I've lost all my progress

  • Hello

    I've logged in after half a year and found out I lost all of my progress, I had to create a pirate from scratch and play the tutorial game.

    I'm using the correct account. I verified checking messages I have in history with people I played with before.
    I didn't manually delete or alter my pirate.

    I deleted local windows credentials because I had a bug (The sea of thieves services are temporarily unavailable (leaverboard)). After removing the Xbl_Ticket(1717113201). I launched sea of thieves, and logged in my windows account. Then I found out I lost everything.

    I'm not able to raise a support ticket because of some error 401, I've wasted 2 hours trying to do that so I'm desperate trying to find someone to help me.

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  • @doukette It would appear that this account (that you are using for Forums) has about 45 mins of game time on Sea of Thieves and no other activity. (according to the Xbox App)

    Your best bet is to message support when you are able and wait for an answer.

    My only other suggestion would be to make sure you are signed out of all other Microsoft devices and services (Game Bar, MS Store, hotmail etc) and try logging into the correct account again.

    Game progress doesn't just disappear.

  • As mentioned above, this account looks like it has not played Sea of Thieves before since there are no achievements earlier than 12 hours ago and those can't be deleted as far as I know.

    Are you sure you weren't using a different account before? If you are playing through the MS store version, the existing message history doesn't make sense but if you're playing through Steam (and using that message history), I would make sure you are signed into the correct MS account by signing out and back in again from the title screen.

  • Hi, my friend is having the same exact issue, where you can see the friends he played with but all of the achievements and all the progress in game was reset. Did you manage to find a solution.

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    @Polupan7718 You can submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support if you have any further issues.

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