cosmetic option Change the Optics and reticle on sniper rifle

  • well not sure anyone else finds the standard optics frustrating but as someone who wears glasses I find it difficult to focus on the reticle using the rifle not sure if this is due to its partial transparency or what not but it would be nice to have a clearer more distinctive reticle as a lot of my shots are missed because I think I'm judging where the reticle meets slightly wrong

  • 4
  • I have no idea why the nicer rifle skins don't have real sights in the scope.

    It's not like it's a functional improvement over the cracked glass - the cracks already give you dead center, they're just uglier. Cosmetic crosshairs with the rifle skins would be amazing.

    Why am I buying a brand new rifle with a broken lens??

  • Git gud at shooting with cracked glass

    J/k 😁

  • @oneeyed-w1lliam really wish I could but I find it so much easier with a susat my eyes just really can focus on them cracks right :D its like I aim fire 50/50 chance of hiting and thats on something not moving.

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