Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz

  • @steppingfish438
    How many matches are you willing to participate in to get the curse? That seems to be the issue so what's the number of matches you think is appropriate?

  • @slickwillywonka as many as it takes. I'm level 65. But once I'm done I'm not touching it again

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @nex-stargaze again I say. The game is mostly casuals bro. And very few pros.

    Think about what kinds of players the hourglass' dives are occupied with, and what kinds of players regular Adventure Mode is occupied with. Extremely stark differences, but improves the quality of life for several players playing the game casually, and competitively.

    Only Matter of time before rare addresses THIS.

    Why should they? It's a PvP mode, and there's only been a handful of changes to suit that PvP mode (and PvP in general for that matter). I'm sure whatever is coming in Season 9 will appease the PvE crowd again since PvP has been consistently shafted and ignored ever since the game's launch, at least there's something now.

    Also we been practicing. And I'm level 65

    Then who on earth are you making this post for? Sure it's taken you close to 3 months to get over 60% of the way to level 100 in faction allegiance, but if you keep at it, you'll be at 100 in no time!

  • @steppingfish438 I'm not a sweat/try hard and have no intention of quitting until I get what I'm after. Are there improvements that could be made to the game mode? Sure. But I don't think that dropping the requirement for getting the curse is the answer.

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr what's not fair is forcing most of the player base to do pvp that's unfair.

    Huh? No one forcing anyone to play the mode. Let go of the idea that you MUST have a cosmetic reward. You don’t need it. You are not forced to earn it. But if you want it you will need to do what others managed to do.

  • @vanishedplague I agree

  • @vanishedplague said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @lordqulex I agree, hourglass is the PVP version of endgame and I'm all for it. I do would like for them to add a time limit to the how long a battle can go on for. Although, I'm not sure how that would work. Would it use the scoring system that Arena used? Would you get points for boarding an killing your opponent or would it be strictly based off of ship combat?

    My idea is to reward allegiance similarly to how silver was awarded in arena, but to introduce a maximum to prevent farming less skilled players. First 5 cannon hits, mast drops, pirates killed, and planks used + food eaten by enemy pirate would award allegiance, each one of them. That way you are rewarded for participating in good faith PVP but prevented from farming indefinitely. That way also your time is rewarded adequately for the longer matches, and you feel less punished for intentionally throwing a game that you just don't want to last 60-120 minutes.

  • @grumpyw01f said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:


    who cares if we get the curses faster.


    You have greed to get it, I have greed to keep in exclusive. The only difference between us is that I made the progress. I think that there should be more rewards on the path to 100, but the curses should stay as-is.
    There are plenty of things in Sea of Thieves that are a grind-fest, the reason is to give players long-term goals for their playstyles. Hourglass PvP is not meant to be something that you grind for the curse and then stop playing. It's a new way to play the game. You're supposed to play it because you want to play it, even after you've got the curse. If you find it to be a stressful grindfest for you, then you're playing it too much. These curses weren't meant to be gotten right away, except for those with a ton of time to play and/or high win rate.

    Then Rare really messed up putting the curses here. The curses have been the #1 requested cosmetic since inception and they knew people would drop everything to get them. If we were supposed to enjoy the game mode they'd have put a different reward there. They intentionally put the curses behind the game mode to attract players to it, but they really hurt themselves in the process because the pirates that don't like PVP will simply quit the game mode after grinding the curses. Rare did this to themselves and now we're all just grinding them out as fast as we can before hourglass is retired like arena was when no one plays it anymore.

  • @lordqulex now this I can agree on

  • @lordqulex ikr.

    Finally someone agrees with me

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr what's not fair is forcing most of the player base to do pvp that's unfair.

    And by the way I'm a pvp that loves to steal loot and I hate that the mode is a grind fest

    Nobody is forcing you, you play because you want to. Just like nobody is forcing me to do PvE to get the rewards, I do it because I want them, even I dont like it.

  • @targasbr there you go now you understand.

    Now aren't we all just grinding for the curses then never touching the mode again?

    I'm never touching this mode again when I get the curse

  • @ajm123 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    It's not that hard keep trying its not supposed to be easy

    So pixel macho!

    It is not about hard, it is about the total waste of a lot of time for a small reward.

  • @ghutar Are those numbers pre same faction v same faction update? Or you just calculated it yourself?

    Mine currently shows less than I actually sunk since the other ones were from Athena and don't come up on guardians statistics.

  • @foambreaker exactly my point

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr there you go now you understand.

    Now aren't we all just grinding for the curses then never touching the mode again?

    I'm never touching this mode again when I get the curse

    I play for the PvP, for the battles, for the fun, the curses are a consequence of that.

  • @targasbr same. Only reason I'm wasting my time with this mode is to just get the curses then I'm going back to stealing loot,and sinking pvers doing events.

    Besides I can enter the hideout anytime when they add new skins but I need to get to blasted 100 first

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr same. Only reason I'm wasting my time with this mode is to just get the curses then I'm going back to stealing loot,and sinking pvers doing events

    It's clear that you're not a PvP player, so I don't think you should take the curse.

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @foambreaker exactly my point

    It took me a fraction of that amount of time to earn my 3 ships. For the 100s of hours the reward needs to be one hell of a ship.

    Costumes, that sell for < $10 in the store should not need more than a few hours of effort, otherwise just not worth the time.

  • @targasbr I'm a pvper and a pver. I just more of a casual pvper. I sink many ships. Just not sweats

  • @foambreaker 100%.

    IL be just glad once the grind to 100 is over

  • @targasbr said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr there you go now you understand.

    Now aren't we all just grinding for the curses then never touching the mode again?

