Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.

  • Wait, let me stop you right there. "The game is called what now? Sea of what? What is the game called," you ask? Well, the game isn't called Sea of Merchants but there sure is a merchant's guild with merchant missions. Last time I checked, there was only one faction for destroying ships, and it's the Reapers.

    So yeah, you have all the logic you need right there to provide reputation-loss for people who attack non-emissary ships with white flags raised. Just because it's a sea of "thieves" doesn't mean there shouldn't be consequences for running around, shamelessly and wantonly destroying every single ship you ever come across. It would only stand to reason that if you ran that way, the people of the world would start to dislike you.

    You can't trust people to PVP with sportsmanship. You can only have lazy game mechanics that allow them to do whatever they want because they don't account for the players who fire up cheats and murder everything all the time forever. You're smart people, you can figure out a way to handle that in a game called Sea of Thieves.

    By the way, the game also isn't called Sea of Trigger-Happy Cannon Murderers. Just because you're a thief doesn't mean you blow up everything that ever comes near you.

    The only people vehemently protesting a system that fails to reward (or indeed punishes) these kinds of players... are these kinds of players.

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  • Ideas like this appear here all the time and they are heavily abusable. See another ship? Throw up a white flag. Attack a ship and then throw up the white flag, etc...

    There will be no safe zones or ways to make your ship invulnerable or penalize other players for playing the game the way it's meant to be played.

  • I am a pretty passive player, I solo Sloop mostly and as a result try to avoid combat. I am completely against this idea - so no, the only people against it are not just the people who play that way. I am all for those folks having the freedom to attempt an attack on anyone they feel like attacking. Don't try to skew things and speak for others please.

    Me, I tend to outsail them 9 time out of 10 - and I can live with the times that they catch me. Combat avoidance is a skill in this game, it takes time to hone it (just like the combat itself), but you can and then avoid the vast majority of conflicts when you feel like avoiding.

  • @d3adst1ck

    "See another ship? Throw up a white flag. Attack a ship and then throw up the white flag, etc..."

    It shows really limited thinking to believe that any anti-grief game mechanics would be this simple and open to abuse.

    First of all, make it a flag you can only raise while at a seaport. Duh.

  • @chinagreenelvis Is it somehow impossible to sail back towards an outpost once you've left it? It's the same problem, with an added step.

  • @chinagreenelvis It's almost like the game was designed to be this way. It is a pvpve game. We are meant to be able to attack anyone at any time.

    There is no where safe. You need to understand this is intentional.

  • @redeyesith

    Just because you enjoy being chased doesn't mean other people do.

    Besides, I never said a white flag should make you invulnerable. You obviously have no idea what de-incentivizing means.

    Game theory proves that when players are allowed complete freedom, the most ruthless and heartless and unconscionable players will always win. This is not an ideal environment for maximizing enjoyment for everyone. You can't trust players to make a game world like this a better place without having guidelines to skew them away from relentlessly attacking everyone and everything.

  • @d3adst1ck

    "Is it somehow impossible to sail back towards an outpost once you've left it? It's the same problem, with an added step."

    That's not the same problem at all. The current problem is that if someone wants to destroy your ship, they eventually will unless you destroy them. There is no such thing as a safe location.

    And AGAIN, I didn't say that the flag should make you passive or invulnerable. You need to start thinking in less simple terms.

  • @chinagreenelvis said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    That's not the same problem at all. The current problem is that if someone wants to destroy your ship, they eventually will unless you destroy them. There is no such thing as a safe location.

    That's how the game is designed to be played.

    And AGAIN, I didn't say that the flag should make you passive or invulnerable. You need to start thinking in less simple terms.

    You should probably start thinking about the type of game you are playing.

  • It's bad game design to just say, "Here, everyone kill everyone and everyone gets rewarded for killing everyone." That game gets old very, very quickly.

    Already the game incentivizes the Reaper players to go after emissaries; it only makes sense to also have rules that pull in the opposite direction. Provide the right ruleset and you can easily balance it out. Maybe the flag makes you progress more slowly and earn less money while causing reputation loss or some other form of punishment to those who come after you? Already you've made the game more complex and interesting, instead of just saying, "No, it's Sea of Thieves, let's ignore the PVE and just have PVP completely ruin it for those who aren't up for it in any given game session."

  • Several things wrong with your reasoning on this.

    @chinagreenelvis said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    Wait, let me stop you right there. "The game is called what now? Sea of what? What is the game called," you ask? Well, the game isn't called Sea of Merchants but there sure is a merchant's guild with merchant missions. Last time I checked, there was only one faction for destroying ships, and it's the Reapers.

