Server Merging

  • A single ship needs to be allowed to stay in a server for a minute or 2 before merging with another one. Just got off the game cause its late and cause we sunk because the game merged us 2 times in under 30 minutes.. We were in devils roar and the first one was alright but the 2nd one put us in a server with a reapers 5 that was also in devils road and they were less than 3 islands away.. I'm completely fine with PvP if I have to but in this case being order grade 5 with about 200k worth of loot on our boat being lost because we server merged is really annoying and makes me question more on why I or anyone else even play this game especially when arena is out of the game so no life's with like 100 days played sink me even tho they don't need the money it makes the game look worse and worse to players.. I may just be ranting now but I'm speaking facts.

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  • @bungiemaster so you are complaining because you got merged? Is that right? Or because you got merged near a reaper? You still can run or what's the problem here?

  • So, you're complaining because you made the mistake of not turning in often enough? Here's my advice: if you're sailing long enough for a server merge to happen, without turning in, much less 2 of them, then that means you're taking too long!

    I sailed with an open brig crew yesterday for about an hour. We eventually got merged, checked the map, and saw a Reaper 5. We immediately beelined it towards the nearest outpost where we used the Sovereigns to quickly turn in, lowered our emmisary flag, and then called it a day.

    Be prepared for anything!

  • You where flying a grade 5 emissary flag and carrying 200K yet you still manage to call the reapers that sunk you no lifers, come on man they're just playing the game.

    That merge sounds like it sucked a bit but you know to check the map after a merge AND to sell more often if you're afraid of losing stuff.

  • Okay, just my opinion, I don't have 100 days played, but I've so much gold I don't really know what to do with it. 200k worth of loot is really nothing in the grand scheme of things. Just play the game and have fun! Some days you win and others you don't 😁 Oh, and before someone mentions it, I really don't like the Dark Adventure's Ship Set. The sail shape is cool, but the design is yuck. So I still have a ton of gold.

  • If they're a reaper in the roar, unless they've chased someone out there they're likely not great or a massive threat. Granted I'm assuming you were also out in the roar hoping for pve simulator. Unlucky on the distance, I've had worse though with ships near enough spawning into me.

    Most of this is a pointless rant but I'd say there should be minimum distance to nearest ship when merged, 3 islands over doesn't sound too bad though

  • Sometimes you merge into a server. Sometimes others merge into your server.

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