Extremely High Ping on PC

  • I just got back into SoT a couple months ago and have had zero issues up until 2 weeks ago, when I started to encounter intolerable ping (300+) the entire time I was in game, ultimately making it unplayable. I would sometimes have a steady ping of 75-80, but the game was still clearly "off" as my ship would sink into the ground or I wouldn't be able to take items out of barrels. This issue went away later that same day, but is now reoccurring. None of my components are being overclocked, my internet connection is stable, and my PC is high-end. I see no reason as to why this should be occurring, especially because I do not experience connection issues in any other game. Currently I cannot walk in a straight line, take items out of barrels, or even board my ship without popping right back to where I was just seconds ago. My ping has been a steady 350 today, and has made the game yet again completely unplayable. Below are clips showing my experience in game. What you'll see is constant the entire time I'm playing, not just a random experience every once in a while.


    I have spent hours trying to troubleshoot this issue without any success. Disabled ipv6, flushed dns, uninstalled and reinstalled game, verified game files, limited in-game fps, etc.

    Has anyone experienced a similar issue or know a solution? Any help is much appreciated!

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  • This looks like packet loss. Packets get lost either being sent to the game server or coming back from the game server. The local simulation runs until the server says 'no, this isn't correct' and you receive updated world data which rubberbands you back to where the server thinks you are.

    Network performance in other games means very little unless they are in the same data centers and you get the same route from your PC to that data center because it could be some node along that path that is causing the problem.

    You could check for weird ping spikes here: https://www.azurespeed.com

    You can also get the data center IPs from there and run trace routes or use other better tools to see if there is any packet loss or connection jitter.

  • I experience the same. Ping frequently got up to 500+ making the game unplayable for some seconds.
    On a server yesterday everything was fine till a reaper chest spawned (= a 3rd ship enterd the server)

    My guess is that there is something wrong with multiple ships beeing on a server or it has something to do with a player cheating and the cheat tool requesting bigger data packages from the server frequently, causing the server to stutter.

  • @d3adst1ck Seems like my "average latency" in all US regions spikes from 70 to over 1500 every couple of seconds. What exactly does one do with this information?

  • @mos409311 Have you tried disconnecting every other device from your network to rule out a local bandwidth hog? If not, I'd check that first and if the spikes go away start reconnecting devices until you figure out which one is the problem. Check your router also to make sure it's not being overloaded.

    There shouldn't be any spiking. For example, my home connection where I game from is a consistent sub-100 ping to all US data centers but if I try to do that from a much busier network in a different location, it will spike occasionally.

    You could try contacting Rare or Microsoft support with the information and see if they can help you out? I'd make sure you exhaust all local options at troubleshooting and provide evidence that you did when you contact them though, or you'll likely get a canned response with generic troubleshooting.

  • @d3adst1ck Sounds good, much appreciated

  • Same, I've been getting ridiculous amounts of Ping, I feel like I'm on the US servers despite living in the UK.

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