Voice chat not working when joining guild mate on active guild ship

  • It has happened 3 times now where voice chat is not working when I start playing and join on an already active guild ship. Both of us can not hear each other, nor can we see each others voice bubble pop up. When either of us joins a random on another ship, voice chat works just fine. Then when going back to the guild ship, voice chat doesn't work.

    Is anyone else having this issue too?

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  • I am having this issue have you found any fixes ?

  • I am having the same problem. Voice chat works fine when I charter a ship, but not when I sail for a guild.

  • Are you joining a ship on EU servers, by any chance?

    From what I've heard, VoIP is currently broken on EU servers. You get the indicator to show you are talking but no-one can currently hear you.

  • @realstyli do you get logged in to different servers depending on whether you captain a ship or join an open charter? Because that definitely seems to be the pattern with whether voice chat works or not. I am playing in the UK which I'm guessing means I would be joining an EU server? How do I check?

    Problem I have is exactly as you describe. Indicator appears but no one can hear me.

  • @eligibleeel6171

    If you join a Captained ship, it will depend on whomever set sail first. If it's your ship and you set sail, as you're in the UK, you should be on EU servers.

    For Open Crew, although it tries to find the best connections, it can be on a server in any region.

    On PC, you can turn on a ping display in settings which helps to determine what region you're in (for me, EU is typically 40-80, NAE is 120-160). This is unfortunately not an option on console. But if it feels laggier than normal when trying to do things, then you're probably not on EU.

  • EU voice chat has been broken for me, works on every other server.
    I've opened up a ticket, seems port 3074 is not open on EU servers. I know of a lot of others that have the same issue, I know of multiple partners having the same issue.

    I would love the known issues to be updated with it

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