• Hey. I'm trying to save my customization and the gold is being used but after closing the game and starting next session the boat spawns as if it were new, I've tried to restart the game a few times and even pay again to save again my customization but nothing seems to solve the problem, can someone please help me?

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  • That was mostly a big problem at the start of season 7, they mostly fixed it since then, but a couple weeks ago i had issue when saving a new figurehead where it didnt save the first time, second time i tried it, it worked.

    My bet would be save 1 item, log out and back in and see if it worked, and if it did, just save the ship 1 component at a time.

  • @goldsmen said in SHIP COSTOMIZATION:

    That was mostly a big problem at the start of season 7, they mostly fixed it since then, but a couple weeks ago i had issue when saving a new figurehead where it didnt save the first time, second time i tried it, it worked.

    My bet would be save 1 item, log out and back in and see if it worked, and if it did, just save the ship 1 component at a time.

    Oh how annoying.

  • tried and it didn't work, I still have the same problem @goldsmen

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