Season 8 Disappointment

  • @b1gr0n1 I'm not going to call it out here. Not a chance, but I will say the characters and text are specific and match all other indicators that I have not been match regionally. All instances requiring such are reported when they can be. I'm also not always landing in a home regional server when I lose or when I'm "hunting" for a pvp session. I could possibly justify why the match isn't regionally based initially, but even then, I'm in NA so I cant imagine it's slim picking here. But why you don't always go back to your "home" region after a sink or scuttle is what I don't understand.

  • @mad-bomber-man first off you are wrong. Second maybe they weren’t cheaters you just can’t hit your shots. And if you and embarrassed to say that I can’t even hit my shots.

  • @scarypup0717475

    Re: Skill based match-making - it makes sense that it will take a while for the data to be gathered and sort people where they need to go.

    In the near term I hope they find some kind of solution to give the system a better flow. I suppose this is Rare's way of bringing a taste of The Arena back into the game. Part of what made The Arena fun was that you had supplies from the jump and you didn't have to bother with stocking the ship.

    With this PvP-on-demand system that they have added, the traditional punishment for losing a fight does not fit so well. Having fully stocked supplies is an absolute necessity to winning serious fights. Having to stop in between fights when you want to repeatedly queue for invasion feels like such a major drag on the process as well as a contradiction to the experience that the system is designed to provide.

    I think that when you queue up to invade and a battle is found, you should be granted the default supplies given in The Arena. If you win the fight, you keep what's left over as a bonus for your victory and if you sink, you just start all over as normal. I don't see an issue with this honestly considering there wouldn't be a way to obtain and keep these auto-stocked supplies without getting into battle and winning it.

  • @mad-bomber-man why you so mad, this is one of the best games to day, and the best update so far, you sound like you can't handle losing

  • @cpt-skinnyp idk the update is really repetitiv,yesterday i had a 4 winstreak then it was really mixed but idk i never played less sot like after this update i think sot reached his peak . i thought sot is for everyone but when you r not really superb and dont make 4x winstreak constantly its hard to rank up, i have nothing against losing just get better but on the other side sot is an adventure game n when i have the feeling i just run for a carrot on a stick to break the grindwall it doesnt speak for a best game. the battles idk after an amount of battles i feel so stressed from bailing and using tactics and every battle feels the same close combat is really bad in sot, so it makes me wanna stop playing it

  • Welcome to the sea of thieves. That's Rare dude, release it and try to fix the bugs as you go.

  • @chronodusk that's the point, don't sink or your screwed. It sucks but everyone goes in the same way.

  • @da-german420 it peaked long ago dude.

  • First, I think its silly they added a matchmaking mode inside a "sandbox" game. Next I think adding a hardcore arena mode to this game is laughable since nearly half of your shots, cannons, food, and or buckets don't register. At similar skill levels it kinda just widdles down to a supply war and one ball and hit reg luck. They should have learned from the failure of the arena... or at least make this its own mode so it doesnt take away from adventure as much as it does now. Kinda funny since this is a PvPvE game but with this new arena mode its more of a PvP / PvE game. Its not the same.

  • As per j0toro (Rare CM), they're not using SBMM at all. It's purely based on winstreaks (what that does entail is not clear to me).

  • @major-bones I honestly think that they should give you at least 2/4 allegiance for losing.

  • @wolfmanbush I feel the same way. I am not great at PVP, but I would not classify myself as awful. But I never win. I keep trying, because I do want to improve, but it is starting to feel useless to continue to try. I do not feel as though anyone is cheating, but they are clearly way above my skills. I do like what they did with Season 8 and I think it has a ton of promise, but not if it constantly feels like you are outmatched. It will simply stop those from playing. And I have to imagine that the really good players are going to get bored going up against the same people all the time. I just recently watched a streamer who recorded a few PVP battles and they knew who they were up against the minute they saw the name of the boat. But then they decided that there were very low odds that they could beat them, so they decided to cut a deal with them. My point is that if streamers start to get tired of going up against people who are closely matched to their own skills then what does that mean for the rest of us.
    I want this new PVP system to work, but I should be winning once in a while (like I do in PVP battles during the regular game). If it continues to work like this then I will stop playing the same way I stopped playing Arena.

