Hourglass PvP is really highlighting some little problems that tend to add up to a lot of frustration

  • A few examples that happen regardless of ping:

    • Cannon reload reg. You're trying to fire as quickly as you can, and you hold down the button, hear the reload...and it doesn't reload. You have to hold the button down all over again, wasting precious time.

    • There have been a few times where the bucket doesn't work. I pull it out and I have to click for 2-3 seconds before it actually gets used. Otherwise I'm clicking and it's not moving at all.

    • Getting stuck on every tiny little thing on the sloop, especially the stairs from bottom to top.

    • Not grabbing items when they're easily within view and grabbing distance. I feel like I have to hit the button 2-3 times when it's right in front of me sometimes. It honestly feels like this game can't keep up with where the player is looking.

    • Repairs blipping on and off. Run up to the hole with wood, hold down the button, and it only repairs for a split second, then stops, and you have to hit it again, sometimes 2-3 times. This happens when you're plenty close to the hole and keep it centered.

    By themselves these might not be much, but throw them all together in a PvP match and it feels like death by a thousand cuts.

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  • I literally just had the wood glitch happen to me. Also I've loaded the canon and went to fire, but nothing came out of my canon. My main complaint is that I'm getting matches against extremely high leveled players. I'm at a level 70 with servants, and I literally just died to a level 1000 ghost. Very pretty btw but still.... I have almost lost what sanity I have left trying to level up and I literally this is what I have to fight?!

  • Experienced all of that each time.
    And when masts are down/broken running close to them makes you glitch until you step away from it.

    Deckshoting makes enemys lag everywhere for 10 seconds making it impossible to hit them.

    Looks like Bug Fixing is not RARE priority when these bugs been here for months now..

  • Don't forget "food reg"
    Which can be replicated with such reliability that I almost feel like I'm doing something wrong.
    But since the animation properly finishes it shouldn't just bamboozle me like that.

  • @fatbeard1353 Each time I rise up, my bucket is ALWAYS glitched for some reason. With the amount of cheaters, and mis-matched 'skill matching', I'm hanging up my hat on hourglass.

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