Suggestions for New Content & Game Mechanics - Revised on 05/29/2018

  • I actually didn't realise this but thieves haven has macaws as environment animals, only a few dys ago I came across them, now it is kind of silly to ask for macaws in the game, perhaps repurposing them to tradable animals like chikens could still be possible?

  • @urihamrayne

    Ya know I noticed that the other day too!

  • Lots of really awesome ideas. I do, however don't think there should be as many aggressive enemies under the sea unless they are balanced pretty well, since the sharks are currently over powered and over numbered it seems. other than that- really awesome!! Hope dev's read it and consider them!

  • @drgiggles42069 said in Suggestions for New Content & Game Mechanics - Revised on 05/24/2018:

    Lots of really awesome ideas. I do, however don't think there should be as many aggressive enemies under the sea unless they are balanced pretty well, since the sharks are currently over powered and over numbered it seems. other than that- really awesome!! Hope dev's read it and consider them!

    The sharks are insane right now!!

  • @drgiggles42069 said in Suggestions for New Content & Game Mechanics - Revised on 05/24/2018:

    Lots of really awesome ideas. I do, however don't think there should be as many aggressive enemies under the sea unless they are balanced pretty well, since the sharks are currently over powered and over numbered it seems. other than that- really awesome!! Hope dev's read it and consider them!

    Jelly fish and eels could make for some diversity in the sea, and on land please something more than just skeletons over and over and over. The ideas listed on this post for New AI presents several possible options that would all be gladly welcomed and received as they not only add more verity to the game, but stick to the nature and style of the SoT feel.

  • Top Thread.

    Ppl are just bored. We don't have stuff to play with.
    "make ur own fun" it's not an excuse for lacking of content.
    Bring stuff to point A to point B its all this game offer right now.

  • @corvonero91 said in Suggestions for New Content & Game Mechanics - Revised on 05/24/2018:

    Top Thread.

    Ppl are just bored. We don't have stuff to play with.
    "make ur own fun" it's not an excuse for lacking of content.
    Bring stuff to point A to point B its all this game offer right now.

    Corvo, I have a load of fun with family and friends cross-platforming on Sea of Thieves. However, even with all that fun aside, I couldn't agree with you more. The game design and its use of the unreal engine is superb, but it needs at least double the current content to flush out the "holes" most of us encounter while sailing out on the waves. Luckily, Rare has announced they are releasing three major content updates for free and they're all due before winter of this year. The first releases next week I believe on the 29th.

    What I am getting at is they are obviously aware that the content is lacking, but they are clearly working on it, and very open to suggestions! They've added multiple items from the OP that've since been removed, and still seem to be teasing around the concepts discussed for possible future features into the game!

    So, if you can think of anything that you would like to see added to the Seas, please feel free to post away and if it is a good one, I'd be happy to add it to the list for ye!

  • The reason FOV is so limited is because console players can't run a higher FOV. And idk about Battlefield 1 pushing the limits, Quake has been around forever.

    I doubt they would add an Axe in addition to the already planned Boarding Axe

    Bear traps would have to be not placable near ladders due to balance. It would mostly kill the fun in PvP. I've never played Overwatch and thought "I wish Junkrat's trap was in every game"

    Having more garbage AI in the water would also kill the fun. The last patch made sharks spawn like crazy, it's impossible to carry loot into the outpost where they shouldn't spawn when there are 6 sharks.

    Having a bounty on you that everyone would see would also kill the fun. I've chased sloops as they turn into the wind for up to an hour and it's not fun, I can barely stay awake. Bounties aren't a bad idea, but maybe you have to pick it up like a voyage to see the ship.

    Fires would have to be stupid simple because getting 1 of the 4 players to repair your ship is already a chore since everyone wants to frag and miss the enemy ship shooting out of the cannon in addition. I've had plenty of times I'm stuck navigating and the ship sinks because everyone thinks they're Shroud and is off getting killed.

    Unarmed combat or the ability to melee with a shovel is a must, so you can actually kill skeletons without running out of ammo or running the cutlass.

    As far as every other change, I'd only agree with the ones that are easy to implement like more loot, more expensive loot slowing you more, Kraken loot although I don't feel like you put it under the right category. I'm pretty sure the whole reason there isn't any content is because they don't have time to do this stuff, not because they ran out of ideas.

  • Yea real nice ideas! I especially like the parts about ship modification, I'd like to see a lot of options besides customization to come available. I wouldn't mind having to save up money first before buying a different kind of tool(diving gear, fishing rod, etc.) or weapon. It's great that all the content that is in the game is easily accessible but having to spend my coin on progression will add a lot to becoming a real pirate legend.

  • @captancola I think Rare also made a choice in the progression system being only a visual one. Some of the options suggested in the post state that progression could take on a different form than just owning a nicer hat, or just more nicer hats.

  • @verrektedude Well don't get me wrong, all the things he suggested could be given to you by default, unskinned. Anything that interferes with PvP should be, but things like a fishing pole (assuming you can't use it like you can in minecraft PvP) would be fine to be locked behind progression.

  • I like most of these ideas and would love to see them added

  • @captancola said in Suggestions for New Content & Game Mechanics - Revised on 05/25/2018:

    @verrektedude Well don't get me wrong, all the things he suggested could be given to you by default, unskinned. Anything that interferes with PvP should be, but things like a fishing pole (assuming you can't use it like you can in minecraft PvP) would be fine to be locked behind progression.

    Locked or not GIVE IT TO US RARE! :D


  • @shackelfourd
    I like the ideas you have with the Port authorities and a lot of the NPC ideas. I think if Rare keeps going as they are they could incorporate one or two ideas such as these at a time. I don't think from how the game is now that you'd see all of these on the map at once but they could be part of a new campaign as it comes out. Great ideas!!

