Leveling up Reputation (i think)

  • Ahoy Pirates!

    I’m trying to become a good player and by doing so I’m trying to become a pirate legend, I’m leveling up the gold hoarders, order of the souls, and merchant alliance right now cause I think that would be easiest. I’m not worried about oos and ma right now but it’s gold hoarders that has me stumped. I’m at level 42 at the moment and I vote to raise emissary for the them and I do a treasure vault quest so I can get a good amount of chests and treasure but when I trade it into the goals hoarders my reputation or level meter/bar barely goes up. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m a high level or I’m just doing something wrong cause I’ll trade every ounce of treasure on my chip and the circle meter will go up like half an inch. Please explain to my why this is happening PLEASE!

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    just did some more research and it seems like it’s just because I’m a high level but please tell me if there is a way to get it down quicker.

  • at 42 I wouldn't even worry about rushing it. You're close and going to get there so you might as well play how you enjoy playing and you'll hit it while enjoying your time.

    You mentioned becoming a "good" player.

    It's subjective and I'm sure you're focused more on status and glory at this stage but I think a good player is a pirate that maintains the joy in their adventures.

    Many come and go here. They rush, they burn out, they get stuff done but they stop enjoying the journey.

    Enjoy it, maintain it, appreciate it, smell the roses, that'll make you a good player imo.

  • @quickvolcano643

    but when I trade it into the goals hoarders

    Get a captained ship and turn in at the Sovereigns; it will give you the same gold and rep as turning in at the Gold Hoarder but is quite a bit faster.

    Do you also get the Chest of Ancient Trinutes from the vault within the vault ?

    Don't forget about the emissary voyages that will be given to you by the gold hoarder when you reach Emissary grade 5 (I do tend to skip the ones with loot on the middle of large islands but to each their own).

    The vault gives old fashioned loot like Captains and Marauders chests; voyages and raids gives you the new loot that has higher value (I assume gives more reputation as well).

    Check your commendations, completing one gives you a bit of rep as well.

    Mix it up, avoiding burn-out on a specific voyage or trading company. Also if you do a fort or a fleet, it gives you mixed loot (when not a raid), increasing all the trading companies reputation.

  • @quickvolcano643

    On the wiki, I found this table with rep information on the chests, you can figure out yourself if it's more worthwhile to get several chests from the vaults or get some from (raid) voyages.

  • Ironically, vaults are now the worst voyage for gold hoarders.

    I recommend doing a raid voyage such as a sea fort, treasury or skeleton fort and then rather than going to immediately sell the loot vote down some captain dig quests where you get 3 digs (all sea master chests) on a large island. Repeat until you reach grade v emissary.

    Merchants are the trading company that now sucks the most. No king loot. Lost shipments were nerfed. Animal voyages and cargo voyages can’t be stacked like gold hoarder and order of souls voyages can.

    Gold hoarders is the company I level the most without even trying.

    Once you get to grade v emissary you want to go claim your emissary quest and do that. You also want to stop at all shipwrecks you see and loot them. And if the Fort of Fortune pops up, sell what treasure you have on you and go try and tackle the fort it’s very lucrative.

  • Thank you everyone for helping me. again I don’t know how much of these things work and I’m still just trying to have fun.

    Thank you again

  • @quickvolcano643 said in Leveling up Reputation (i think):

    Thank you everyone for helping me. again I don’t know how much of these things work and I’m still just trying to have fun.

    Thank you again

    When I started really getting into SoT I was always focused on getting something done. Treasure, gold, commendations, unlocking and completing.

    I wasn't even after glory, I was just doing things because they were there. I wasn't even rushing, I was treating everything like a to-do list in my head. Like I had to do it. I made things more frustrating and less fun by approaching it that way.

    It worked out in the end but it created a lot of unnecessary situations along the way. I was too driven for adventure, too driven for a game, too driven as a crewmate and adventurer.

    I very much enjoy this experience but for quite a while I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have. Not even close.

    That's what I try to pass along now. I should have enjoyed it more, I still get to enjoy it now. You have the opportunity to start much earlier than I did.

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