Veil Quest BUG! Lost all my loot!

  • I was doing LOTV. I just finished up destroying the fort. Me and my friend placed all the loot on the flagpole and started harpooning it. We were just about to get the last piece on the ship. Then it all disappeared! A message popped up saying we lost the veil stone. I then proceeded to ram my ship into the fort and set it a blaze. I was wondering if anyone else has experience this or am I one and only unlucky soul.

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  • My crew and me had the same bug finished LOTV place the stone and everything was lost

  • @x-45mm I really hope they fix this bug quick.

  • Did your veil quest have a shipwreck quest on it? It seems their fix to the shipyard glitch was to delete all the ships treasure once the graveyard despawns...... this is pure insanity as most of your loot would be from elsewhere they are just trying to insure it cant be exploited again and going to the extreme of just deleting the entire crews loot haul. Someone had previously said just don't insert the veil stone so the voyage doesn't complete but it seems the shipwrecks are on a despawn timer anyway so if you take too long to complete the voyage you might lose everything. This is a terrible fix to the bug and they should remove graveyards again asap and maybe do a proper fix to this.

  • @magus104 Thanks for the info! At least I now know I won't lose anymore loot. As long as I place the vail stone quickly. Back to the seas I head. With grog in my cup and winds at my sails. Nothing will stop me from achieving my goals. Becoming the best Pirate legend on the sea of thieves.

  • Same happen to us we did 2 world event in-between our quest then it all disappear .

  • @marsupiosam-qc @GleamingPoet692 you guys didn't answer about the shipwrecks though lol. Did your voyages contain a shipwreck portion? I am thinking perhaps it has to do with taking too much time between the start of the voyage (if its a shipwreck) and completing the voyage. It could take hours to try and figure out how to reproduce the bug to be able to submit a proper report to hopefully get a fix. I have only done 4 lotv recently but I completed them under 45 mins or so solo only 1 had a shipwreck but I didn't have issues. I am wondering if its a 1 or 2 hour long issue. Like I have heard the LoTV shipwreck can despawn causing you to fail the voyage but I haven't ever witnessed it personally.

  • You most likely got tucked on... I have done this befor to troll people out of the veil completion.

  • @magus104 We had a shipwreck on our quest might be related, and obviously 2 world event and some pvp with the hours of glass sure did take some time to complete, but it disappear before we finished the quest we did get the fort loot but all the rest disappear during the fight against the fort. And I really doubt someone manage to steal all the loot under our nose during this fight on a sloop without us seeing him or them stealing 2 world event everything was on top deck and yes it was there when we start the fight. I move some on the loot because I was grabbing stuff instead of the canon.

  • The shipwreck can Bugg it to the point of losing your loot. also I have heard that if you vote it down or vote up the hourglass than the loot will despawn.

  • @snear-73 Yea due to how the hourglass works you aren't supposed to take loot with you when you submerge. I don't see why this is an issue if someone wants to bring treasure with them and risk losing it let them? That way if they lose a fight the winner gets an even bigger pay out? I know the amount of loot on a server can create lag. Unlike the Disney portals I don't think people would be using the pvp system to flee from another ship. Not to mention I don't think you can even que up for pvp if there's another ship withing a 5x5 radius of you (which is kinda ridiculously huge)

    I was thinking maybe if someone unrolled the battle map like they were going to dive the game might get confused and delete your loot. But I don't think you can even unroll the battle map if you have a voyage down?

  • Saw a few post on reddit about this now. Was reading more on it and someone said a friend was streaming doing his gilded gold hoarder voyage from last xmas.... got to the outpost and all the chests got deleted. Imagine holding your gilded for a whole year and deciding to do it after they introduce a literal game break bug that is deleting entire ships worth of loot.

    Theories were due to it seeming more common on the Veil quest was that it had to do with the shipwreck bug fix. Now it almost seems like it might be more to do with the merging system with the introduction to this pvp system. Like when another ship dives the server is deleting other players loot as the ship that dives isn't supposed to be able to take loot with them so they game is getting confused about whos ship is whos.

    I wonder if perhaps there is a chance that you can have 2 captaincy ships with the same exact name on a server so when one dives its deleting both ships loot? Without being able to actively reproduce it's hard to really say. You could test for hours and not be able to reproduce then out of no where without you paying attention it could strike again.

    So now I am curious is it tied to hourglass? emissary flags? server merging? It doesn't seem exclusive to LoTV

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