Solo Pirate and A Crew

  • What if you want solo with Galleon when all of your friend is busy?

    Being solo in Galleon's ship is the most difficult thing to play (for some player or also pro player too). But how if player can recruit an NPC to help repairing a ship when get damaged, use cannon to help attack a ship, guard your ship when you went to the island and ring a bell if other player approach. This NPC look like a skull crew or even captain. They can be recruited by collecting a skull head and bring them to Order of Souls then pay some gold for rise them from death. Unlike player, if they defeated, they cannot spawn at ship. Player should retrieve new skull head to recruit new crew for them. Also, their accuracy is low same as other enemy NPC and slow at repairing ship. But, as long they stay at ship, they can grow, gain more HP and strength to fight.

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  • Being solo in Galleon's ship is the most difficult thing to play

    Yes..because it meant for 4 pirates.

    But how if player can recruit an NPC to help repairing a ship when get damaged, use cannon to help attack a ship, guard your ship when you went to the island and ring a bell if other player approach.

    Then all Galleons will be full of these solo/Npc filled ships...wont be fun and just annoying.

  • It's not annoying too much and still easy defeated with long range battle. It can easy defeated too if you have 4 player on board. Also, the recruited skull cannot spawn like Skelly Ship

  • Not only Galleon, player can recruit skull crew for Sloop (max recruit : 1 Skull Crew) and Brigantine (max recruit : 2 Skull Crew). Galleon (max recruit : 3 Skull Crew). They won't be annoying for other player, but annoying for player who need Skull Crew (since if they defeated, player need retrieve new Skull Head).

    But if there is two player or more on board. They cannot recruit Skull Crew (because its available for Solo and Lonely Player)

  • Do not want.

    Galleons need real live crews. Wanna solo. Do so. Need Help? Open crew or lfg.

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