Hotfix before anniversary event?

  • I hope we do because it would be lame to get on to grind some hourglass only to keep getting crashed every 15-30 mins. Also fix the skeletons not repairing their ships.

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  • I'm hoping for something on Tuesday but that's just hoping.

    Current state on some things makes it pretty iffy heading into an event. Both for experience in the game and I think 6th anniversary/ps5 are a big deal and don't wanna see criticism take over as much in the social areas.

  • @wolfmanbush If anything, if they cannot fix the issue during the event we should get a Gold and Glory weekend after the PS5 launch as a apology.

  • I don’t have high hopes. Community weekend was plagued with being unable to invite or join friends and constant crashes for Xbox players. Everything PC users are going through right now is what Xbox players were going through for the month prior. It’s like the issue just moved platforms. Crashing often, beard errors, crashing to desktop, trying to rejoin and crashing immediately, trying to rejoin and just getting a new beard error, etc…

    I didn’t expect this game to become so broken it’s unplayable. I would have expected them to have better development and testing. I honestly feel bad for all the people trying to play. Just trying to do a session with my crew last night was every 5 minutes(not hyperbole) someone was crashing. If you play solo it feels like less crashes because it’s just you, but when there’s 4 people who all have the potential to crash at any given time, it’s like a plague. It really felt awful.

  • MnK on xbox has been broken for 27 days now, missed a community weekend and prolly gonna miss the anniversary event :/

  • @justcallmeguze

    Also fix the skeletons not repairing their ships.


  • What a disgrace.. I have crashed 6 times. Updated drivers and such and still happing. Oh also had a hacker on my sloop.

    Worst state the game has been in. I've constantly been playing for 4 years

  • I hate to sound dramatic, but Rare needs to put a full stop on game development, and have an all hands on deck bug fix until this game is stable. How long ago did they reduce ship/player count as a bandaid? The situation is completely out of hand, and yet Rare continues to act as if nothing is wrong.

  • @sammyr0cks said in Hotfix before anniversary event?:

    I hate to sound dramatic, but Rare needs to put a full stop on game development, and have an all hands on deck bug fix until this game is stable. How long ago did they reduce ship/player count as a bandaid? The situation is completely out of hand, and yet Rare continues to act as if nothing is wrong.

    I think it's more they are just adhering to the business model that keeps them working on the project.

    They are gonna have all kinds of obligations that we won't know the specifics of.

    A fact about this game is that even though long term players are often frustrated they still get all kinds of people to login, they still get casual players to do this or that.

    We don't really know how much they can realistically do differently because we don't know their commitments and obligations.

    It's entirely possible that it's not an option for them.

    Often times in life the people taking the heat don't have as much power to change things as people think they do.

  • Yep been trying to get my friends to come back on and play but I have to keep saying. "Nope its in a terrible state lets delay until the next patch" its become a running meme since december.

    I would be embarrased to invite new people to the game right now as they would rightly not give it the time of day. Rare should be ashamed.

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