Progressing your own vessel when you are on someone elses captained ship.

    • My reason for writing this post:
      I decided to make this post because i haven’t seen it come up since the latest change to the milestone system (for me this proved that Rare actually listens to player feedback), that affected the numerical requirements for unlocking milestones, of which i was overall happy with. In this post i would like to see what the community thinks about the way unlocking ship milestones work, their experiences with the update so far, and what change they would propose if any.

    • My opinion of ship milestones:
      Even when season 7 launched my main concern has been with the way your owned ships milestones work. The way the current system works is if you are a captain on your captained ship you will be earning progression towards your ships milestones and your pirate milestones, but the rest of the crew will only be able to earn progression toward their pirate milestone.

    Although i have to say it does make sense that you would be earning progression for the ship you are currently aboard, but this would still exclude the rest of the crew from earning those milestones and the rewards associated with them until they were able to do those same activities on their own ship. For a galleon crew as example this would mean 3 out of 4 people would not get any progression for the activities they partake in during a game session which, in my opinion is not fair for the crewmembers.

    • My experience with the update so far:
      Since season 7 was released i only played once, partly because the people i wanted to play with were unavailable during the time i could play. Normally when that happens i would look for crews over on discord but since season 7 i just automatically assumed that everyone advertising would want to progress their own ship, and i felt unmotivated to try to join crews, because even in the past, sometimes it felt really difficult to find crewmembers for the same activity.

    The time when i actually got to play i was a crewmember on my friend’s sloop and i couldn’t help but feel that i was missing out on progress on my own ship (maybe that makes me a jealous person). What makes this worse for me is that i initially went with the attitude that i wasn’t going to care about ship milestones, but i kept on getting reminded by the notifications that we received when my friend’s sloop reached certain milestones.

    • My proposed solution:
      If you are on a captained ship that you aren’t the captain of, you would still receive progression for that ship type if you also own one, and if you own multiple of that type you would have to choose which one of your vessels you would want the progression recorded to at the shipwright, this process could have a cost of either doubloon or gold cost assigned to it similar how the letters of recommendations work but instead of being able to purchase one level each month you could bribe the shipwright to record your deeds, that you achieved on someone else’s captained ship to your own and it would also provide another way to spend your gold/doubloons if you wish to (but i also wouldn’t mind if it were free of charge).

    Well that's basically my standing on the current system for ship milestones.

    Thank you for reading and have a lovely day.

    Best regards


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  • The idea around being “captain” is you earn stuff for being….A captain. Not a guest on someone else’s captain ship

    That isn’t fun. That more lazy to speed things along and earn stuff your ship didn’t do.

    Your ship is an avatar of yourself. What you do with your vessel shows it own adventure and journey. Of course you can show off your rewards on friend ships.

  • I feel like people either don't understand or can't accept that these milestones are super long term with YEARS of progression in mind. You don't need to get them completed by the time Season 8 starts.

    When you're the Captain on your ship, your ship gets progression. When you're a crewmate on someone else's Captained ship, you get your individual pirate milestones.

    It's super simple.

    The things I do on my crewmate's ship aren't the story of my ship. Only what I/we do on my ship is the story of my ship.

    Your pirate milestones and rewards tell the story of what you did and you can apply those trinkets to your ship or your Captain's ship...if they allow it.

  • @burnbacon said in Progressing your own vessel when you are on someone elses captained ship.:

    The idea around being “captain” is you earn stuff for being….A captain. Not a guest on someone else’s captain ship

    That isn’t fun. That more lazy to speed things along and earn stuff your ship didn’t do.

    Your ship is an avatar of yourself. What you do with your vessel shows it own adventure and journey. Of course you can show off your rewards on friend ships.

