any reason why 40+ order of souls voyages are insanely hard with no reward increase?

  • i could solo my voyages up to 35 rep until i got 40 in order of souls.

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  • @hiyall1 Without knowing why they are balanced in this manner, I think you make mention of a valid criticism. I believe, also, that the Order of Souls and Gold Hoarders voyages may be in need of a slight re-balance in order to bring them in line with the Merchant Alliance in terms of reward and reputation.

  • Because voyages are not well implemented, yet.

  • @hiyall1 The devs have repeatedly said that the game is explicitly not balanced around solo play.

  • @mrbrocksego It's not balanced around multi too. Lvl 45 OoS here, the voyages are a complete pain. It's funny because we don't have vertical progression (I'm ok with that) but enemies do. Waves of skellies with pistols are simply insane.

  • @arcangelo87 Yeah the voyages need work. I do most of my leveling for OOS and Merchants with stuff I find lying around, sunken ships, on the shore or whatever. I barely do any voyages, kind of boring. Except the riddle ones those are fun.

  • @arcangelo87 i am finding that at least half of the skeleton waves have pistols now with at least one or two waves of gold ones with pistols. cannot do it without dying like 5 or more times

  • They should buff the loot chance or whatever to match the difficulty and level of voyage.

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