Judge all you want but here's my little story.

  • For those who don't find this funny...This is a situation where you had to be there to really find this hilarious. Now...

    Buddy of mine and I were messing around the other night sailing from island to island. When suddenly we came across a couple of sloops. Now mind you they're kind of out a ways but I turn to my partner in crime and said... "lets go get in some trouble". So we did exactly that... Got in some trouble. We began to sail towards one sloop that was parked nearby on a island (I'm assuming it was looting.) as we got close the sails come down and the began to run. (Any pirate knows if they run they have a reason to be running for the most part). We chase this poor sloop down and powder keg them kill them take their stuff. We're just enjoying ourselves attacking other people and just playing around. Now towards the end of the night we left everyone alone. But here comes another sloop sailing straight towards us. (we thought it was a previous crew seeking revenge) . But this time it was different there was only one lady on the sloop. So my natural reaction was to hop on the boat and hit the anchor. Now at this point the lady had a perfect shot on me but never shot ? Which I thought was strange she just sat there and looked at me blankly. So I tell my friend hey don't shoot I believe we have a noob (blank sails no skill or fight in this woman). So instead of doing what we have done before and kill her we invited her to our ship. She comes aboard and sits there just staring at us....I'm assuming waiting to be killed. So we took our chances and I go man her sloop and sail it around with my buddy on our ship and our little friend. To sum it all up we raced each other for the achievement while our clueless noob (hostage some would say) just sat and watched us play around. Now after we got the achievement we decided that was enough for the night. We ran into each other with the ships waved goodbye to our clueless hostage and left our ship in her hands. Like I said before its random and most of you won't find this funny. But the circumstances of that night after fighting and sinking everyone we came across. This was the cherry on top for us lol.

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