    I have to agree, but currently there is no actual benefit for beeing a crewmember for a captained ship milestone vise, no milestones and no cosmetic rewards for being a dedicated crewmember, it would be nice if there were things that only crewmember could unlock so there was an incentive to do so. What im looking for is a way to either let everyone unlock everything, or making being a crewmember more appealing in a way. I realize i didnt communicate this in any way whatsoever in my orignal post and im sorry for that, and if you have any suggestion on this topic i would love to hear it

    @sweetsandman said in Progressing your own vessel when you are on someone elses captained ship.:

    I feel like people either don't understand or can't accept that these milestones are super long term with YEARS of progression in mind. You don't need to get them completed by the time Season 8 starts.

    When you're the Captain on your ship, your ship gets progression. When you're a crewmate on someone else's Captained ship, you get your individual pirate milestones.

    It's super simple.

    The things I do on my crewmate's ship aren't the story of my ship. Only what I/we do on my ship is the story of my ship.

    Your pirate milestones and rewards tell the story of what you did and you can apply those trinkets to your ship or your Captain's ship...if they allow it.

    I actually don't mind the grindiness, they can make it 10 times grindier if they want to, my only sorrow is that currently if you are a crewmember you are basically locked out of a progression for which there is no substitute that you could progress in. Also i would like to note that i haven't seen a hard cap ( apart from the assumed 15 ship cap that is based on the achievement) for ships you can own, so as long as you can level up each one of your vessels to legendary you could have a ship for each ship set in game and more, its very much possible that im wrong and there is a cap but i haven't seen anyone reach it yet, you can correct me if im wrong and if you have any suggestions about the topic that would benefit everyone involved i would be more than happy to read it.

    I also want to thank both of you for taking the time to comment on this post because as you can see this is really important to me, the update has been out for more than a week now and i just cant get the motivation to play as it is, at this point any change that would make things more meaningful would be welcome for me.

  • @lunarweave regarding the first bit...I think that's correct. 15x total ownable ships. Each of them can be taken to legendary status (and beyond?).

    Regarding the second bit, I'm not sure why you would want your ship to receive milestone progression that it did not achieve.

    If you don't mind the grind (and want to see it 10 times grindier), then surely repeating things on your ship isn't an issue.

    As long as the ship you are on is an owned Captained ship, you're always going to be making pirate milestone progression. But for your ship to progress its milestones, you'll need to have it be on the water with you as the captain. I'm not sure why players want it any other way (aside from alliance server players...tough cookies).

  • @sweetsandman said in Progressing your own vessel when you are on someone elses captained ship.:

    @lunarweave regarding the first bit...I think that's correct. 15x total ownable ships. Each of them can be taken to legendary status (and beyond?).

    Regarding the second bit, I'm not sure why you would want your ship to receive milestone progression that it did not achieve.

    If you don't mind the grind (and want to see it 10 times grindier), then surely repeating things on your ship isn't an issue.

    As long as the ship you are on is an owned Captained ship, you're always going to be making pirate milestone progression. But for your ship to progress its milestones, you'll need to have it be on the water with you as the captain. I'm not sure why players want it any other way (aside from alliance server players...tough cookies).

    I don't mind the grindiness, assembling a crew for it seems difficult though since the way it is now anybody apart from the captain is locked out of a progression system namely the ship progression, i understand your point that its meant to be that way, but i feel that with a progression system that you could only progress in as a crewmember could be beneficial with their own cosmetic rewards to show for it.

  • I agree that it has gotten a lot less interesting to join someone elses ship, and I feel where there was a lot of LookingToJoin in the adventure LFC discord, now it has become more LookingForCrew. I havent done any actual research, but it makes sense that people would want to achieve progression on their own ship rather than on some random other players ship.