  • I've just got a game with a guy who had athena ghost curse. Shot him 4 times with blunderbass he was laughting standing on my deck :P great game

  • @rcsnipes100 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @wolfmanbush I feel the same way. I am not great at PVP, but I would not classify myself as awful. But I never win. I keep trying, because I do want to improve, but it is starting to feel useless to continue to try. I do not feel as though anyone is cheating, but they are clearly way above my skills. I do like what they did with Season 8 and I think it has a ton of promise, but not if it constantly feels like you are outmatched. It will simply stop those from playing. And I have to imagine that the really good players are going to get bored going up against the same people all the time. I just recently watched a streamer who recorded a few PVP battles and they knew who they were up against the minute they saw the name of the boat. But then they decided that there were very low odds that they could beat them, so they decided to cut a deal with them. My point is that if streamers start to get tired of going up against people who are closely matched to their own skills then what does that mean for the rest of us.
    I want this new PVP system to work, but I should be winning once in a while (like I do in PVP battles during the regular game). If it continues to work like this then I will stop playing the same way I stopped playing Arena.

    I'm in the same boat (pun intended). I am not awful at PvP and not afraid of it, my win rate the first few days was around 60%. The last day or two though it's been really terrible. I don't think I won a single match today. I'm not getting matched with human beings that go outside.

    I literally just got matched with a Champion Reaper Rank 5 Emissary, he nailed five shots from over a hundred meters on his initial approach, then immediately started a death circle. I'm not one of those "lose my way to 100" people, but I just put my sails up in disbelief and told him to sink me. No point in wasting 45 minutes bilging. I was disheartened, and surprisingly so was the Reaper. He wanted a fight, and instead he got a stomp.

    I queued up again, and matched him a second time. It's unbelievably infuriating knowing that mortal people like you RCSnipes100 are out there, wanting to fight, but somehow I'm constantly matching with these DA sail 360 no scope pro gamer sweats.

  • when i take a look on steamcharts 10 k around average playin sot, games like cod have an average of 250k, gta 5 has 90 k , with 10 k average on players n not all doin battles on demand we cant having a proper sbm. the most people we will be matched r superb or on the same skilllevel.sot is not so popular like they sell it with 10 mio players. its also not anymore the exciting adventure where u dont know what happen next and bein afraid of the cool llegend you cross ,its a repetitiv grindy game

  • @da-german420 The game was out on xbox and MS store for years before it released on steam. Staring at steam numbers doesn't tell you much of anything in regards to how many players are active.

  • @xshirahx touche,thats true

  • @da-german420 Well said. I think the problem is: they have sold 10million copies but have only 10k playing on average on steam is the way the game is advertised and once the charm of adventure is gone, they are gone. Nobody who I know online/IRL from Steam launch when I bought this game is still playing basically.

    Take this analogy as an example.

    The game is a pizza. But the 'Rare' pizza place sells and advertises it as half half and Sea of Thieves is Half pepperoni/Half Hawaiian.

    To each their own you know, so some people like one, some like the other, some like both. But then it arrives at your table and you see pineapples on top of pepperoni. Which is a very strange taste, that not many like.

    People would say, hey we really like your pizza, but can we just BUY them separate?

    To which the waiter replies - No! We want our pizza to be like this and this only, we think its better. So their focus goes to people making reviews to lure in unsuspecting tourists. A few loyal customers remain, some even have their own tables. But most people try it and never return again.

  • @da-german420 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    when i take a look on steamcharts 10 k around average playin sot, games like cod have an average of 250k, gta 5 has 90 k , with 10 k average on players n not all doin battles on demand we cant having a proper sbm. the most people we will be matched r superb or on the same skilllevel.sot is not so popular like they sell it with 10 mio players. its also not anymore the exciting adventure where u dont know what happen next and bein afraid of the cool llegend you cross ,its a repetitiv grindy game

    The issue with looking at steam numbers here is you aren't comparing apples to apples.

    All of those games were on Steam day 1. Many Sea of thieves players bought the Xbox or pc game from the MS store before rare released on steam YEARS LATER.

