What would you guys like to see or Even liked so far in Sea of Thieves?

  • @zombie-p1ague said in What would you guys like to see or Even liked so far in Sea of Thieves?:

    I love the fact I can shot my fellow crew mates out of a cannon, and it’s also fun to let them shoot you trying hit your landing is easier said then done.......so I’m told

    This is fun and if done right great for boarding enemy ships. It was a shame I couldn’t record this but during beta I fired right into an island and landed on a chest was so funny

  • @stainless001 I Can't agree with anyone more than I do with you

  • I would like to see Hellhounds and other mythical creatures on random islands.

  • I'd love to be able to custom design items and sell them at a shop of my own or something of the like.
    I am very happy with the game so far and can't wait to see what happens in the beta!

  • @commando-slippy Hey, I would really like it if you could send a personal parrot to a ship following you or maybe a ship your sailing with and have it read a message to the other ship. Like voice recordings with a voice changer on it or something. Something else i would like to see is the ability to buy b****r and badder ships.

  • I think it would b cool if another crew steals ur loot and they are far stronger than u are and u cant get revenge ..... u can put out bountys on there heads and other crews can search and hunt them down and capture the crew for a reward of money or resources

  • I would like to see a raid similar to the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie when they raided the small town. Maybe given a list of items to plunder or rob the town bank. With a small fort at the coast with Cannon turrets that becomes alarmed to your presence if a cutlass, cannon or pistol is used.

    Historically, St Augustine Florida USA had its buildings laid out to prevent that exact thing. Staggered buildings and narrow streets around the bank, making it hard to escape with stolen goods. And a fort sits on the shore with cannons mounted on the walls.

    I would also like to see an epic series of missions to help the mermaids... since they help you get back to your ship.

  • I would like more enemy variety! I like some of the skeletons we face, but they seem very bare (literally). I was hoping there would be like an Aztec pirate of some sort that is covered in gold and maybe in charge of skeleton monkeys or something! That would be epic.

    As for what I'd like to see.... I love the fishing idea from ep 14 of tavern talk. Even if it was just a fun way to pass the time and unlock skins or trophies?
    As well as mini games such as gambling, fist fighting with team mates and drinking competitions.
    Any other ideas?

  • @niqsun well said...
    As Capn Long John Lennon said 'All we need is immersion!'

  • @vantavia Good shout!!!

  • These are all fantastic ideas sorry been busy to monitor this. I really like all these and look forward to hearing more

  • I think it would be nice to see gambling or dueling be added into the game play

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