Captaincy - Brig - Lost all saved customizations

  • Sorry if I should have searched the forums... not everyone has that time. I have had all my ship customizations that I saved using gold, twice now. The first time, I thought maybe I had done something wrong. This time, it loaded me in partially, without trinkets and decorations, either. No name on the ship, but in the log it was named. Will we eventually get reimbursed the gold or should I give it up until this is resolved?

  • 5
  • Yeah, don't save anything for now. Also, welcome to the gang !

  • Thanks, I have been around since the beginning of time. I don't frequent the forums, much. Probably why nobody knows me. lol.. I'm one of those people who only talk when there's a problem. Which is not a good thing, but I plan to change it.

  • Chances are you won't be getting any gold back. Trust me I would have liked this to be working by now but alas we must be patient. Devs are aware give them time.

  • Mine is stuffed as well this week so you are not alone

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