    False. Easily debunked by the fact there was no Reapers in the beginning days of the game - only Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls, and Merchant Alliance. And whose to say a merchant isn't an unscrupulous kind, preferring to get his merchandise from others.

    So yeah, you have all the logic you need right there to provide reputation-loss for people who attack non-emissary ships with white flags raised. Just because it's a sea of "thieves" doesn't mean there shouldn't be consequences for running around, shamelessly and wantonly destroying every single ship you ever come across. It would only stand to reason that if you ran that way, the people of the world would start to dislike you.

    No reason they should be penalized for playing the game as designed and intended. Just because YOU don't agree with that type of playstyle does not invalidate it. If someone wants to play as a merciless marauder, that is fine as long as they are not being abusive or toxic (talking about actual toxicity, not you getting your feelings hurt because you got sank being unprepared for the attack). Pirates were not bastions of society by any means, they were cutthroats...many burning down entire cities just because they could. Don't believe all the romanticized tales about them.

    You can't trust people to PVP with sportsmanship. You can only have lazy game mechanics that allow them to do whatever they want because they don't account for the players who fire up cheats and murder everything all the time forever. You're smart people, you can figure out a way to handle that in a game called Sea of Thieves.

    Since when did "sportsmanship" ever matter to a Pirate or thief for that matter? If you see or suspect someone of using cheats, report them to Rare & Microsoft and they will deal with them (if the report is valid that is, many skilled players get falsely labeled as hackers/cheaters by poor sports that lost to them or mistake server glitches for hacks).

    By the way, the game also isn't called Sea of Trigger-Happy Cannon Murderers. Just because you're a thief doesn't mean you blow up everything that ever comes near you.

    Nothing says they can't either. Perhaps they prefer to eliminate the competition on order to gather the loot without resistance. Not all thieves are peaceful or stealthy. On that note, there are very few stealth options in the game so the brute force tactic may be the only way to safely gather loot from others.

    The only people vehemently protesting a system that fails to reward (or indeed punishes) these kinds of players... are these kinds of players.

    Again this is blatantly false. I myself am generally a peaceful player, yet oppose any such safety net like you propose. The object of the game is to play while having to deal with other players, peaceful or not. Sometimes you have to protect what you gather, you are not entitled to a free ride just because you prefer to play pacifist.

  • @d3adst1ck

    "You should probably start thinking about the type of game you are playing."

    A bad one that has potential to be better.

    You can't even handle criticism about a game you didn't design. Do you think Sea of Thieves is 100% perfect? Give me a break.

  • @chinagreenelvis said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    It's bad game design to just say, "Here, everyone kill everyone and everyone gets rewarded for killing everyone." That game gets old very, very quickly.

    Already the game incentivizes the Reaper players to go after emissaries; it only makes sense to also have rules that pull in the opposite direction. Provide the right ruleset and you can easily balance it out. Maybe the flag makes you progress more slowly and earn less money while causing reputation loss or some other form of punishment to those who come after you? Already you've made the game more complex and interesting, instead of just saying, "No, it's Sea of Thieves, let's ignore the PVE and just have PVP completely ruin it for those who aren't up for it in any given game session."

    The game incentivizes everyone to go after everyone, not just reapers.

  • @chinagreenelvis said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:


    "You should probably start thinking about the type of game you are playing."

    A bad one that has potential to be better.

    You can't even handle criticism about a game you didn't design. Do you think Sea of Thieves is 100% perfect? Give me a break.

    You should realize this game is awesome. and if you need to make such a radical change to the game play, you are in the wrong place

  • "That's the way the game is meant to be played."

    Only a fool thinks the game is only meant to be played the way they think it currently exists. The game is meant to be designed well, and it isn't.

    It's obvious these forums are no place to have a critical discussion. I'll see my way out. There are better ways to spend my time.

  • Its not something you can control, nor can rare. The amount of hate this would bring would be too much to handle, and this post will soon be locked and explained that this is a feature not even contemplated being brought to the game by rare.

  • @chinagreenelvis said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:


    "You should probably start thinking about the type of game you are playing."

    A bad one that has potential to be better.

    You can't even handle criticism about a game you didn't design. Do you think Sea of Thieves is 100% perfect? Give me a break.

    That's quite a leap in logic based on my criticism of your flawed idea. Sea of Thieves isn't perfect but your idea doesn't make it better in my opinion.

  • You can't trust people to PVP with sportsmanship

    True. Sweaty players can't see from all the water covering there eyes.

    Just because it's a sea of "thieves" doesn't mean there shouldn't be consequences for running around, shamelessly and wantonly destroying every single ship you ever come across.