    So my idea is the following:

    • Especially for crews who play together alot, you could co-own ships.
    • For a sloop there could be 2 owners, for a brig 3 max and for a Galleon 4 max.
    • The rights to discard or change the name of the ship would still be in the initial buyers name.
    • The "secondary owners" would have to chip in some gold for the co-owners title and the ship would pop up in their fleet.
    • Any owner can sail with the ship as long as another owner is not sailing with it
    • Changes of ownership could be done by fair votes, or decided by the captain (initial owner) as is the pirate way we have seen in sea of thieves game and lore.
    • Repair costs comes from all owners pockets who played that session, as is the pirate way too. (the profits would be divided after repairing and restocking the ship)

    This would incentivize people playing together for longer periods as you can have a goal of mulitple weeks with your co-owners to maximize a ship.
    It would not be easier to level ships, as people already fill out their ships with a crew (who now dont get anything for it, demotivating)

    The only downside is that one owner could profit off the efforts of other owners, but if that happens, the other owners could vote a new owner in.
    There could be a timecap where you have to be on the ship for an amount of time to hold on to your right of owner.
    If you dont spend the time required on the ship, your position would be eligible for a new owner to be voted in.
    Off course, this could be exploited, but you would need to convince alot of people to do it for you.

    To me this change would make sailing on another captains ship (co-owner) a lot of fun.
    It would add a sense of dedication and loyalty to your pirate crew which i personally think is a great motivator to play this game even more, and maybe even battle it out in a new ledger for best Pirate-Crew-Owned-Ship.

    Let me know what you guys think!

  • @lunarweave pirate milestones unlock ship decorations and trophies so your crew can earn all those things even if they are on your ship. Ship milestones will unlock banners and titles for your ship, not much else. The Pirate Milestones are the way to give players progression when they’re on another person’s captained ship.

  • It feels like the majority of people that would be bothered by this are people playing on these 24h alliance servers.

    There is little to unlock in relation to being a captain. However, if a captain gets off for the evening on one of these alliance servers, then that’s a ship where the whole crew also won’t earn pirate milestones.

    As I mentioned before, there is very little to unlock as a captain. So I’m happy the way it is. If Rare has done this deliberately to stop the alliances “cheesing”, then it’s actually very cleverly and subtlety done.

  • @drbullhammer thanks for pointing that out i just checked it and it turns out im just blind, i swear to god i didnt see the pirate milestone text

    In my defense though, when i go to my ships milestones it just brings up the milestones so i think thats why i confused it

    im sorry i wasted everyone's time, i really thought you could only earn livery if you are the captain, and i missed out on a weeks worth of playing, but i guess its not all bad, i managed to finish these guys

    i gave up on posting the images directly on the post ill just have the links

  • @lunarweave said in Progressing your own vessel when you are on someone elses captained ship.:

    @drbullhammer thanks for pointing that out i just checked it and it turns out im just blind, i swear to god i didnt see the pirate milestone

    In my defense though, when i go to my ships milestones it just brings up the milestones so i think thats why i confused it

    im sorry i wasted everyone's time, i really thought you could only earn livery if you are the captain, and i missed out on a weeks worth of playing, but i guess its not all bad, i managed to finish these guys:

    my internet doesnt seem to be functioning porperly, ill fix this when its better

    It's not a waste of time. Lots of people don't fully understand the Pirate versus Ship milestones system. This thread will be very useful in educating anyone who reads it. Even if you had it wrong initially, lots of other people do too. You're not wrong that fewer people are playing in crews, so getting the information that playing on a crew will earn you the majority of the cosmetics (and faster than playing solo) is good information to get out there.

    Spread the word. No crew members left behind!

  • The system seems off to me. I havent looked into it 100% but from what I gather your ship level only unlocks a new book cover, ship banner icon and ship crest? these unlocks are also ship specific so if you unlock it on your 1st sloop you wont be able to equip those cosmetics on your other ships.. Not sure what the purpose of this is. I guess for roleplayers if they want to save multiple ship load outs but for me 1 of each is enough. So basically thats all youre missing out on by playing with others is ship crests and a log book cover. Kinda feel like the ship milestones needed something more to them but I guess having it so minimal was to help with people not wanting to play with each other? They did a REALLY bad job communicating this info to the players though. Like you have to look up milestone videos on youtube just try and understand it and even then its hard to wrap your head around why they made it so overly complicated. Keep It Simple... was what I was always told in my youth when I tried to think about stuff in a complicated way

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