  • @wldtygronredbul said in Suggestions for New Content & Game Mechanics - Revised on 05/28/2018:

    I like the ideas you have with the Port authorities and a lot of the NPC ideas. I think if Rare keeps going as they are they could incorporate one or two ideas such as these at a time. I don't think from how the game is now that you'd see all of these on the map at once but they could be part of a new campaign as it comes out. Great ideas!!

    Thanks! Something like this would definitely be nice, even if it was only at one or two specific Ports.

  • @shackelfourd I have to say this is pretty impressive.

  • @shackelfourd
    great ideas about different AI's to be added to game! The port authority mercenaries having a patrol ship and the witch doctor concepts are things I haven't considered before so thanks.

    Maybe elaborate on why players would want to give up a skull to approach the witch doctor? Does he/she have special items to sell or maybe guards the entrance to some underground catacombs or shrine challenge with the promise of even greater loot?

    I would also love to suggest adding a new enemy type to your list because i think players would find this enemy fun to discover and interact with.

    Man-Eating Plants

    • stationary tall plants that grow on jungle islands
    • looks like a large Venus flytrap or has a bulb head that opens to eat players
    • uses multiple vines to attack or grab players
    • drops seed pods that can be sold/voyaged for sale at the merchant alliance
    • plants that eat players grow in size and health
    • different variety of these plants
      Bio luminescent versions
      Poison or more vines or fast growing versions
    • Gigantic almosy island sized plant boss for merchant quest(scientific samples)

    If you want more information I have a thread on it in detail

  • Lots of great ideas, some of them a bit corny though. Upvoted.

    Bounty system: needs simplification, rank all ships on a server by the number of ships they have sank, the top two or three become notorious and show up on the map and a bounty is awarded if you sink them instead. But you still need to make it to port to collect the bounty.

  • @drdpir8robert81

    Well Inthink they’re all great, Corny or no, it’s a game about pirates, so sure some are cliche like having parrots and what not, but I love it!

  • @shreksanus said in Suggestions for New Content & Game Mechanics - Revised on 05/28/2018:

    great ideas about different AI's to be added to game! The port authority mercenaries having a patrol ship and the witch doctor concepts are things I haven't considered before so thanks.

    Maybe elaborate on why players would want to give up a skull to approach the witch doctor? Does he/she have special items to sell or maybe guards the entrance to some underground catacombs or shrine challenge with the promise of even greater loot?

    I would also love to suggest adding a new enemy type to your list because i think players would find this enemy fun to discover and interact with.

    Man-Eating Plants

    • stationary tall plants that grow on jungle islands
    • looks like a large Venus flytrap or has a bulb head that opens to eat players
    • uses multiple vines to attack or grab players
    • drops seed pods that can be sold/voyaged for sale at the merchant alliance
    • plants that eat players grow in size and health
    • different variety of these plants
      Bio luminescent versions
      Poison or more vines or fast growing versions
    • Gigantic almosy island sized plant boss for merchant quest(scientific samples)

    If you want more information I have a thread on it in detail

    Awesome ideas here! Yeah, the reason my input was down to just a sentence or two is because of the amount of letters/characters you can use on a single post. The OP is maxed, so I have to get my point across with as little excess info as possible. What you suggested here is great! Where is the link to that thread you wrote?

  • @drdpir8robert81 said in Suggestions for New Content & Game Mechanics - Revised on 05/28/2018:

    Lots of great ideas, some of them a bit corny though. Upvoted.

    Bounty system: needs simplification, rank all ships on a server by the number of ships they have sank, the top two or three become notorious and show up on the map and a bounty is awarded if you sink them instead. But you still need to make it to port to collect the bounty.

    Sounds good to me! I'd be cool with that.

  • @dcr-lt-kanada said in Suggestions for New Content & Game Mechanics - Revised on 05/28/2018:

    @shackelfourd I have to say this is pretty impressive.

    Thank you! Feel free to add anything on here if you'd like!

  • @shackelfourd Really glad to see you're able to keep this updated and a great resource for all the suggestions the community has put forward!

  • @katttruewalker said in Suggestions for New Content & Game Mechanics - Revised on 05/29/2018:

    @shackelfourd Really glad to see you're able to keep this updated and a great resource for all the suggestions the community has put forward!

    Really it's the Sea of Thieves community that deserves all the credit. I just keep updating the Original Post in hopes that Rare might digest some of it over a meeting or lunch break and look into some of the potential listed. It's a really fun game, and I'd like to take pride in knowing I may be helping in the development of the game - even if it is just by me throwing some ideas around on the forums, discussing it, and adjusting with feedback. Really, the only problem I'm starting to have is reaching the maximum amount of characters/letters allowed on a single post.
    So, I have to adjust it tactfully whenever adding new items which can be difficult. I'll keep at it never the less!

    Thanks for the shout out though never the less, I appreciate it Katt!

  • @katttruewalker said in Suggestions for New Content & Game Mechanics - Revised on 05/29/2018:

    @shackelfourd Really glad to see you're able to keep this updated and a great resource for all the suggestions the community has put forward!

    Hopefully the Hungering Deep will aliviate some of the items off the list?


  • Awesome ideas here! Yeah, the reason my input was down to just a sentence or two is because of the amount of letters/characters you can use on a single post. The OP is maxed, so I have to get my point across with as little excess info as possible. What you suggested here is great! Where is the link to that thread you wrote?

    Thanks! I realize now that you can't elaborate too much due to the text limit.

    link text

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