    Steam doesn't, and can't, capture people using subscription rentals like gamepass. Even AFTER SoT launched on steam, many players get more value by playing it on Gamepass if they also play other games regularly.

    I don't know if any of those games are on streaming services like GeForce now, but I know and run into crew's regularly playing the game on PC via xcloud. They may not have upgraded to a series x/s and it is a better experience that the game currently is on the OG XBOne. By playing on xcloud, it allows them to be with their Xbox-only crewmates without suffering the XBOne bugs (textures/barrels not loading, etc.

    Gamepass is a hugely successful service. Xcloud is gaining popularity rapidly. I see many Sea of thieves players, old and new, from these services that will never appear on steam because of it. And that's generally not the same circumstances those other games have. SoT is set to be heavily undercounted on steam compared to those games.

  • @grog-minto They just said the exact opposite here on the forum.

  • Taking a break for another season.

    No time limits (with tie breakers). With the amount of supplies some crews have, fights can get dragged on forever while crews constantly full sail away to reset after each broadside.

    Matchmaking is inconsistent, with inaccurate queue time estimates, sometimes as long as Arena lobbies. Regardless of whether I play at peak hours, with novices or experienced players, or ship type.

    Special dump meta. Thanks for nerfing the cursed balls, Rare. Wish you'll eventually do something about the others.

    Players anchor-blocking with multiple crates on the capstan. Very cringe. Man I really, really, miss Arena.

    Hitreg is... hitreg. No news here. You'd think it'd be wise to sort out server performance (or histcan or whatever), before introducing a system that creates more areas of intense action. Yet, here we are.

    Building a PvP system in a game with bad hitreg seems like trying to build a supercar from scratch when you only have bicycle tires lying around.

    I'll still check in on the forums during lulls in my workday. But I'll be spending my evening free time elsewhere. See y'all in Season 9, or whenever they fix all this stuff I guess.

  • I guess what I don’t really understand is why Rare thinks this kind of PvP will succeed where the Arena didn’t?

    Is there even enough dedicated PvP players to keep this viable for a long time as less PvP oriented players get their curse and quit playing or just stop trying all together due to borked matchmaking?

    It just seems like an odd update.

    Also weren’t we supposed to get big QoL and RP changes this season? I’m trying to recall the roadmap for this year but I swear this update took its place.

  • @ninja-naranja They should just nerf Double gunning, and this whole problem will be minimized, apart from the fact that in addition to the hit reg problem, there are the shots you take when you are in cover too.

  • @bloodfrenzy187 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    I guess what I don’t really understand is why Rare thinks this kind of PvP will succeed where the Arena didn’t?

    Is there even enough dedicated PvP players to keep this viable for a long time as less PvP oriented players get their curse and quit playing or just stop trying all together due to borked matchmaking?

    It just seems like an odd update.

    Also weren’t we supposed to get big QoL and RP changes this season? I’m trying to recall the roadmap for this year but I swear this update took its place.

    It's not really designed to cater to arena players or even pvpers as whole. It's aimed at patching holes in organic activity with contrived content to serve content creators because of how low activity has become on the non-controlled servers.

    This is about quick action to get people to click and view.

    No risk/high reward ran off a lot of pve and what does that look like for content in 2022? Server hoppers chasing around grade 3 emissaries for an hour and eventually ending in the red sea.

    There are potential positive longer term effects from this content but they are side effects, the design is to cater to content creators.

    Taking pressure off of pvers is accurate, this will do that to some degree but there are still significant issues with risk/reward in the organic environment.

    Nobody really has it worse from this update, a lot of people just don't have it any better. That can be seen as a positive or a negative, for me I see it as they didn't make it worse which is an improvement compared to some of the recent updates.

    Hopefully the adventure gets implemented without messing with pve or this new content to any significant negative degree. Adventures make me nervous because of how often they have been an issue for bugs to things outside of the adventure.

  • @chronodusk only one thing dude, they have to fix the maching system

  • @mvpetrus how would you propose they nerf that playstyle? I’m all for fixing the quick swapping glitches but you have to remember that a sizable chunk of the playerbase prefers to play with two guns.

  • I agree with OP in the sense the gameplay loop vibe dies off quickly when you sink.

