[Mega Thread] - Player Griefing -Part 2

  • One solution to this would be to reward a good chunk of rep upon completing a voyage on top of when handing loot in, the grind to get to pirate legend is so impossible that people have resorted to unsavoury tactics to get there. By making completing the voyages the best way to get the rep to get to pirate legend the more players will decide to stick with that tactic. Currently I've read and seen, sever hoping to go after crews handing stuff in, players just waiting for other crews to complete a forts then attacking, outright hacking the game on PC, even the first Pirate Legend didn't really do things all too fairly. If you get the most rep from completing voyages, completing forts, fighting off a Kraken and not the handing stuff in part, that should just reward gold and small bits of rep. Then things will change. Currently it is just as rewarding to wait and sink a crew at the end of doing a fort or voyage than it is to actually do them yourself, so why go and do the the work and put the effort in then it's easier not too.

  • @pa1e-blue-dot

    @pa1e-blue-dot said in [Mega Thread] - Player Griefing -Part 2:

    hackers...1 word. encountered my first batch today. fired at anchored ship. they did not return fire. direct behind them ready to straighten up and a strange white explosion occurred at the front of our ship causing huge damage. not only that but an enemy was on board at the bottom of the ship . literally no way could have been legit due to distance and angle that they could have 1 swam or 2 fired on our ship. i have footage if one of the nice devs would like to see it and follow up on their pirate code. message me pls. how else are they going to catch the hackers?

    if they do, i will let the community know. #hackers ruining the game. if not then goodbye goodbye

    You got Keg'd mate, there is no hacking there. The only way that there would be no possible way for that to happen to you is if YOU were hacking. You going toward their ship, they can see which way you are going. They got you.

  • So, because none of my friends were online to play SoT, and because I didn't want to play alone, I joined a galleon full of random players. When I did this, I had a new, unexpected, and unfortunate experience - all 3 other crew members simply stopped what they were doing and sat down using their emotes, and refused to budge. They were mid-quest, and would not help me do anything. They didn't say anything either; I even checked to see if they were in a party (they weren't). I talked to them and told them that if they wanted me to leave, all they had to do was ask, and I would leave - I got no such response. Thankfully, I didn't get thrown in the brig, so that was nice, but I found the whole situation a bit odd. I told them that I'd happily help them with their voyage, and proceeded to gather supplies from a nearby island. It was at this point that they took the opportunity to sail off without me. They did this 3 more times before I finally gave up and reported them all for unsportsmanlike conduct, figuring they wanted me to do all of the work for them. Well, no dice, because I am not going to be your every-man - every player is equal according to the Pirate Code, and that means an equal share of the work too. Savvy?

    Why can't people just be civil? I mean, really? Come on!

  • @khaleesibot Well the brig for me has been a conversation starter if anything. I have not had a Mic for a few days so usually that's grounds for the brig with some crews as they prefer verbal communication. However I can use the quick chat just fine when needed. For some reason or another I didn't direct message but spent an half an hour playing them shanties and getting hammered on grog. Then the grog ran out and all I had left was the puddle of water on the floor. It descended into a childish game of me scooping the water and throwing it down before the crew could bail out. Eventually they realised I was a keen player but by the time of my release I had to leave. I love this game for random rubbish like that. I have yet to be grieved. In fact I have experienced co operation more than conflict. I was even gifted a skull and a cheat for helping a Galleon crew with a difficult mission.. (Although the fear of betrayeal loomed every second your with them) All this is pointless really but perhaps if we are allowed to name our ships at the outposts (nothing permanent like the pirates) maybe a one off name each loadout will help identify attackers and or victims so then we can identify who it is. It would help ships Mark others they have attacked so they can move on. Also if ships are in distress they could send a pigeon or something for assistance to the outposts and allow pirates to become mercenaries of sorts to them. I think it'll help solve the sea of grieves issue. Imagine a galleon slapping down a bounty quest for 2k gold. people would be dropping sails around the map.

  • I dont get why people are using the bounty system in GTAO as an example as if its gonna solve griefing. It didn't solve it for GTA and it won't solve it for SoT. If anything having a bounty system is just going to make things worse. Griefers will try to gain higher and higher bounties for bragging rights and they won't get bounties by killing skeletons it'll be YOU they are killing and plundering. What happens to said bounty when the time limit is up? Do the griefers recieve the bounty for surviving it like GTA? That would also be unfair as its relatively easy to survive if you have a decent crew. Bounties don't solve anything it just gives griefers something to aim for.