    Tell that to the Skeleton Ships, Kraken, Meg, Phantom Ships and islands that attack your ship for simply getting to close.

    Just because you're a thief doesn't mean you blow up everything that ever comes near you.

    Just because they are skeletons doesn't mean they have to attack you when you dig up treasure or blow up a keg near you. So yeah.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    @chinagreenelvis said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:


    "You should probably start thinking about the type of game you are playing."

    A bad one that has potential to be better.

    You can't even handle criticism about a game you didn't design. Do you think Sea of Thieves is 100% perfect? Give me a break.

    That's quite a leap in logic based on my criticism of your flawed idea. Sea of Thieves isn't perfect but your idea doesn't make it better in my opinion.

    Nor mine. Nor Rare's either or they would have done something to prevent it by now.

    Once someone presses the "Set Sail" button in game, they've opted in to the possibility of combat.

    /end thread

  • @chinagreenelvis said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:


    Just because you enjoy being chased doesn't mean other people do.

    Well, when you play a PvPvE game, conflict with other players is something one should expect. If you aren't prepared to encounter conflict in such a game, this is a failing on the part of the player.

    Besides, I never said a white flag should make you invulnerable. You obviously have no idea what de-incentivizing means.

    Who are you replying to here. This has nothing to do with what I posted, and is making a bold assumption about my understanding of gameplay mechanics.

    Game theory proves that when players are allowed complete freedom, the most ruthless and heartless and unconscionable players will always win. This is not an ideal environment for maximizing enjoyment for everyone. You can't trust players to make a game world like this a better place without having guidelines to skew them away from relentlessly attacking everyone and everything.

    Games are for everyone, but not every individual game is for everyone. We all have different tastes. Trying to appease everyone tends to result in appeasing no one of a minority of people. It muddles things. I would much rather see something developed with a specific vision, accepting that it won't be for everyone but those who are into the concept will enjoy it quite a bit. I have been around for all these years enjoying the game because it is the kind of game I enjoy (among others).

    Heck, most times I go hours upon hours without even seeing a player, or only seeing them on the horizon. The world space is fairly big. It was originally designed with having 6 Ships in the Map with an intent of having players encounter other players every 15-30 minutes. Since then, we added the Devil's Roar and reduced the Ship count on a server to 5 Ships. So even more map area (which would space out encounters) and even less Crews (which further spaces out encounters).

    We constantly hear people come here and say things like "I hate that I stack loot for 3-4 hours and then lose it all to some sweat" which implies going HOURS without seeing other players or being engaged by them. That is a far cry from the original design intent anyways - a carrot for those who wanted a little bit more peaceful of a time. This really hurt the PvP side of things, but now we finally have the Sea of Bones which helps alleviate that.

    There are also rules for the game. Targeting specific players consistently is against the rules and can result in bans, being toxic in comms is against the rules and can result in bans. PvP, however, is part of the PvPvE experience, so simply attacking people is not against the rules. Stealing Loot from people is not against the rules (there are even Commendations and Achievements based around these things).

    A big thing with this game is the fact that you DON'T lost progress that you actually make - Rep doesn't go backwards, Coin can't be taken from you. Things like Seasons have been added so even if you can't manage to successfully complete Voyages and get that handed in to gain Rep/Coin you're still rewarded with both Cosmetics and Coin for your efforts. The game is very forgiving so you don't have to be afraid of the PvP aspects of it.

    If you really don't want PvP, then a PvPvE game is probably not for you. Much like a straight PvP game like CoD would not be for you. Me, I like PvPvE games and I like PvE games. I don't tend to play straight PvP because I enjoy having that PvE facet in my gaming. But, when I go the PvPvE route, I don't get upset when the PvP part of that happens.

  • In the long run, its not fair on anyone apart from people like you who want some kind of peace system. There are titles in this game that signify that people are good at being these "Trigger happy cannon murderers" you talk about, indicating that rare themselves reward people for being good, true pirates. Yea this games fantasy, but it has some realism to it, like the aspect of having the ability to be a bloodthirsty killer.

  • What I’m reading here is I’m rubbish at the game, but instead of me trying to learn how to get better and win I demand the game be made easier according to how I want it be played. Never mind how the people who created the game designed for it to be played.

    I’m absolutely dog at the game, yet I’m big enough to admit that and not start demanding the mechanics of the game be changed.

    I raise a white flag on my ships as soon as I start playing in the hope it’ll show other players that I want to be left alone. Yet I realise that there are no rules that state anybody has to pamper me. For all I know the white flag could cause people to attack me. My answer? I’m trying to git gud rather than demand changes to the game or other players’ behaviour.

