looking for a crew, with good experience, i really love SoT but no one to play with it

  • i've reached a good point in the game but the most of the time i've played alone or with the drama of the 'open crew' so i hope i could find a good crew to enjoy the game

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  • Hey there! I´m not an experienced player in this game but i would like to sail with you!

  • hey there!

    I was looking to join a somewhat dedicated group. My other friends have kinda bailed on the game, but I'd love to get back into it. I am in my mid 30s and was looking to play on a semi regular basis like maybe once a week or once every 2 weeks. I am pretty open in terms of schedule as well. I'd love to get the chance to join your crew if you're willing to have me. Please let me know. I am a PC player and my tag is Snapp1eApp1e17

  • I don't have a mic, however, but add me! My GT is the same as my forum username.

  • Hey there,
    I have been looking to join a crew for a while now but always did it through ‘open crew’. And well, we all know how that goes. I love playing this game but on my own it’s not that fun imo.
    So i would love to play with you guys and just hang out and see what the sea will bring us!

    Deck swabber viralroom

  • @snapp1eapp1e17

    I've been looking for something similar. Mid 30's and I play a few evenings a week after work. PC as well. Add me. SwampFox6299

  • @obeisantbanjo53 Find players on Xbox looking for Group or Discord Sea of Thieves Servers. There are hundreds of posts all day/night to join players

  • @snapp1eapp1e17 Hello Im kinda of in the same boat and im trying to creat a server to play sot with so far its not as i want as not much people want to play so if u intrested to play sot on regular basis im game mostly in weekend tho but since im sick home for a bit im avaible trough out the week for now.

  • @obeisantbanjo53 im game u still searching? kinda in the same boat

  • Always looking for a crew if interested. Own all three ships, play daily, and recently back to streaming as well. Hit me up anytime a slot is open. LBZER

  • Hey, feel the same way, would like to find some crew as well, if you are still looking I am down to play, I mostly prefer the role of bilge or cannon. I play mostly around 6 PM GMT/UTC+0.

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