  • So not entirely sure where this situation i have falls on the Griefing scale but lets say i was both a tad salty but at the same time utterly amazed at the Piratical Genius at play.
    Situation was as follows..

    In a solo sloop heading to an outpost. Outpost is clear i scoped a sloop leaving it 5 min earlier figure it's safe to proceed so i do.
    Reach the Outpost safe an sound, time to turn in these Skellie Skulls...
    Run into the hut skull in hand Plink! Hisss hissss instant purple screen... panic sets in momentarily i drop the skull...
    What the yotz is going on???
    Snakes! Frelling Snakes!!!
    Snakes in baskets in the corner of the hut so when you walk through the door blamo! Now 1 or 2 would have been okay but i just got hit with 5-6 :O quick banana.. nope i stored them thinking i'll restock.. quick find one half blind.. no luck dead...
    Respawn to find the sloop has doubled back to me and is standing on my ships canopy cheering.
    I accept my losses with a "Well played" and a clap before his crew mate blunders me in the back.

    Now this to some would be griefing. I kinda think it is but on the same coin truly a genius strategy. Needless to say i shall be ever more vigilant in the future.

  • Please fix the game so that u can have a crew of 8 instead of 4 it would be a lot more fun to have a full crew on the bigger ships and also allowed to put people other than ur crew in the jail thank u for ur time

  • @cupid007master this will never happen. The devs already talked about this and gave it a clear "no". Btw will it unbalance the game too hard.

  • @cupid007master said in [Mega Thread] - Player Griefing -Part 2:

    Please fix the game so that u can have a crew of 8 instead of 4 it would be a lot more fun to have a full crew on the bigger ships and also allowed to put people other than ur crew in the jail thank u for ur time

    Yeah that won't happen. The brig is already being used incorrectly between crews. Being able to brig people outside your own crew would just help people cause more trouble. As for the 8 man crew i doubt that'll happen either as there is a large group of players who mostly play solo or like to PVE and them being griefed by 4 people is hard enough nevermind 8 lol

  • I was matched with a person that waited until we were almost done with the voyage and coming back to an outpost before deciding to grief the entire crew. Everything was going good for a group of people that "seemed" to not have mics plugged in. We found buried chests and generally did OK or at least I thought so. Out of the blue the griefer gets angry and starts verbally trashing on people in the crew and then throws the treasure over board and sinks the ship. He did all this fast enough we couldn't brig him or even go back to get the sunken chests.

    Its kind of stuff like that makes you think twice about putting any kind of significant time in to this game if one person can sabotage it.

  • @bsisko said in [Mega Thread] - Player Griefing -Part 2:

    I was matched with a person that waited until we were almost done with the voyage and coming back to an outpost before deciding to grief the entire crew. Everything was going good for a group of people that "seemed" to not have mics plugged in. We found buried chests and generally did OK or at least I thought so. Out of the blue the griefer gets angry and starts verbally trashing on people in the crew and then throws the treasure over board and sinks the ship. He did all this fast enough we couldn't brig him or even go back to get the sunken chests.

    Its kind of stuff like that makes you think twice about putting any kind of significant time in to this game if one person can sabotage it.

    It sure does.

    Makes me think some more Options could help. Private Servers, Friends list only options, etc

  • @maamar I couldn't agree more, especially at Stronghold battles. I feel if you are battling a ship for rights to attack the stronghold and you sink them, they should spawn on the other side of the map. Having to sink ships and worry about them coming back 2 islands away, on top of attacking wave after wave of skelebangs makes for an annoying game play.

  • One thing I do feel like complaining is the unbalanced gameplay when it comes to those extreme autistic gamers (i like to call them that) that have dissected the game to prey on casual gamers, we will never have a chance at beating them nor do i want to spend 24/7 just so i can get to their sleazy skill levels
    -Example of this is 2 friends and me were fighting a fort for about an hour or so, not one ship in sight but the moment we get to the captain a full crew galleon with all kinds of decorations comes out of nowhere sinks our galleon while we are still fighting the last boss, then we get killed, take a couple of the enemys ship out as well but since our ship sank while we were actually fighting a boss we respawn at a base, now have to go back and try to either fight those guys again which by the way are probably level 40 or 50 or whatever and the bottom line they just run away with our gold that cost us almost 2 hours fighting and because these guys are such "good" gamers if you want to call it that they just keep running for about another hour from us never stopping to fight just running eventually we give up our chase since it is pointless after so long

    My point being that those extreme gamers should not be allowed to just get away with things like that, I myself would like the ability to have the chance to fight them or get my treasure back but never will and its unfair to go up against such experienced players since I know i do not want to get to their stupid beyond gaming abilities.

