Presets for outfits

  • Am I the only one who needs this? I'm already tired of constantly dressing up a character. I have several pages of clothes in one tab. As for me, this is the simplest and most necessary thing.

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  • Been requested since the first year of the release. A game about cosmetics needs presets and save-slots so you can swap around with what you wearing.

  • Seems like a sensible proposal to me. I wonder why Rare haven’t looked into this further (or perhaps they have and have decided against it?)

  • I would take this feature over any other new feature being introduced within the next year. Please add saved presets for clothing builds.

  • I am still dumbfounded that this isn't already in the game. I was expecting it for the Captaincy update, as it's a very similar system. Also, regular clothes/ skeleton outfits save when you switch between them... I really don't know why this isn't in the game already.

    I remember 2-3 years ago Mike Chapman saying it was something they wanted to add. It's clearly at the bottom of their list, which is soooooo weird.

    I think it should be another service that the Sovereigns provide. It costs more and more gold for each slot you want. That would give a new gold sink and wouldn't instantly force them to store 5-10 slots of outfit data for every player. Newer players wouldn't need 5 slots anyway.

  • This would be one of the best quality of life changes in a long time, 100%.

  • this has been requested by the community for a long time. In my opinion, if Rare has never communicated about it, it must be because it consumes too much server resources. But I agree that this would be one of the best addition to the game.

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