    I have around a 80% winrate. Sometimes I crew up with players that are not really PvP focus and we can sink 2/3 times in a row at times and it really does kill the vibe knowing you have to spend around 30 minutes supplying up and waiting for the next fight. The gameplay loop is broken in the cycle where you have to switch servers.
    Or else you spawn at an island and have to resupply at a fortress and another outpost to get decent supps for a gally fight as an example.

  • @bloodfrenzy187 said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    I guess what I don’t really understand is why Rare thinks this kind of PvP will succeed where the Arena didn’t?

    Is there even enough dedicated PvP players to keep this viable for a long time as less PvP oriented players get their curse and quit playing or just stop trying all together due to borked matchmaking?

    It just seems like an odd update.

    Also weren’t we supposed to get big QoL and RP changes this season? I’m trying to recall the roadmap for this year but I swear this update took its place.

    That is what I am afraid of the most, as a PvP sweat, how long can this mode be active in the future? Like will it come to a point where I will be waiting to close to an hour for a decent sweaty gall v gall fight?

    It also makes me realise how many active players are into PvP, I'm level 70/80 in Reap/Athena currently:

    I play in EU:

    I mostly queue Sloop/Gally with a variety of crew members so the MMR isn't the same if I was playing with my main crew/team all the time.
    Even THEN, Theres numerous occasions where I encountered the same players over and over again on both ship types with different crew members. At times I even got matched with the same crew that I sunk just prior... sitting for 20-30 minutes waiting... Mind you the season has only been out for less then a month now...

    Thats all to say that the ACTIVE PvP playerbase in reality is probably really really low. Like less then a thousand active doing the new PvP mode at any given time split between ship types.

    At midnight to early in the mornings you shouldn't even bother Queuing up if you don't mind sitting in the tunnel for 20 min+ each time on a gally. Just farming bot wins and trolls that decide to Queue up a solo gally for whatever reason to waste your time. It's come to the point where we just VPN to NA East depending on the timezones to get more favorable Queue times. Our ping takes a hit, but its a tradeoff we gladly accept.

    It's become a meme now where in Queue we just play mini browser games together while waiting for a match... and SoT just being the side game where we get a quick sink, vote down and afk for another half hour...

    Don't get me wrong, the thought process of what this season is about is fantastic, and for the most part it works without much hassle. but the ACTIVE playerbase in this worries me a bit more then anything else...

  • they will continue to punish average players to cater to youtubers and top tier streamers. they don't care about your average player at all.

    I'm inclined to believe there is no MMR as others said its based of win streak alone because I see no proof of skill based matchmaking. the matches are completely random with no consistency in skill level of crews. if there is an MMR it needs to be visible for it to be effective to begin with.

    I agree with the earlier comment that said without fixing hit reg and other combat problems the whole update is a waste of time. they gated the most desired cosmetics behind a mode that will without a doubt die out fast. the only people who benefit from this update are the sweats and its a good way for rare to siphon gold away from players to give them a reason to grind pve. the whole thing is just predatory and weak.

  • If you ask me, season 8 is the worst update by far. But I guess when there's good there's going to be bad. We got season 7 which is my favorite season and now we got this trash. Last night I was on a 19 losing streak. Losing constantly is not fun. I dont bother with supplies cause I know it wont matter and im right. Fights always last three minutes. We come out of the water, exchange a few cannonballs and I lose to some BS reason.

    I'm not encouraged to participate in pvp, i'm being encouraged to quit the game and that's what i'm going to do. I'm doing the new adventure and i'm done with this garbage. I'm not being forced to play something I dont like just to get rewards.

    This season rewards people who have skill and screws over people who either hate pvp or arent good at it. So if you want ANY of the new stuff in season 8 you're out of luck. No new ship trinkets, no new curses for you. You cant have ANY of the new content cause you're not good at the game. There isnt even an alternative for the pve players (like me cause I can somehow beat a skellie fleet on my own but cant beat a single solo slooper) so there is no hope.

    The game was fun while it lasted. But unless they change some things so you're not forced to do the worst pvp in gaming history just to get any new stuff i'm quitting the game.

    Season 8 is the WORST!