    I'm never touching this mode again when I get the curse

    I play for the PvP, for the battles, for the fun, the curses are a consequence of that.

    How nice, guess what, Rare is a BUSINESS that wants to make money and not many people are like you. CUSTOMERS expect rewards for effort.

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr I'm a pvper and a pver. I just more of a casual pvper. I sink many ships. Just not sweats

    The vast majority of players in this new game mode are casual. I'm casual too, but I can streak 10 effortlessly.
    Just play the game, the curse will come with time.

  • @targasbr are you solo?

    I not even that good at pvp but I practice. Just I get frustrated when I can't get alot of rep is all

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr are you solo?

    I not even that good at pvp but I practice. Just I get frustrated when I can't get alot of rep is all

    It is possible to get 1 level per won at the beginning. Just yesterday, streak 20 and I went from 67 to 81 in 3 hours. Just take some time and play and you'll reach 100 easily.

  • @targasbr ya I can only get to a 2 streak

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr ya I can only get to a 2 streak

    It's a matter of training and persistence. If you play solo, just call a friend to play, things will be absurdly easier.

  • @targasbr ya I do have a friend but he's not on when I'm on sadly so I'm basically stuck solo

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr ya I do have a friend but he's not on when I'm on sadly so I'm basically stuck solo

    Search the game's communities, you'll find a lot of nice people to play with.

  • @targasbr like in discord? And do i need to friend em?

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @targasbr like in discord? And do i need to friend em?

    I play to have fun with friends, I see the game as a way to have fun with friends, to have fun alone I prefer single player games. You don't have to be friends with the person, but the SoT experience is much more rewarding with other people.

  • To everyone here complaining about the mode: instead of getting stressed out about getting the curses as fast as possible, just enjoy the journey!

    I am level 90 on guardians with 260 battles played, I could have grinded harder but I’m not speeding it up to not get burned out and start hating the mode.

    The curses are not going to go away and you’ll get them at some point, just focus on getting better at the game and take satisfaction from it! Without even noticing it you’ll be 100 in both factions while chilling with ppl and making new friends:)

  • I guess the only way for this to have been fair for all would have been as an example to fight 100 or 150 battles in a month, win or lose.
    You would need reach 100 battles and then after a month you receive the reward which then resets for the next month.
    So some players will get their 100 fights in a day while others might reach it in a month or not but it's completely up to those who don't take the time to reach it. But this would level out the playing field for those who are lower skilled at pvp and still want the rewards instead of changing the system to giving out more xp for this or that.

  • @ghutar a dit dans Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz :

    175 sinks ~ 100 lvl.

    I got it witch 45% of wins mainly on solo sloop.

    What it actually means : 350+ games

    @BurnBacon a dit :

    Someone upset they have to actually play and earn something instead of just play 5min and get it.

    Totally on point, as usual. There's a difference between 350+ games and 5 minutes. But you fished 2k pondies in one hour so... This parallel universe of yours seems pretty cool, unfortunately hard to take it seriously...

    @TargasBR a dit :

    If you're doing it for the reward and not the fun, I'm sorry to say, but you're playing it wrong.

    Says some random on the interner. Sorry I intend to play this game I bought exactly how I want, regardless of your opinion on the matter.

    Why would I do it for fun when it's mostly not fair nor balanced, thus not enjoyable ?

    The PvP is fun. The grind is not and I intend to quit as soon as I get lvl 200 and get the comms in both factions. I'm really sorry if that goes against your principle but I don't care and I don't see why I should, in fact.

    @GrumpyW01f a dit :

    who cares if we get the curses faster.


    You have greed to get it, I have greed to keep in exclusive. The only difference between us is that I made the progress.

    Loss farmers make progress too. Dice rollers make progress too. They invest their time, which is only thing ANY cosmetic in the game is ever gonna account for. Not skill, not knowledge, not elitism, only time.

    I actually respect loss farmers' dedication more than good PvPers.

    I won't even comment on the "exclusivity" thing here, this is childish. Picture yourself in real life checking every people's clothes and you'll see how ridiculous you sound here.

    I'm sorry to dissapoint you but some cheesers out there already have the lvl 1000 curses. What are you gonna do ? Ask Rare to be even more punishing to those of us who are doing it fair ?

    There are plenty of things in Sea of Thieves that are a grind-fest, the reason is to give players long-term goals for their playstyles. Hourglass PvP is not meant to be something that you grind for the curse and then stop playing. It's a new way to play the game. You're supposed to play it because you want to play it, even after you've got the curse.

    Your realise I could make the exact same argument about how you're supposed to enjoy going to the Shores of Gold kill the Gold Hoarder a sixth time ?

    How can there be "supposed" way to play the game in what defines itself as a "SANDBOX" game where players make the rules. You're the one playing it wrong here, assuming your gamestyle is the only righteous one.

    @targasbr a dit :

    In the title you said "The mode is supposed to be fun"... You want the curse or the fun?

    That's the whole point. We want both. They don't have to be mutually exclusive.

    As for the OP boasting everywhere about easily hunting PvErs, I certainly won't sympathize with that mentality either, as it does really convey a moaning sense of "Let me go back to sinking easy unsuspecting preys, this PvP where you're actually matched up vs real opponents is actually hard and it hurts my ego"

  • @foambreaker said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    @ajm123 said in Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz:

    It's not that hard keep trying its not supposed to be easy

    So pixel macho!

    It is not about hard, it is about the total waste of a lot of time for a small reward.

    If you feel it is a "small reward" then why are you complaining here about it? If it is a "small reward" in your opinion, then you should have no problem letting go of it since you think it is a "total waste of time".

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