  • Love that post is just shaming players that do PvP in a PvPvE game instead of explaining why the white flag should give a luck of immunity, nice order or priorities. Sorry to be the one breaking this to you but it's fine that this game is not for everyone, you clearly don't enjoy that people use a basic mechanic of the game so... Why not take SoT break? I did it and I'm back loving the game again, just throwing my 2 cents.

  • @barto9991 said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    Why not take SoT break? I did it and I'm back loving the game again, just throwing my 2 cents.

    I just came back from a break - I took that break because PvPers "teleporting" onto my ship and spawn killing me made the adventure experience terrible.

    Guess what happens 3 times in my first play session after I returned from that break? PvPers seemingly teleporting onto my ship and spawn killing me over and over...

    It inspired me to actually finally come on the forums and speak up about it because it's the same old thing every time I come back to this game.

    There are literally PvP modes. I'm not a sweaty try-hard so I'm always going to lose in the janky hand-to-hand combat.

    Please, at the very LEAST, give us retractable ladders. Make the Good Players EARN their spot onboard our ship by firing themselves out of a cannon, or ramming us and jumping on, or using specialty cannonballs to get an upper hand, (or sneaking on when we accidentally left our ladders hanging).

    I would totally engage in PvP boat battles in adventure mode, but I never get the opportunity because someone is already on my ship spawn killing me before the enemy boat is even within cannon range.

    (And I see the responses of "but without instantly boarding a ship as the very first strategy of the battle, then battles just become a war of supplies since players can repair holes and bail water too fast". Okay? So nerf that instead? Diminishing repairs - each time you repair the same hole, it takes a couple seconds longer to repair it again. Now the ship that gets more hits in will definitely end up winning soon. Return to an outpost and pay gold to fully repair the holes.)

    I know a Sea of Thieves forum is going to be full of all the dedicated players who have hundreds of hours played, but there's got to be someone who can speak up for the players who just want to play a fun pirate-boat adventure game. (which, again, HAS A SEPARATE PVP MODE. So what's so bad about SLIGHTLY adjusting how PvP works in the PvPvE mode? Oh the try-hards will have slightly more trouble griefing players who are bad at the game? To me that sounds like a good thing for the longetivity of the game. Rare should want to encourage more people to play the game. Right now the way PvP works in the PvPvE mode does exactly what you say @barto9991 - makes players want to stop playing.

    In my opinion, having retractable ladders in adventure mode would inspire bad players to engage in more ship to ship combat (right now the ONLY option is to run away so you can avoid getting spawn killed over and over by someone on your boat).
    If bad players are engaging in ship-to-ship combat, then they are getting introduced to PvP and may find that it's fun and want to eventually do more of it and start joing the PvP modes.
    So adding a feature like this would hopefully make the game better overall for the PvPers long term!

    And yes - if you can still manage to board the ship without using the ladder, then you've earned the right to spawn kill us. At the very least, it was a cool thing you pulled off instead of the first thing that happened before the ships were even in cannon-range of each other.

  • @electro226 There is no separate PvP Mode. The Arena was closed months ago. The new Guardians vs Servants takes place in adventure and helps you find people to fight faster.

    Adventure mode is pvp, always has been, always will be. And if you can't engage because people are already on your boat, it's because they got one enough to get there with out you knowing.

    The more you complain about this, the more I think this game might not be for you. That's okay, not all games are for everyone.

  • @chinagreenelvis No... The whole purpose of this game is to be under constant threat of PVP, the PVE in this game is designed to be easy and non-challenging, but time consuming to maximize the risk of PVP. Anything the disincentivizes PVP is unhealthy for the game.

  • @electro226
    Arena has been dead for months now there is no separate PvP mode, but the "get back to arena" claim was already baseless before the mode closed.

    Gonna be real with you chief, players are not teleporting onto your ship, you are just not hearing them nor paying attention which checks out with your claim of not being a good PvP player, you can totally call out borders with merms and sounds alone with blunder bombs being more than enough to take them out of your ship. If by any chance Rare went with your suggestion solo pvp sloop would just suck because just 1 pair of hands can repair 10 3-tier holes for 40 secs each is just not feasible at all (btw different tier holes take different times to repair).

    Ram strat is not the best strat if it's made constantly which will prompt even more running or careless ramming which will sink even more ships in a dumb way and to top it off shooting yourself from a cannon for a deck shot is virtually impossible to pull off by most players consistently (it's even a rare xbox achievement). Tbh from what I have read maybe you should take another break or play another game entirely? SoT is not for everyone specially people with low tolerance for frustration so it's ok if you wanna try other stuff or in the other hand you could dive deep into fights to become better.