  • @scott100000000 I agree completely this is one of the worse updates I've ever seen them put out. it feels like they are cashing out. put this out have streamers have good clips sell a couple more games but when people realize how broken it is functionally they will leave. it leaves most players out in the cold.

  • @smoque-ouid said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @scott100000000 I agree completely this is one of the worse updates I've ever seen them put out. it feels like they are cashing out. put this out have streamers have good clips sell a couple more games but when people realize how broken it is functionally they will leave. it leaves most players out in the cold.

    Yeah I figured the mode is going to be left dead because of well....everything.

  • @smoque-ouid said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @scott100000000 I agree completely this is one of the worse updates I've ever seen them put out. it feels like they are cashing out. put this out have streamers have good clips sell a couple more games but when people realize how broken it is functionally they will leave. it leaves most players out in the cold.

    "cashing out"? if anything this is an investment in longevity that the game hasn't seen for quite some time, combined with milestones and existing content it sets up new players for a long time.

    It definitely caters to content creators but that doesn't mean the effects can't/won't be positive for the environment,

    Pve isn't bad right now, if people are more into adventures and general pveing the servers aren't as overrun with hopping and coordinated pvp against the pve targets. This is a good time for those people.

    It's not super active out there but there are signs of some newer players and fresh activity. People are hitting some of the tall tales, some sea forts.

    I've had some interesting encounters with people involved in the new content while outside of the content.

    The new content itself has quite a bit of rewards for those that do want to participate.

    Seasonal rewards have maintained high quality, plunderpass pays for itself this season

    Having been around the game for a long time I dunno how this could be called one of the worst updates or even a bad one, lives up to its potential? remains to be seen but it isn't causing any new harm

    It's a solid opportunity for people to work on a lot of their commendations and just generally hang out while a lot of the attention is on the new content.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @smoque-ouid said in Season 8 Disappointment:

    @scott100000000 I agree completely this is one of the worse updates I've ever seen them put out. it feels like they are cashing out. put this out have streamers have good clips sell a couple more games but when people realize how broken it is functionally they will leave. it leaves most players out in the cold.

    "cashing out"? if anything this is an investment in longevity that the game hasn't seen for quite some time, combined with milestones and existing content it sets up new players for a long time.

    It definitely caters to content creators but that doesn't mean the effects can't/won't be positive for the environment,

    Pve isn't bad right now, if people are more into adventures and general pveing the servers aren't as overrun with hopping and coordinated pvp against the pve targets. This is a good time for those people.

    It's not super active out there but there are signs of some newer players and fresh activity. People are hitting some of the tall tales, some sea forts.

    I've had some interesting encounters with people involved in the new content while outside of the content.

    The new content itself has quite a bit of rewards for those that do want to participate.

    Seasonal rewards have maintained high quality, plunderpass pays for itself this season

    Having been around the game for a long time I dunno how this could be called one of the worst updates or even a bad one, lives up to its potential? remains to be seen but it isn't causing any new harm

    It's a solid opportunity for people to work on a lot of their commendations and just generally hang out while a lot of the attention is on the new content.

    Yet you forget something. What if people like say me want the new season 8 content? What choice do we have but to participate? We're being FORCED to play something we hate! Encourage players to play more pvp? More like encouraging us to hate it more and want nothing to do with it but what choice do we have if we want the new curses or ship decor?

    We're screwed. I have a total of 27 losses last night and tonight! 19 losses yesterday and some losses today. I only got one win. Every fight literally lasts three minutes. I would know cause I recorded footage for a youtube video and every fight was three minutes. We start, hits me with a few cannonballs, either boards or kills me and I end up having to scuttle or I sink. But mostly scuttle cause why delay the inevitable? They're spawncamping, they're on my ship. I have thousands of holes and lost my mast. It's an impossible to win scenario.

    I am NOT having fun!!!!!

  • @scott100000000 wolfmanbush does nothing but be contrary on every single thread he's in he really doesn't care about the game he just cares about spreading his pseudo intellectual mess all over the forum so he can boost his ego and feel a false sense of superiority. he doesn't care that there's actual problems because they current state of the game serves him and his desires and that is all he cares about.

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