Hourglass Battles for Galleons deserve double XP

  • Galleon is, by far, the least played ship, and has been for some years. As a player who once upon a time played sloops and brigs exclusively, I have taken a preference to Galleon over my time playing. Organizing a galleon crew who works together effectively and cooperates isn’t a very consistently easy thing to do from scratch, which I assume most people are, myself included.

    You just don’t really see galleons on the waves very much. Mainly open crews or joking groups of friends who aren’t getting much done. Since it’s so frustrating to organize a galleon and how long the galleon queue times are compared to the other ships, I feel like it would be good to provide an incentive for players to keep that galleon queue full and fresh for time to come.

    Perhaps a rotating double XP weekly between ship sizes, or a static scale of extra XP for Galleons/brigs. As with so many things in this game, Sloops dominate it. It’s just natural. People like playing alone. It’s easier and faster. The people who are level 300 in servant’s are certainly not getting it from galleons, because sloop and brig will always be faster and easier to set up, and less work to coordinate.

    On top of Galleons just not being the most popular, I feel that with the slower Xbox-only times, it’s just not very viable for me to get my curse the way I had hoped. I usually play on the crossplay servers, but after having several consistent sessions where we’d be fine for a streak of 4-5 and then get smoked by a sweaty pc crew, I just don’t see myself doing it on PC. But here I am thinking I might have to if I wish to get enough matches on the galleon queue.

    Anyways, I think it’s clear that something has to be done to incentivize people to use the ship sizes they normally wouldn’t. Hopefully this call reaches my fellow Galleon fans, and maybe we can make sure the original ship doesn’t get snuffed out by the sloop like it always does.


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  • I think the biggest problem is the lack of proper open crew matchmaking which should include filters.

    Right now if you want to use a galleon, you have to have to either:

    • be really lucky to have 3 friends with a simillar skill range coming online at the same time as you

    • go through a long and annoying process of making LFC posts on 3rd party apps and praying that the people you invite know what they are doing or spy their profiles to see their stats.

    • or you use the current barely working ingame open crew option which will 99% of the time put you in a half empty galleon with 1 or 2 first day players and no captaincy status which also disables half of your hourglass progress.

    If there was a proper open crew function this wouldnt be a problem and everyone would have access to quickly join a galleon and be effective with it.

  • @klutchxking518
    so the ship with the best potential to beat everyone, should have the opportunity to get double exp while not being able to lose?

  • @sandfeld2004 If you have tried playing on Galleon at all this update, you’d see how tremendously difficult it is to find a match sometimes. The galleon is by far the most difficult ship to prepare and organize a skilled crew for. It is NOT any easy feat to get a well-oiled-machine made from scratch every day, and as such, most players ignore galleon. Which in turn, makes galleon less popular and unfavorable for leveling up. Those who dedicate themselves to longer battles with more pirates should be rewarded as such.

    Like I said, the Level 300+ players are all doing it on sloops. Because it is easier, faster, and more reliable. The galleon requires effort from 4 people to work together or else, when you finally do get a match after the 45 minute matchmaking times, you’ll sink because nobody wanted to listen to the helmsman.

    Play more galleon. You’d see what I’m getting at.

    Also… galleon is forced against galleon unless another ship opts to go up against them in hardmode, so they are already at the disadvantage of being rolled by a sweaty sloop or brig without a choice. Double XP for being on the least popular ship would make more people play on it and balance out the uneven surface of how many sloops there are vs galleon.

  • @sandfeld2004 Its not even remotely that simple, not by a long shot. You are aware that once you reach champion status on the galleon you can be overrun right? That if, and that's a big if, you find enough matches to get there.

  • @sandfeld2004 said in Hourglass Battles for Galleons deserve double XP:

    should have the opportunity to get double exp while not being able to lose?

    What do you mean “not being able to lose”? If it’s galleon vs galleon, there’s going to be a loser. It’s fair and fine. The problem that I am trying to solve is the problem that a solo player gets as much xp for beating a solo player as a full crew who has to coordinate together gets for beating another crew like themselves. People don’t play galleon much because it’s a hassle. Give em a reason to fill up the queue, and more people will be willing, and the queue would fill up much faster.

  • The issue with the gallys goes beyond finding a decent crew that will weather battles on high seas, it's a matter of finding a patient crew. It takes more time for a gally to machtmake at this point than it takes to finish two or three sloop fights.

    Now at this point we should consider the questions:

    Is the galleon too obsolete to play SOT?

    Is this a way for the devs to get rid of the gally crews?

  • I only solo sloop, and even I can understand the pain of galleon crews.

  • @thorumsu And I hear level 300 solo sloopers complaining about matchmaking… like, my guy? You’ve won at least 600 matches! I’ve played probably 30 because I like to be on galleon but not enough opponents exist.

  • I kinda get why each ship has the same amount of XP given, that being said, there’s not enough of an incentive to play on a gally when the matchmaking time is already screwing over smaller ship sizes. Extra xp might entice people to try a larger ship.

  • @ninja-naranja It would certainly help if Rare would encourage group play more in general, cause often times all they do is make things easier and easier for solo players, which kinda sucks since that just drags people away from the groups and entices them to do things alone where it’s easier.

  • Yep, this new mode has completely killed the Xbox PVP experience for my crew and I. Galleon sessions used to be our thing. But we simply can’t find more than 2-3 matches on Xbox servers.
    Personally I blame that frustrating “Xbox preferences” notification. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.
    They’re basically blaming us for not finding matches. Then we go to PC, have a little fun, until we verse crews that are just completely unbalanced and unfun to fight.
    I feel like I’m stuck in a horrible form of purgatory right now where I’m damned either way.
    And I wish Rare would give us some kind of hope at the end of the tunnel.

    Right now, it feels to me that Xbox players are being fed to the wolves for the sake of bolstering PC matchmaking.

    Perhaps if we can’t find an XBOX server match, it could then give up and shift us onto a PC server in a reasonable time. Because of practicalities.

    BUT IT’S NOT DOING THAT! We just get INDEFINITE waiting times.

    Fix this please, Rare.

  • Double XP would not help much. Players just don't like using it, because it's too much of work for 4 players to sail it. It needs a rework or crew size increased to make it less tedious.

  • @arch-ideall I have a feeling double XP would make a huge difference, especially considering how much you have to do for this update. People would flock to galleon if they could get their curse in 80 matches instead of 160, or 900 instead of 1800.

  • Even when I tried queueing up my galleon crew alone so some galleon crew could finally get some progress with theirs, I was underwater for about ten minutes with no matches found. Resurfaced, tried again, still nothing. There I was at the helm thinking "What does a guy have to do to sacrifice his galleon for the alliance war have to do around here to get a match". I had even prepped resources for the crew i'd encounter, cooked trophy fish and everything. Ended up sailing up on some new reapers and gave them it instead. Least someone got something.

  • Honestly the more I think about this idea, the better it sounds.
    More galleons on the seas please!

  • They should just make battles against bigger ships more rewarding. Maybe 3x the rep?

  • @zerrryy I’d love for literally anything to encourage more galleons. It needs to happen because these galleon matches are atrocious. Anyone who thinks they have slow matchmaking should try galleon and count their blessings

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