The Gold Hoarders have settled in our Store!

  • waaaaa....really? No !

    Ladys and Gentlemen...this is NOT allright, I am used to StarCitizen and getting pictures of Starships for 250$+ each, this is messing with my thinking, something one can actually take in their hands and touch? Something...physical??? This is sooo 1980 !

    I need it!

  • @touchdown1504 said in The Gold Hoarders have settled in our Store!:

    Found it!
    alt text

    aeh,...Thanks for the pic @TouchDown1504 comes a molded figurine as tall as a thumb shows "for age 14+" ??

    Is it made of plutonium residues and you start to glow in the dark and go bald if you suck on it?

    Isnt that like a kinder-surprise showing 18+ ?

  • @musicmee said in The Gold Hoarders have settled in our Store!:

    @touchdown1504 Nice! Very lucky since they are very limited now.

    Oh....You misunderstand. I didn't get one, I found a picture of it online ! I would like to get my hands on one.

  • @touchdown1504 Awwwww no :( Not so lucky after all!

    I have one, but the box is starting to look a little tatty.

  • @musicmee said in The Gold Hoarders have settled in our Store!:

    @touchdown1504 Awwwww no :( Not so lucky after all!

    I have one, but the box is starting to look a little tatty. not take them with you into the bathtub while still being in the package man


  • @khaleesibot date in post does not exist😀

  • @kustho You've got to, to preserve them matey!

    Helps them float too ;D

  • @profit-prophecy That's English date formatting for you :P

    19th March 2018

  • @musicmee no, that's basically everywhere-but-the-US formatting.

  • Are there going to make it in every fractions

  • @khaleesibot
    "Go ahead, make my day and try to take it away from me!"

  • pretty neat

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