    If this will always be the case, if very experienced crews will always come out of the shadows to take my treasure that i worked on for 2 hours why even bother doing those skull fort quests???
    a treause or 2 is ok but not those fort battles that take so much time, its unfair and just plain r******d to even attempt them at this point or maybe just give the higher level players a very small amount of percentage when they take from lower level players so the incentive for them is to go look for similar level players and not prey on the casual ones.

  • @khaleesibot Not to be a stickler here or anything, but this game is already filled with griefers that have absolutely no regard for the rules. Not too mention the cross play is already causing major problems with PC modders. I have SEVERAL game clips of PC pirates that cannot be killed and their ship cannot be sunk. I have spent countless hours attempting to make any kind of progress, only to be preyed upon by modders who wait until you finish a skeleton fort, and then come in with Mods ready to destroy you and completely erase hours of work and steal everything, while i battle with a modder that cant be killed. BIG EXAMPLE, a pirate should be able to stand in one spot and take the explosion from not one but Two explosive barrels that did nothing to him or his ship.
    THIS GAME NEEDS PRIVATE LOBBIES!!! This game will lose major player base if these issues are not addressed. I have already given up. As i have said, i have played this game since launch, but im done at this point, because it is simply impossible to progrees at all when constantly being griefed by players who have absolutely no respect for the pirate code or rules of engagement. And i seriously hope that if Rare truly cares about the people that pay money for games that in turn keep them in business, these concerns should be considered, and not ignored.

  • @bloodred620 similar to what we experienced yesterday :(

  • Today my team finished a skull fort and one of our crew mates had to leave due to a family issue after killing the final wave. We decided to head to an outpost with the key since the area was still dangerous, this is when things started to go down hill. A random player joined our crew and found a skull we had in the cabin, he then grabbed the skull and dropped it off the side of the boat. We immediately sent him to the brig fearing he would do the same with the key.

    With the random player locked up, we eventually returned to the stronghold and loaded up all of our loot and set sail for the nearby outpost. On route to the outpost the random crew member glitched himself out of the brig and found our stronghold chest and skull and threw them overboard before we were able to lock him back up. We found the chest but it had glitched and wasn’t able to be picked up. He refused to leave and thought this entire ordeal was hilarious.

    We need the option to set our crew to invite only, this has been talked about since the alpha! If nothing else at least add a system to report a player in game for griefing so that once they receive enough reports they are only matched with other griefers for period of time.

  • @made-in-89 put them on a deserted island, secluded in a seperate server, with constant shark spawns for any given period of time 😂

  • 1:We need bounty hunter quest or pvp
    2: try to make a skeleton ship that can attack us in the sea with some loot.
    3: you need to add the nummbers how many chest i take , kills and ship destroy
    4: why u dont make some time event with the dead ship try to kill ever one see it in sea like krakn.
    5: try to add some islands with snow and deasrt that would be great to see new desgin.
    6:dont be to late to add new content because people will leave it and try other game and will be hard for them to return.

    Im just trying to help and make this game best game ever of all time.

  • Even better when you run into a griefer spawn killing you and your crew using pc cheats. So much fun. I love being killed by massive-healthed, infinite ammo using, teleporting, one hit killing hackers. Really makes me want to play the game till my thumbs fall off.

  • had to sign up just to add my opinion on this.

    I absolutely love this game and don't understand the upset about content or rather lack of.

    What I can't stand and the reason I have advised others to not buy this game and advised others to trade it in is purely down to the immature school children that NEED levelling-up progress meters, bigger guns, bright colours and hundreds of different things to keep them occupied etc

    The customization is great in so much that it costs a lot to stand out but all this will do for children is encourage them to cheat.

