Cool ideas for future Sea of Thieves updates

  • Hello, I wanted to post here some fun ideas for the future of Sea of Thieves in a list form (you'll see what I mean below.)
    -New normal looking clothing to add more variety of clothing for pirates to choose from
    -A cool reactive curse called "The Siren's Curse" that has two effects: when in water, your character turns into a merfolk and has unique swimming animations and upon leaving the water will have a barnacle like look kind of like Bootstrap Bill from Pirates of the Caribbean
    -An Ocean Crawler curse would be pretty cool and maybe would use the same customization feature as the Skelly curse in-game now. (Imagine being like a shark headed creature, that'd be pretty groovy!)
    -Some new weapons would be cool, like a portable cannon that slows you down like when holding a trident.
    -New boarding tactics like being able to swing on ropes to board enemy ships
    -New boss encounters like a giant sea serpent, or exclusively in the fog, a giant angler fish-like creature, lurking in the fog to hunt unsuspecting prey (pirates of course).
    -A squid beard for the Davy Jones skin please for the Pirate Lord's Sake
    -Now this last one is just something I personally want and don't actually ever expect to see it in the game, but a purple variation of the Ghost Curse would be pretty groovy
    Thats pretty much it. Just some ideas of things I think would be pretty cool to see in Sea of Thieves

generalfeedbackjust for fun
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