Ahoy! Music on the Wind & Adventure in me Heart

  • I'm not sure why I've become so shy on forums. Let's see if I can get over that, because there seems to be a great community here!
    I've only just learned of this amazing game (well, I learned of it just before the Pre-Order Beta period). And I am absolutely in love with this game and what the folks at Rare are doing.
    I've pre-ordered and even got myself into the previous Scale Test (and excited to hop back in this weekend).

    About me: I'm a musician, original artist. I'd been consumed with making my way through those rough waters and then was forced to take a quick break due to being diagnosed with cancer. HOWEVER, I am 100% free of it now, fully cleared (I have to go back for tests, just to make sure, but now only ever 6 months, and there's really no chance that cancer will come back). YO HO, woohoo!
    Due to some other factors, I've been slow to getting my career back on the same path, and I'm attempting to make it a healthy exploration of new perspectives and potentially new possibilities.
    Of course... for now, I'm considering giving up on most else and just living 24/7 within Sea Of Thieves, hehehe... :D
    I'm hoping to make some new friends, form some bonds with new crewmates, I may begin to try my hand at streaming my adventures (along with some other plans I am working on with streaming services), and, most of all, I'm looking to have some great experiences in-game and within this community.
    If you're at all interested, you can learn a fair amount about me (and my music) over here: https://themindstreamband.com/
    (don't mean that in a pushy/selly way - just figured some may be interested and all)

    Fair winds and much merriment to you all!

    I'm on PC and live in the States (New York, USA). My parents left the London area to settle here before I was born.
    My love of pirates took a fun turn playing the Sega Genesis 'Pirates Gold!', and my characters look forward to making a return.
    I rarely play console games, mostly since I got involved with mmorpgs.
    I played Star Wars Galaxies since its launch, and felt like that was my most favorite game ever, but left due to the NGE (for those familiar) which completely changed the game and removed most of what I loved about it.
    I, eventually, had a lot of fun with City Of Heroes, afterward.
    I've not been gaming much in the past few years, and I'm starting to change that. I've just been looking for the right game for me. I enjoy Friday The 13th now and then. Just recently picked up the remastered Skyrim... And I play table top D&D with old friends, online, since we live many hundred miles apart.

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  • :D
    Well, I'll go back to being more shy, lol.
    I honestly wonder what it is about what I post that keeps people away. Too personal? Too long? Uninteresting? shrugs

    Don't worry, I'm married with a wonderful partner and have a social life and all... I just find my reoccurring lack of online connections/interactions to be intriguing (could be several reasons, but I always like to find lessons in things).

  • Welcome @PDT-Mindstream
    I am new as well, mostly just read without writing any replies, I mostly play solo, but never say never.
    See you on the sea!
    Italian by the way, living in South Korea.

  • Ahoy @PDT-Mindstream !

    Welcome aboard, congratulations kicking Cancer's butt, (and your pre-order)! Don't worry about being shy on the forums, it's a wonderful group of incredible people. I hope you're getting a chance to sail in this session. Enjoy!!

  • @codename-jenova Jello Mate, I can be friendly sort of friend if the coin be right.

  • Hi, thanks for the replies, all. I failed to check back here for a bit!

    @emawind84 Buon giorno / anyong haseyo ;)
    I've always enjoyd the freedom of playing solo, but I really enjoy the coordination of the crew on galleons. It's definitely an experience worth trying out, at the very least. :)
    And I'm definitely still looking forward to finding the right group of people to enjoy it with. The random crews I played the last test with went rather well, so we'll see.

    @CodeName-Jenova Thank you! The doctors really did most of the work, hehe, and it's crazy how privileged and lucky I am for it all (well, minus getting it in the first place, of course, lol). :)
    I definitely got to play, and am even more addicted than befor (if that's possible).

    @RevanJStone How much coin are we talkin'? And are there other services you may be providin'? Haha... okay... don't answer that, seriously... :P

    My biggest fears about the game, at this point, are 1) my excitement will burn out before it is even launched, 2) no one will just hand me money for my bills, while I play the game 24/7.
    Hmm... ;)

  • @pdt-mindstream i share your concerns about dying before the seas are even open to me. three chests will get you my grade A wit and personality. its gona be another three if you expect me to move about and bother with any ruff sorts.

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