    P.S: There are many reasons to take a break from the game not just ""toxic"" PvP, I left because season 7 was a buggy boring fest in my opinion.

  • @chinagreenelvis ok but what happens when that “white flag” disappears and you keg the other crew or with the “white flag” still up you keg the other crew. If you don’t like pvp and or can’t seem to win.

    A. Keep an eye on the horizon, insane how many people don’t do this.

    B. Put in a bit of time on pvp. The game becomes a lot more fun when you can hold your own some.

    C. This is another way of asking for PVE server type mechanic and Rare has already said NOPE.

    Good luck out there brotha

  • All factions are allowed to sink any ship, reapers isnt intended as the sole ship sinking faction. Rare intends the game so that ANYONE can attack who ever they see, even if you are part of an alliance you are allowed to attack and sink others regardless of flag or faction. If some one isnt part of reapers, that doesnt mean they cant benefit off of the loot on your ship, and if you have no loot, they may not trust you and would rather sink you than risk you being in the area that they are doing stuff.

    Having a white flag only means you dont intend to attack others, but it doesnt mean you wont be attacked by others. Always keep your cannons ready, even if some one seems friendly, they can attack at any time.

  • @dlchief58 said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    Again this is blatantly false. I myself am generally a peaceful player, yet oppose any such safety net like you propose. The object of the game is to play while having to deal with other players, peaceful or not. Sometimes you have to protect what you gather, you are not entitled to a free ride just because you prefer to play pacifist.

    Absolutely agreed! I dont actively seek out ships, but i would rather not have a way to bar them from attacking me. In my early days of playing, i was always on edge for other ships coming at me, and it was scary and exciting. If that was shut off, then it would just feel bland after a few days of digging.

    Now i stack loot and constantly hope for some one to challenge me for that loot! Fear and paranoia of other ships gone, and if i had a safety net of any sort when i started, i probably wouldnt have discovered what is now my favorite way to play!

  • @goldsmen said

    Absolutely agreed! I dont actively seek out ships, but i would rather not have a way to bar them from attacking me. In my early days of playing, i was always on edge for other ships coming at me, and it was scary and exciting. If that was shut off, then it would just feel bland after a few days of digging.

    Absolutely this!

  • You mean those same ships that I think are going to surrender and start shooting us? Haha! No.

  • The gatekeeping for this game is assinine.

    "Get good or quit" seems to be the average response here.

    Okay? Then new players will quit and your game will slowly die instead of growing.

    Retractable ladders seems like such a simple and healthy solution to keep everyone happy (except for the try-hard griefers, but I don't understand why we are pandering to them above all else).

  • @electro226 said in Attacking ships with white flags raised should be de-incentivized.:

    The gatekeeping for this game is assinine.

    "Get good or quit" seems to be the average response here.

    Okay? Then new players will quit and your game will slowly die instead of growing.

    Retractable ladders seems like such a simple and healthy solution to keep everyone happy (except for the try-hard griefers, but I don't understand why we are pandering to them above all else).

    It's not gatekeeping, It's literally just expecting people to play the game. There is a learning curve to multi-player games. Is it too much to expect people to learn?

  • @captain-coel

    And I'm just saying the current execution of how PvP functions makes it devolve into a single tactic: board and spawn kill.

    What if boarding the ship took slightly more effort so that it wasn't the first/only tactic used?

    Then the players who are the best at steering, cannons, snipers, repairs, bailing, wind catching, supply management, teamwork, etc would still be the winners in the end, but at the very least the loser gets to play the game as their ship gets sunk. They get to engage with all of these mechanics as hope dwindles.

    How it currently stands is that losers don't even get to play since we are just spawn killed endlessly before even getting to attempt a single one of the above-mentioned mechanics.


    Some of the counterpoints are valid, like Boat battles just turn into a war of supplies if both teams are too good at repairing/bailing, and the fact that it's difficult to catch up to a boat that is running away so it becomes just a boring endless chase.

    BUT I think it would improve the game overall to simply address these as well :
    I'm sure there are dozens of potential solutions for both, but the one's I've heard that sounded good were:

    • Diminishing Repairs (repairing a hole takes a tiny bit longer each time it is repaired, until you pay gold at an outpost to fully repair it) to prevent a "war of supplies"
    • New consumables and Reaper flags giving slight speed boosts to boats to prevent "endless chases"


    Loot means nothing in this game and I have no problem getting my ship sunk. I would just like it to feel like I'm playing a video game rather than getting exploited.

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