    If there was a way that you had to prove your age to play in certain servers I think this game would be vastly different. I've found that when playing with 20+yr olds you get a fantastic experience but anything below and you're left with having your treasure thrown overboard followed by pre-pubescent high pitched laughter usually followed by "your dinners ready Natahan - coming mom" as the idiot leaves the session.

    Imagine seeing a boat approaching you and then hearing "Ahoy, we've come for yer treasure, let us board or we'll take it by force" you could then reply "my boats empty, have a look if you like but you're wasting your time" or "taste steel". That's how a battle should take place on the open seas.

    I've uploaded quite a few videos now to my feed showing me waving at other crews at sea or at an outpost only for them to shoot me in the face.

    Imagine another ship approaching and asking if you wanted to voyage with them to find treasure and work as a team, you will not get this with the children.

    You will always get exceptions but imagine if under 20's had a reputation meter and once it built up to a certain level they were granted access to the 'mature' servers. And likewise if an adult is being a child then they can get downvoted to a point where they join the s**m of the seas.

    This would be open to abuse so it would need a little thought but it would be worth it.

    I am going to continue to play this game for a bit longer before trading it in but I don;t think I can stomach much more. If Rare commit to addressing the issue they will have a great game. If not the kids will eventually leave and all that will be left is a shell of a once beautiful game as the real fans of the game will have left

  • The Pirate solution would be to add a walk the plank feature. The banished player should then be given the opportunity to join a new crew on the server or take command of there own sloop. Future Achievement: Sink the ship of your former crew

  • There should be a standard that if you are on the crew first you cannot be put into the brig if new members join. There should be a time limit until the new players can vote. I had three hours get flushed when a party of three joined at port. Put me into the brig because I was selling all my loot before getting off. Instead of inviting me to the party or trying to communicate they just pit me into the brig. The leader then went to in game chat and was very VERBALLY ABUSIVE. Not a pleasant way to end a otherwise enjoyable game session.

  • @xxxxnoodlexxxx

    @xxxxnoodlexxxx said in [Mega Thread] - Player Griefing -Part 2:

    Even better when you run into a griefer spawn killing you and your crew using pc cheats. So much fun. I love being killed by massive-healthed, infinite ammo using, teleporting, one hit killing hackers. Really makes me want to play the game till my thumbs fall off.

    There are no cheats, stop suggesting that there are. No one is hacking. If you are going to post on here that it is happening, bring some proof.

  • I haven't posted on a game forum in more than 10 years, but felt it was necessary for this one. Because no one ever gives their opinion online, right? :-)

    To start, i'm a fan of PVP, and i'm a fan of PVE. It behooves a game to cater to both, otherwise you cut a large % of your audience (and prospective revenue) out of the picture, and provides a potentially non-sustainable business model. And without actual metrics (just my intuition and perception over the years), PVE'ers tend to hang on to a game longer then a PVPer would. PVPers tend to be much more hardcore, less casual and jump around to a lot of games. Is that fair? I'm a more casual gamer nowadays and play single games a lot longer then a hardcore gamer would.

    There is a very thin line in this game between a full blown PVP game and a full blown PVE game which we have to walk. Because any major changes to cater to one party or the other will not provide a seamless experience and feel more like mechanics instead of a seamless gaming world.

    With that said, I'm a firm believer in constructive feedback, so i'm going to first give you some context of an old MMO I used to play, Star Wars Galxies(SWG), then provide some feedback on how I feel their system could improve on SoT. SWG was a sandbox PC based MMO that ran from 2003 up until Dec 2011. For those old SWG'ers, I played the original release, not the garbage that they had when the game closed(so i played in "hard mode" more or less). In SWG, PVP'ers and PVE'ers lived in harmony, and had open world PVP. I was heavily into PVP as a jedi and a non jedi, and eventually "retired" from PVP to build a weaponsmithing business (maxed out on credits with it!) Sunrunner represent! Anyway....

    Similar to SoT, SWG had factions factions you could earn reputation for to get various rewards, but there were PVP factions also - the empire and the rebellion. You could also choose to go neutral and work for neither. Similar to SoT where there are currently 3. In SWG, you could earn "stuff" for those factions by doing PVE based missions for them, or by killing players of the opposite faction. You could buy vanity stuff like uniforms and vehicles, or combat items like turrets (for bases) or AT-ST's. Most of your PVP faction came from destroying enemy bases, which was more or less open world PVP. If you stepped foot onto an enemy base, you were flagged for PVP and targeted by AI turrets. Also, if you were a Jedi, you were ALWAYS flagged for pvp, so it was fully open (so yes, i'm very used to open pvp). The "neutral" folks were agnostic to this huge PVP environment, and went about their merry way.

