aims on this website.

    They ask for feedback and some others ask for safe places or activity specific servers. I have and will continue to feedback to Rare and to other players with empathy to those like me who 'feel' griefed or disappointed with game experience. At no point have I said they should remove the PvP uncertainty that is key to the game. I will continue to say that they need to grade the game crews.

    If we believe the claims of 4Million players ... how many were there playing when the pioneers started and how many were at peak PvP skill then vs now? You don't know neither do I, but its pretty obvious when a few that are so minded to wreck a game for new or less skilled players particularly if they form a dedicated crew. They should be given the challenge they so clearly need. That can be as hard as Rare care to make it, but not inflicted on all when it needn't be. Thats what I proposed and you disagree with. Others maynot disagree.

  • @stratcat51
    So i have 3 friends who just started. One sittin next to me. None of their lvls are above 20. All use gamepass. I asked them about this and this is basically their thoughts.
    The game is super simple and easy to learn. 2 of them tried to play solo without me while i was at work. They were attacked and sunk.
    They loved every minute of it. Because loss in this game is no big deal. They were able to get a new ship real quick and keep playing and learning. All 3 claim the no tutorial was cool because they got to explore and learn.

  • @nwo-azcrack Not eveyone is the same. As I said yesterday, we (you and I) disagree. It doesn't mean that I should not feedback or respond to others on the forum in the manner that I do.

  • @symbioto!AugZ7HQdTZ9niVazRcikiSU4y09k look

  • @capnroguebeard
    Hey mate , the update should be Yesterday right well haven’t seen one was really hoping on iT , Lets see next week

  • @zi-edelweizs-iz yup was yesterday lol

  • @el-mandarina said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.1:

    @symbioto!AugZ7HQdTZ9niVazRcikiSU4y09k look

    Niccccceeeee! So much meat! I mean bones! :D

  • So what happened to today’s update? I heard a delay but until when?

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