    In Star Wars, you could "declare" (/declare) for PVP combat willingly, and your character would start flashing for 30 seconds. Once you stopped flashing, you were now open for combat until you either undeclared, or were dead(I forget if it turned off on death or not). Once you were declared, you could attack anyone else that was declared (players) or NPCs of the opposite faction and earn faction reputation to buy your stuff. As someone undeclared and if you belonged to one of the PVP factions and saw someone declared, you couldnt attack them until you declared (prevented getting the "jump" on someone like they did in WOW).

    With that said, here are my suggested changes:

    Suggested Change to PVP System (stick with me here)

    1. Introduce a 4th faction, PVP focused. To keep it immersive, it could be a secret society whose plan is to run the world with the best of the best pirates, eliminating order and usurping power, lets call it "The Brotherhood of the Skull and Bones" or something like that. This faction will give out missions just like the Order of souls does, bounty missions. Destroy player ships, loot treasure from other pirates, kill weaker pirates, etc. Rewards would be PVP specific vanity items, clothing, guns, hairstyles, ship items, titles, etc.

    2. Create a "Flagging" for pvp system in tandem with the new faction. Once you "join" this faction (aka accept your first mission), you can buy a special flag for your ship (instead of the white flag in the crows nest). Once you raise this flag (optional, but must be raised obviously to do your missions), your entire crew is now PVP flagged. To make this more streamlined, beginning to raise this flag has to be started by your captain (group leader), or maybe a 2/3rds vote similar to scuttling, etc. The flag would physically represent the logo of the new PVP faction and easily spotted at a distance, so PVPers would know at a glance who they need to target. You cannot be attacked OR attack until your flag is raised, to prevent "jumping" people who cant fight back at first. You and your crew would be "flagged" for pvp until the crew votes to turn it off, and you must not be attacked or attack anyone else for 5 minutes for it to officially turn "off". If during that de-flagging there is combat, it resets the clock.
      Anyone NOT flagged for pvp would be considered "Protected by the East India Company" and not susceptible to PVP attack.

    3. Introduce the brig as a PVP only mechanic. One of the missions could be to take a "prisoner" of the opposite faction. This would be more difficult to introduce since it would require another game mechanic of a "Shackles" item. Consider shackles as something like a chicken or pig cage. Can ONLY be used on another player, ONLY be used on YOUR ship, and if successful, locks them in your brig for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes the other player can escape and fight their way out of your ship. This would create great story driven play where a crew mate has to "guard" the prisoner. If this person sucks at the game and keeps getting captured, the brig would have diminishing returns, 5 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes then just unable to capture (seriously, after houdini scapes 100 times from the same cuffs, why bother, right?).

    Takeaway: People who choose to NOT pvp would play the game as they do today, without the worry of looking over ones shoulder (until NPC pirates and ships get brought into the game). Yes, its slightly boring and grindy, but preserves the PVE base, and creates an environment for PVPers to kill each other to their hearts content. This solution also provides a seamless environment in the game without it just seeming like stuffed mechanics.

    Suggested Changes to "The Brig" for PVE*

    1. Instead of using the brig for PVE, use it for PVP only (see item #3 above). Alternatively, to "kick" players from a group, implement a mechanic to "walk the plank". When voting to make a crew member walk the plank, they simply just load on the closest island, and kicked out of the crew.

    The one caveat to this though, is currently, when you leave a group, you lose all maps you may have picked up (message in a bottle, etc). I think this is a little silly. If I pick up a piece of paper, put it in my pocket, hang my coat up, take it back out and put it back on, that paper is still in my pocket. Granted, if another player found the map, then naturally you wouldnt have it, but there needs to be a way to keep these.


    • Fix PVP system with a new PVP only faction
    • Can only PVP if flagged appropriately
    • PVE'ers can go about their boring lives
    • Make the brig a PVP only mechanic using "Shackles" item like a chicken cage, but to capture players
    • Change mechanic to lock people in the brig to "walk the plank", kicking someone from a group and loading on the closest island, out of the group and in a new instance

    I think these mechanics and rules will help keep everyone happy, give a progression system for PVE and PVP seperately, and seamlessly integrate the two while keeping the mechanics in the gaming environment.


    Thanks for listening

  • @khaleesibot would like to formally thank Rare and everyone involved between the website and the updates. If no one else saw this latest update had a main focus on increasing the distance a ship would respawn after you sink them. They will no longer be within view when they respawn and this should help decrease spam attacking of other ships or purposely sinking to refill ammo. Great job of keeping in touch with the community and addressing our concerns. Gives me so much faith in the longevity of this game

  • @klon54 wait really their not adding more ships? Gosh dangit

  • @killswitchodin I like the taking prisoners system because I never really liked the brig. Everyone should always be open to pvp but I think that a pvp faction that rewards coins is not good because right now the balance between pve and pvp is that their is an extremely short window to loot ships. But I like the shackles thing!

  • @xbus6 i didnt said that - I just said that the devs will not allow bigger crews than 4 people. But i think its possible that other ship types will be added in the future. Like the Slipper. Fast, less armored, manned by 4 people. I'm looking forward to the next status update from the devs.

  • @khaleesibot griefing is out of hand. I have yet to enjoy the gsme witbout being plundered. 2 person ships in tbe same with galleons? We should choose to be "open world" or in a no pvp session. There is no fun in losing everything you have worked for with players who just prey on you. They wait at outposts. I am a founder and waited a very long time to play..

  • @victoria-mirren said in [Mega Thread] - Player Griefing -Part 2:

    @khaleesibot griefing is out of hand. I have yet to enjoy the gsme witbout being plundered. 2 person ships in tbe same with galleons? We should choose to be "open world" or in a no pvp session. There is no fun in losing everything you have worked for with players who just prey on you. They wait at outposts. I am a founder and waited a very long time to play..

    Lots of these comments. I hope Rare addresses this.

  • @klon54 oh ok but I still want a 6 person boat :)

  • @victoria-mirren then scout the outposts if their waiting to ambush you shell them to hell and back it’s not hard! You can snipe them as well! And if you can’t kill them go to a diffrent outpost it’s really really simple, just git good

  • Make it simple please, sloops and galleons on different servers, there is no way a sloop can win a fight against a good galleon crew and this is very annoying when you only have one friend. I am already considering carrying my loot over to their ship as soon as I can see a galleon.... because they will get it anyway

  • @kingkennie said in [Mega Thread] - Player Griefing -Part 2:

    Make it simple please, sloops and galleons on different servers, there is no way a sloop can win a fight against a good galleon crew and this is very annoying when you only have one friend. I am already considering carrying my loot over to their ship as soon as I can see a galleon.... because they will get it anyway

    That's just not a good idea, sorry. I feel your pain as half my time is spent playing solo. There's plenty of tips available for sloop players, but one really important thing to keep in mind is that you want to spot a galleon before they spot you. As soon as you see one, make your escape, no matter what you are doing (unless it's something that can be completed before the galleon reaches you, so it doesn't matter if they attack you).

    I always say, play the game like a rat (or a pi-rat, geddit?). Rats are brave in numbers, sneaky and cunning by themselves and will fight to the death when cornered.

    They're also really good at stealing stuff when no-one is looking.

    Be more Rat.

    Be more... Pi-Rat.

    As for griefing in general. Yes, it exists. Yes measures are being taken to combat griefing. However, a lot of people are over-reacting to getting attacked, and the majority of those players are solo-sloops (which isn't the recommended way to play the game). I've been attacked (solo) plenty of times, but I'd say that only three incidents at most were actual griefing.

    The best way you can tackle griefers is to go to another part of the map. You get to carry on your game, they get bored.

  • Was just jumped by a group right after I finished killing a skull fort. Wouldn’t have been so bad if there wasn’t a glitch with sword fighting. I got 6 hits on one of them and he didnt die and he killed me in 3. To make matters worse I respawned and went to an island to dig up some treasure and wa there for no more than 30 seconds before a sloop shows up out of nowhere and attacks my ship. As I’m swimming underwater I see a guy carrying a powder keg to my boat. I shoot the powder keg and it explodes in his face. He doesn’t die and after I hit him 3 times with my sword he kills me in two hits. I don’t understand how this is possible, unless people are hacking.

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